Disclaimer: I have never owned, and never will. A bit of spoilers, to those ppl who never read the fifth book and is waiting for the fifth movie to come out.
I threw my quill down onto my desk tiredly and sat back in my chair, cracking my knuckles. I couldn't stop thinking about how I, Hermione Granger, was twenty one and boyfriendless. Of course, I was never one for dating in my Hogwarts days, except for Krum and Ron, but those two were history. Last I heard, each of them were engaged to somebody else.
Sighing, I glanced up out of my window of my flat in Diagon Alley to see a dark but cloudless night. There was no moon this night (lucky for Remus), but the stars shone more brightly than ever ever since Voldemort's fall. Harry had managed to settle down and was now dating steadily with Luna. I guess I can understand that. She's perfect for him: she was unusual, yet her presence was always comforting to Harry (A/N read the end of OotP when Harry meets up with Luna after Sirius died. This is where I'm getting it from, so dont throw tomatoes at me!), so I'm happy for them. Ginny got over Harry, and was now a player, dating guy to guy at pubs, dance clubs... She wasn't just a player, she was also a two-timer, user, byotch, etc. I don't really like her anymore. But I'm still happy for her happy life. The only person I wasn't happy for, was MYSELF.
I was broken out of my thoughts by a tap on my window. Jumping, I beamed when I saw it was a snowy white owl with a letter attached to her leg.
"Hedwig!" I grinned and unrolled the letter to see my two best friends' handwriting. I read it outloud, petting the owl who hooted and nipped my fingers.c
Dear Hermione,
Hey! It's Ron and I. We've missed you so much!
Yep! We were wondering if you would like to come and visit the Burrow? I know that I don't live there anymore, and I share a flat with Harry, but I'm inviting you.
Apparently, there's gonna be a reunion. Everyone's gonna be there, and there's gonna be a party!
Bill and Charlie are even taking a break and coming home from Egypt and Romania for this! They said that the pyramids and dragons can wait, or whatever. Personally, I think that Charlie's just coming home for a girlfriend.
I wish I lived somewhere exotic and clean...unlike where I am now.
Hey! What's wrong with living with me?
Nothing, except that you never pick up after yourself! I think several of your dirty, sweaty, not to mention SMELLY socks are behind my pillow. I don't have enough Gryffindor courage to lift my pillow up and take a look!
Uh, Harry? I don't OWN socks...they must be yours. And you can always just levitate the pillow.
You don't OWN socks? Okay...you're weird. So basically you're barefoot in your shoes all the time, walking around like a n- HEY! Do NOT hit me with a pillow! Especially the pillow with the socks!
Shut up. So can you come, Hermione? Reply, and be there by Monday at seven!
Harry and Ron
I smiled. Those two were so typical. It was good to see them act like this, though. The war had tired and depressed us all. It was good to put it all behind us.
"Sorry, girl," I said sweetly to Hedwig, patting her head while she drank some water from the bowl I conjured up. "I'd write a reply back, but my fingers are so blistered from work from the Ministry." I held out both of my hands, and indeed, my fingers were stiff, red and yellow blisters were all over. Hedwig gave a hoot and nipped my fingers again, before pointing with her beak to the wand which I had placed on my desk. "Right." Bloody owl is smart.
I picked it up slowly, and then charmed my quill so write down whatever I say. "Ok, here goes." I started talking, and the quill started scribbling.
After I finished, I was completely exhausted. I had no time to reverse the charm I had put on my quill. Hedwig hooted, and took my response in her beak since I was unable to tie it to her leg. I paid her no heed after, dropping my head onto my desk, my thoughts shot directly on the subject it was on before Hedwig interrupted.
"I wish I had a guy," I muttered into the oak desk beneath me. "Who was smart, but in an arrogantly sort of way. Cheeky, yet sincere, not too sensitive...nice and fun...maybe tanned to show how active he is in the sun outside...strong, to show that he cares about physical health or something stupid like that, that only I can like..."
I think I must have drifted off to sleep a bit, my arms making a comfortable pillow for my head on my desk. Ha! Pillows...I had to admit that it was very improbable for Ron not to have any socks, but he would probably lose them on the trip from the store to his home, so it might be possilbe he never wore any. Is this why he's scared of spiders? Because they might get into his shoes, and he would feel them because he didn't have any socks on him?
I snorted at this ridiculous idea. Where did THAT come from? Finally, when it seemed I had enough energy, I sat up groggily from my desk. "Morning Hedwig," I yawned. My candle was out, and the sun was peaking out from the horizon from the window. Was I asleep for that long? "Wait, Hedwig? What are you still doing here?"
Indeed, the snowy owl was perched upon my window ledge with the letter I addressed "Harry and Ron" sitting at her feet still. "Hedwig..." I didn't want to resort to being mean to force her away.
Then it came to my attention that my quill, which I had charmed to write down everything I say, was still moving, and was scribbling something onto a piece of parchement. "Oh! I forgot that." I picked up my wand and waved it, making the quill fall smoothly down onto my desk, not moving. I peered at the parchment. I must have been muttering in my sleep, because there was about a foot long of words and drabbles. "I must be a heavy sleeper."
Looking closer, I realised that it started when I said, "I wish I had a guy." Then when I fell asleep, it appeared that I continued to describe the perfect guy for me. " 'Not afraid of making mistakes, and when mistakes are made, he'll do whatever he can to fix it?' 'Sense of humour, both when talking and when doing something' 'My Prince Charming'?? What is this? Do I really like this sort of person," I read to myself. "Must be. Because, afterall, this is my subconsciousness." And afterall, subconsciousness knows best.
Suddenly, Hedwig hooted and flapped her wings, flying at my hands. "Ow!" She bit my fingers, making me dropped the sheet of parchment. I shrieked and fell out of my chair as she lunged for the parchment. "Hedwig, give me that back!" I yelled desperately, panicking. That piece of parchment held my most inner deep thoughts, thoughts which even I never knew about! I got up and raced around my bedroom after the owl trying to grab her, who hooted and knocked over a few things on the shelves. It was like Hedwig was enjoying this! A couple feathers molted and flew everywhere, creating a mess.
"No!" I nearly screamed. I jumped for the bird when she was close to the window, but missed and fell flat on my face. Hedwig flew to the window gracefully, giving me a mocking hoot. She swooped up my letter to Harry and Ron on her way out with her talons.
Running to the window, I looked out after the owl who was flying magnificently out into the horizon, where the sun was blazing with a new sort of fire. I sighed, and realised that I was doomed. If she gave the letter to Harry or Ron, they'd never let it down.
"Great. I didn't even shower yet or have breakfast and my day's already starting to be a total bomb," I said to myself as I pulled out my wand to clean up the mess Hedwig had made. I was in for it.
A/N Okay, this is the intro. So now I need help. Yep. First of all, PLEASE REVIEW.