Zapp is back, and Kif to!

By: Native Boy

Chapter 1: The Plan

Zapp was sitting in his chair of his ship looking at the TV screen. He was watching Leela and Fry walking down the street of planet Earth. "Kif, what don't i have that Fry has?"

"A since of respect, wait Fry doesn't have that either(sigh)"

" hm maybe if I act like Fry, Leela will kick Fry to the side and date me!"

"What ever pleases you Sir..."

Leela and Fry were walking down the street when Fry said "Hey Leela why are we here?"

"Fry don't you remeber, we need new parts for the ship!"

"Then why are we in a shoe store?"

"Because I need a few upgrades to you know, my shoes are ruined ever since the last mission."

"ugh! don't bring that up Leela..."

There last mission was pizza delivery for the planet of OZZ. Well any way Fry and Leela finished shopping for shoes and went back to the house. Now back at Zapp's ship. "This is great, as soon as Fry leaves alone I'll go and grabb him then Kif can beat him up for ok Kif!"

"(Sigh)whatever jack ass"

"One day Kif you'll learn from me."

" Learn what Sir?"

" Well I don't know Kif stop asking questions and just go with it ok!"


Back with Fry and Leela, "hey Fry, got a beer?" said Bender.

"No, why don't you just get one your self!"

"What was that!"


"That's what I thought,idiot."

"Jack ass."


"oh I was talking to the TV."

"oh ok...wait a minute the TV isn't even on, get over her so I can rip your arm off!"


"Stop it you to!, we have another mission to do." said Leela

The Profesher said "ok everyone with need to deliver a package to Zapp B. crew there in need of some...uh...Fish i belive. Leela just glared her eye's and new this was a set up. "So we're delivering it right now...well that's what the note...well anyway off you guys go"

So they all got into the ship and were off to Zapp B.'s ship. What will happen next...find out next time!