(Ok, there are 19 people. This will mainly revolve around Zoey. These characters I based off of real people with learning disabilities. There's T.J., Grant, Chuck, Al, Anastasia but everyone calls her Ana, Gabbie, Pete, Bri, David, Ashley, Brian, Bobby-Joe, Rick-James, Val, Randy, Maggie, Jessica, Fort Knox which isn't his real name but that's where he's from so we call him that, and Zoey.)
-Zoey's Point of View-
"And that concludes our tour of the Southern American History Museum class. Feel free to look around and go to the gift store." My teacher, Mrs. Rhodes said. We've been taking a tour of a boring museum of the South and all of us were sick of it and ready to kill the teacher if she even thought about telling us anymore lame historical facts.
"FINALLY! I thought that I would die of boredom!" Rick-James shouted out in joy and exhaust. He's the class clown out of our Junior class at Providence Private Academy. His 'pose' (a.k.a. the poor souls who he hangs out with against their will) includes Brian, David, Pete, and Grant.
"Yeah, 'bout time that we finished this dumb-ass tour." David said in annoyance. He's of Mexican decent, or at least he claims. Don't get in his way when he's kicking a soccer ball, you just might break a bone.
"Shut up both ya." Bri said. She's the one of the smart ones out of all of us insane people and the sanest. I was standing next to her and rolled my eyes at the guys as I replied with,
"Just look on the bright side you idiots, we got outta school. Or would you rather be taking Mr. Johnson's test right now?"
"Don't even bring that up Zoey. I got an 88 percent on his last test." Gabbie said as she stood behind me. Like me, she's from New Jersey forced to move to the hectic South. But that' about all we have in common.
"Only you, Val, and Bri would think that's a bad grade Gabbie." Al told her. He's pretty much the shortest guy in the grade. Don't tell him I told you this, but none of us are quite sure if he's gay or not. But I don't care; I went to New York City all the time when I lived up in New Jersey. Gay people are something that you see every day.
"Whatever. I don't know about ya'll, but I'm gonna look at the pirate section." Rick-James said as he just about dragged this 'pose' with him.
Those poor unfortunate souls.
"As much as I hate to admit it, the pirate section was pretty cool. Especially that haunted treasure chest. Like anyone believes in curses these days." I said. Ana, the girl who's into the Inuyasha manga and forgets her homework all the time, got a surprised look on her face as she gasped,
"Zoey's agreeing with Rick-James?! It's the end of the world! Run fo yo lives" Val, the girl who speaks her mind all the time, threw her hands in the air and started to shout out,
"SAVE ME MOMMY!" Maggie shouted as she curled up in a fetal position. She's the only one of us who's been here since third grade. Most people leave our school after a year.
"Guys, stop making a scene, people are starting to stare." Jessica said in a quiet voice. She's the new girl who's trying to get used to our craziness. It was at that time that Pete, a new guy who gets sugar high just by looking at sugar, came running towards our group and said in gasps,
"Guys...Rick-James...opened the...cursed treasure box...and now...there's this...big-ass hole. You gotta see this!"
"Lets see...stay here, mingle until we die of boredom, or go see a big black hole that came from a cursed treasure chest...TO THE BLACK HOLE!" Fort Knox said. We call him Fort Knox because that's where he's from. No one really knows his real name...
"Maybe it'll suck Zoey and Bri in!" T.J. said with excitement. No one really knows how he got that nickname or what his real name is. With his and Fort Knox's nicknames, we can drive the teachers insane.
"Shut up T.J." Ashley told him. She's not only new to the school and state, but she's also new to the U.S.A. because last year she and her family moved here from Canada. She's shy, but very nice.
"Can we just GO?!" Bobby-Joe asked. He's a truth boy of the South with legs that can kick a soccer ball hard enough ta knock you out and fast enough to finish a mile in under six minutes.
"I'm with him!" Randy declared. He used to go to our school two years ago. He left last year, but came back this year.
I am surrounded by weirdoes… With that, all fourteen of us ran to see the black hole.
"Holy shit..." Chuck said in amusement.
"You really weren't kidding Pete. That is one big-ass hole." Bobby-Joe said. I saw Rick-James putting his hand to the hole and I shouted,
"Are you nuts dude?! Do you know the possibilities of what could happen if you touch it?! Rule number one of black-holes-appearing-out-of-no-where-according-to-T.V: NEVER TOUCH THE HOLE!"
"Oh c'mon Zoey, what's the worst that could happen? The world being sucked into it?" Rick-James said
"YES!" We all shouted. He just rolled his eyes as he placed his hand on the hole. That's when the chaos started. The hole started to suck Rick-James in, but Brian grabbed Rick-James only to also start to be sucked in. I grabbed Brian, Ana grabbed me, Bri grabbed Ana, Randy grabbed her, and eventually everyone was trying to pull one another out of the hole with no effect. That's when we heard the big scary voice.
"Chosen ones, return to the world that the Pirate King called home!"
"IF WE DIE RICK-JAMES, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT AND MY PARENTS ARE SOOOO SUEING YOUR PARENTS!" I shouted. With that, we were all sucked in and the hole closed behind us.
I groaned and spat out a mouthful of sand. I heard Bobby-Joe say,
"Ok, who's not dead? Sound off people!" I heard many moans; one of them was my own.
"Where the hell are we?" Brian asked as he sat up. He's a shy guy of the South, but when he's talking, it's hard to get him to stop.
"SWEET! We're on a beach!" Gabbie shouted in joy.
"Nah, we're on a mountain that has sand and an ocean, OF COURSE WE'RE ON A FREAKIN' BEACH!" Grant said. He looks Mexican, but he's not. Don't get in the line of fire when he's throwing a baseball, you WILL be knocked out.
"We don't have time to get a tan, guys. We hafta find out if anyone else lives here." Val said as she stood up and started to take charge.
"Quit ruining the fun Val." T.J. said.
"Yeah Val, lets just hang." Rick-James said as he threw some sand at her. I walked over to him and slapped him upside the head.
"Shut up Rick-James! It's your fault that we're here in the first place! Now we're gonna do what Val says. GOT IT?!"
"Not really...OK I GOT IT!" Pete said in fear. When he disagreed, I shot him a glare.
"We're gonna pull through this...somehow."
"Personally, I think that Bri should be the leader," Val said. Bri got a scared look on her face and her right eye started to twitch.
"Why me?" she asked. Ashley put her hand on Bri's shoulder and said,
"Everyone, who is the most responsible and organized person in the grade that can be a great leader?" Everyone (except Pete, who shouted, 'ME!') immediately said at the same time,
"Exactly! She's the best choice for our leader."
"In that case, I dub thee Leader, Bri!" I said to her. She smiled and said,
"Um...ok then. We should probably stay together at all times. Chuck, do you have your pocket knife with you?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Swiss Army Knife with a smile and said,
"I never leave home without it,"
"How'd ya get it through the museum security?" Ashley asked with a raised eyebrow. Chuck got a shifty look in his eyes and replied with,
"That's for me to know and you to never find out,"
"I'd never thought I'd be glad ta have a guy like you in my grade, Chuck," I said.
"Gee, thanks Zoey, I feel so appreciated," He said in a sarcastic voice. It was then that T.J. ruined the happy moment.
"Why should we listen to you?" T.J. asked with a small glare aimed at Bri. Val appeared next to him and punched him in the arm.
"OW! Geez, Val, you're not a girl! You're a guy when you punch! Are you sure that you're a girl?"
"He really shouldn't have said that..." Maggie said in a low voice. Val shot a glare at T.J. that could make an axe-wielding murderer afraid. Before they could fight, Bri got between them and said,
"Guys, now is not the time ta fight. We need ta work together ta get home. You can fight when we get back,"
"Yeah, save the fighting for math class guys," Brian said.
"Whatever," T.J. said before he walked towards Pete.
"Ok, here's the plan: We'll go though the jungle and try ta find someone who can help us," Bri told us. Chuck then got where she was going.
"And you want ta use my knife ta mark the trees that we've passed...very smart,"
"What if we get separated?" Gabbie asked. I thought for a minute before I said,
"Maybe we should be in pairs, just in case. A loud person in each pair so they can shout if they get lost,"
"Good idea, Zoey. Ok guys, pair up with loud people," Everyone paired up, and I was fortunate enough to be paired with Gabbie. Poor Maggie, she was paired with Rick-James.
Ah…cruel fate and irony has paired up the loudest and the quietest.
"High-ho Silver...AWAY!" Pete shouted out as Bri led us into the jungle.
In that jungle, there were a bunch of plants and animals that I'd never seen before. I even saw a bird with a green beak and pink feathers.
"Wow, I've never seen a bird like that before," Grant said in amazement. It was then that a medium-sized rock hit Rick-James's head.
"OW! SON-OF-A-NIPPLE-TWISTER! Ok, who's the dead guy who did that?" He shouted out. We heard a little chatter and saw a monkey.
Smart monkey to know right away ta throw the rock at Rick-James. I'd do the same thing, only I don't wanna get sued when get home... The monkey sort of looked like a normal Spider Monkey, but its tail was twice as long as a normal one and it had dark green and brown fur to camouflage it into the trees. Pete's eyes widened when he saw the monkey and shouted out in joy,
"SPIDER MONKEY!" Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Pete loves Spider Monkeys?
"I'm gonna strangle that damn monkey!" Rick-James shouted out.
"Start the fire ya'll, 'cause we're havin' barbeque monkey tonight! Who's with me?" Bobby-Joe announced. Just about all the guys replied with a 'YEAH!' and started to throw rock at the monkey. It just easily dodged the rocks. Meanwhile, Pete was climbing up the tree.
"GOTCHA!" he yelled as he grabbed the monkey in his hands. The animal tried to wiggle out, but Pete got out some rope and made a leash for it.
"Good job, Pete! Now bring it down so we can eat it!" Al shouted up to him. Pete frantically shook his head 'no' and said,
"No! This is my Spider Monkey! I shall call him Chip and he shall be mine and he shall be my Chip,"
"Let it go guys. You know how he gets with Spider Monkeys," Ana sighed out.
"Yeah, but I've never seen him act like this before...Should we be afraid?" I asked. Brian simply answered me with,
"Yep," Pete came down with Chip, who was trying to escape.
"Hey guys! We found some fruit ta eat! we heard Chuck shout out. We rushed to his voice and saw him and Randy in front of a tree with low branches. Both of them were eating strange colored fruits that had swirls on them.
"Don't worry guys, the fruit's aren't gonna kill us. We saw a bird eat one a while ago and it didn't die," Randy told us. It was at that time that all of our stomachs growled.
"Well...It can't hurt to try," Bri said before everyone started to climb up and grab a fruit. I grabbed one that was purple with blue swirls that kinda looked like an apple. I took a bite of it, swallowed and made a grossed-out face.
"Ew...Chuck are ya tryin' ta...WHAT THE HELL?! VAL, YOU'RE HAIR IS ON FIRE!" It was true; her once long brown hair was up in flames.
"Huh?" Val said in confusion. "It doesn't feel like it's on fire..." She put her hands on her burning hair, but she didn't pull her hands away.
"You sure its on fire, Zoey? I don't feel it," It was then that we heard Al shout out,
"JESUS, MARY, JOESEPH, AND THE CAMEL, RICK-JAMES! YOU'RE MADE OF WATER!" I turned to look at Rick-James and saw that Al was right; His body was blue, see-through and looked like liquid. I walked up to him and started to poke him in his sides.
"Hey, this is fun!" I said abnormally loud. It was so loud in that just the sound waves broke down a tree.
"Great, now Zoey's louder than before, just what we need," David said sarcastically.
"Hey guys...I think something's wrong with me..." I heard Maggie say, but when I turned to look at her, all that was there were floating clothes. Bobby-Joe shouted out, "GYAH! Haunted clothing!" And with that, he sped off. But this time, he ran so fast, that he almost seemed invisible. When he came back he said,
"Hey ya'll, I just ran on water!" I then heard David say,
"Oh yeah, take a look at this!" I turned around only to see that David had a giant boulder in one arm above his head. The boulder could have easily been 2,000 pounds.
"That's nothing, look at this!" T.J. said. I looked at him to see that he had a mini rainstorm floating above his hand.
"Wow, a tiny storm, I'm so afraid," Brian said with sarcasm in his voice. It was then that Maggie snuck up behind him and scarred him by saying, 'boo!' The results? Razor-sharp bones came out of his body like projectiles, only to have the missing bones replaced in a second.
"Zoey! Take a look at this!" Gabbie shouted. I saw her close her eyes and watched her hair go from pink to purple and her skin gained a darker hue to it.
"Ok, so we got a liquidated class clown, an invisible girl, a girl with her hair on fire, a shape-shifting Northerner, a loud Northerner who just got even louder, a red-neck who can run on water, a Mexican with super strength, a midget who makes even tinier storms and I can shoot bones from my body...anyone else with freaky powers? If so speak now or forever hold your peace." Brian said. One by one, everyone else showed off their new powers.
Pete could move our shadows and then sucked a rock into the shadows. Grant shot webs from his fingertips and climbed on a tree like Spider-man. Chuck also shot knives from his hands. Al shot a laser beam from his eyes. Ana drew a picture of Inuyasha and he came to life, only to disappear 30 minutes later. Bri made a simple breeze and then made it into a tiny twister in her hands. Ashley moved a piece of the ground into the air. Randy turned his skin into metal. Jessica made some of the trees grow even taller. And Fort Knox made a rock get cut in half just by thinking about it.
"This is all your fault, Randy and Chuck! If you hadn't told us to eat those fruits, we'd still be normal!" I shouted to them, causing them to nearly be blown away.
"But we've never been normal, Zoey! We go ta Providence for cryin' out loud, that's not normal!" Randy protested as he held on to a tree for dear life.
"Zoey now's not the time to point fingers. Right now, we just need to get off this island...Bobby-Joe! Can you run around the island and try ta find if anyone lives here?" Bri asked the speed demon. He answered with,
"I already did. We're the only ones here...oh and a pirate ship is about a mile away from the beach were we started. It's weird, their Jolly Rodger has a straw hat on it,"
"WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING IT UP SOONER?!" Everyone shouted at him. Bri started to go into panic mode.
"Ok, we have three options: A. Hide until the pirates go away, B. Fight them, or C. Try to negotiate with them,"
"Yeah, that's what the Navy tried ta do with Black Beard, and look what happened to them! It took them like, a dozen bullets and sword wounds ta bring 'im down!" Grant said.
"Why don't we hide up on a ledge and when the pirates get close, we throw rocks and coconuts at them?" Ashley proposed. Bri gave it some thought.
"Sounds good, Ashley. Ok guys, that's the plan! Start gathering anything that can knock a person unconscious and bring them to that ledge we saw on the beach. MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!"