After a long day of classes, avoiding the bullies and jocks, and trying to avoid Eunice and her rancid kisses, all Jimmy Hopkins wanted to do was sleep. He was exhausted as he pushed through the double doors, not even bothering to sit in the common room and catch a bit of TV. He simply headed to his room, closing the door behind him.

It was Halloween tonight, and frankly he didn't care. It had been forever since he was a kid, out trick-or-treating, and pulling pranks was not half as fun when there wasn't your step-dad's car ripe for the egging outside. Besides, the last thing he needed was to get in trouble with Principal Crabblesnitch again. The prefects had already caught him twice defending himself, once against the Jocks and once when he had stumbled into Greaser territory.

Lights shown outside through the blinds, the sound of kids laughing catching his ear. A firecracker exploded outside, and his dark room lit up for a second.

There was someone on his bed.

Jimmy drew back like a snake had bitten him, licking his lips nervously. Whoever it was, they had been in a very calm and easy-going position. Careless.

"Trent?" He asked tentatively. He had told the Bully not to come to him until after 11, but he could have forgot. Truthfully, his boyfriend wasn't very bright.

The laugh echoed back his answer. The man turned on the lamp from the bed. Jimmy's freckled face lost his color. "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy..." Gary said, tsking dramatically. "Are there certain someones visiting your bedroom at night? Waiting for you to come back, so you can do things in the dark-?"

"Look," Jimmy burst out, stepping forward suddenly, gritting his teeth. "I only said his stupid name because I thought- I thought he had broken into my room, and was going to try and rip me a new one." He was close to gnashing his teeth in Gary's scarred face. That powerful smirk made him feel vulnerable and inferior.

Gary's smile grew, cat-like. "Okay, Jimmy-boy..." He looked away, straightening his black Nazi hat. "I believe you," His words so venomously sweet; "Your costume's in your wardrobe. Put it on." He sneered. Jimmy nearly growled, stomping over to his wardrobe and opening it to find a skeleton costume. He looked over his back at Gary, who was watching him. Jimmy gave him a sour look, stepping into the wardrobe and closing the door behind him.

Gary swore quietly under his breath. Damn Hopkins... He had thought he would have been stupid enough to change in front of him. He had underestimated him- and his connections with the other cliques. Seems like the Bully's might get a sweet spot for ol' Jimmy boy if he didn't do something...

When he finally pushed the wardrobe open, stepping out in the macabre skeleton costume, Gary stood from the bed, his high boots clicking against the old wooden floor.

"Let's go, Jimmy. You know," He didn't bother to turn around when he spoke to him. "Before any of those bullies come."

Jimmy, predictably, did not walk behind Gary. He angrily pushed past him, stomping out of the dorm. The trademark sneer crossed his scarred face.


I know, technically, that Trent should not like Jimmy yet. But, it's because of his smooth moves that he gets all the boys. ;D

Bully fanfic. Halloween night, and Gary's waiting for Jimmy. Shonenai. wtf is wrong with me.