AN: Here's another chapter for everybody, again I'm soooo sorry on the lack of updating. I've got the rest of the story mostly worked out and practically written. Just let me know what you think in the reviews. Oh, and as a warning, this chapter, not for Belle lovers. - Lys

Chapter 13

EJ was shocked into silence by her statements. He couldn't comprehend what he was hearing this petite firecracker spew at him with utter loathing in her eyes. Before he could respond with his own hateful retort, he noticed Mimi suddenly stiffen. He turned to look at whatever her eyes were glued to behind him. He saw Belle and Shawn exiting the Brady Pub and turned to see Mimi trying to find an inconspicuous escape route through Salem Place. Unfortunately, they were standing in front of Salem's largest dress shop holding several bags from other stores and their previous hushed arguing had drawn the attention of onlookers. Before either had a chance to do or say anything more, Belle and Shawn had spotted them. The look of shock on Shawn's face was only outweighed by the mask of disgust on Belle's. EJ tried to shepherd Mimi and the bags away, but before he knew it, the petite and properly pissed blonde had made her way over to them with her lackluster husband in tow.

Belle stomped to a stop in front of Mimi, having passed EJ with a quick glance of disdain. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Mimi had been looking down, trying to disappear into the Salem Place's stonework, but Belle's tone apparently awoke a defense mechanism deep within her. Looking up, she cocked her head sharply and replied with an attitudinal, "Ex-cuse me?"

Not to be deterred, Belle planted herself less than a foot from Mimi and said, "You heard me. What the hell are you doing here, Mimi?"

EJ looked on as Mimi gave Belle the frostiest glare she could muster and calmly replied, "I'm shopping. What does it look like?"

Belle glanced at EJ and wrinkling her nose, said, "It looks like you're playing to your only remaining audience, the Dimeras."

Mimi nodded her head smugly. "You would say that, Belle. After all, 'Manipulate Males' is your personal motto. Some of us have a little more self-respect than that, though."

Nearly snorting in amusement, Belle laughingly said, "Ha! You don't know the meaning of the word 'self-respect', Mimi. What fast one are you and your Mommy Dearest trying to pull over now? Sami's twins weren't EJ's, so maybe now you're offering up your defective eggs to the Dimera agenda. I can only imagine a dozen more possibilities for you being back in Salem, none of them good."

Hearing his name, EJ decided to step back into the conversation and mercifully save Belle from what would very shortly be the end of Mimi's patience with her ex-best friend.

"Well, Belle, my father and I hadn't thought of that particular scenario, but now that you mention it, it may not be such a bad idea. After all, as long as no child of mine ever claims you as its mother, I'll die a very happy man indeed. How long was it before Shawn knew Claire was his? A year, two years? You must have had your work cut out for you on that one. Then again, you Brady women are resourceful in the lying department. I can't say I blame you, though. It must have killed you to see Shawn D. so happy to be having a baby with Mimi. Apparently, there is life after a Brady bitch. Too bad he fell back into that minefield in the end. I'll be sure not to make the same mistake. You two have a wonderful day now. Miriam." Gathering up the bags, he offered an astonished Mimi his arm and led her away from a speechless Belle and her sulking husband.

Once they were a considerable distance away from the miserable couple and on their way to Chez Rouge for dinner, EJ turned to Mimi and placed his hand gently on her shoulder.

"I know we will likely continue to fight every now and then, but above all else, I will help you get your son."

Having not expected such a declaration, Mimi paused, then asked, "Why such a change in heart? Surely, you don't pity me just because of that little altercation back there?"

EJ chuckled, then in all seriousness said, "Little isn't quite the world I'd use to describe it. Never mind that, though. Any man stupid enough to believe that witch worth the trouble she brews is clearly not stable enough to be any kind of father to your son. Phillip won't know what's hit him when we're done."