Broken Love
SUMMARY: It's been a year since the second war ended….but what of Cagalli and Athrun? What's left of them? Are they meant to be or has fate already intervene?
This story takes place after Gundam Seed Destiny.
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed or Gundam Seed Destiny…I only dreamt of it!!!
(I will only be showing this disclaimer for the first chapter only but it applies to the rest of the story!!!!)
Chapter One: "It's already too late"
It's been six months since the second war ended. And now, everyone is trying to find peace together, Cagalli Yula Attha thought as she watched the news. Sighing, she turned away from the tv screen and looked out the window. I wonder…how he is doing.
"Breaking news," as Cagalli heard that, she turned to look at the screen, "today at 1500 Pm a shuttle leaving Aprilus One has crashed. This shuttle destination was Earth but before they even reach into space, its engine malfunctioned. The shuttle tried to give an emergency call to Apilus One port for help, but it was too late," reported the newswoman. "But there were witness saying that they saw some escape shuttle being released before it crashed. An estimation of 50 people was in the shuttle. Right now they still don't know if any made out alive. The police and rescue team is searching in the area for any survivor…"
Cagalli clicked the screen off as she looked at the clock. It was time to get going to the office or else Kisaka going to come and get her. She didn't think that being the Representative of Orb will this much harder after the war ended. She thought it will be more relax….but it isn't, just more work for her to do.
Walking out of her house, she looked up at the blue sky. Blinking her eyes against the sun light, her eyes got watery. And it still hurts even six months later.
One month later…
Getting into her car, she sped away into the sinking sun. It has been a long day…Cagalli sighed. When reaching near the beach, she stopped the car and climbed out. She slowly walked toward the ocean waves. She always tries to go to the beach after a long day like today. Seeing the ocean reminds her of the first meeting with him, Athrun Zala, the only guy who came close to her heart.
She smiled a small smile at the memory even though it hurts. She hadn't heard from him ever since the Archangel launch into space to stop Dullindal plans. She remembered telling Meryin to take care of Athrun for her because she wasn't able to be with him. At that memory, she turned away from the sparkling ocean as if it hurts too much.
She was walking back to her car when she saw two guys walking toward her way. She was about to dismiss them when she recognize one of the guys. It was Dearka, one of Athrun's friends from the first war. Before she realized what she was doing, she ran up to them. One of them has silver hair and the other had blond hair. They both were quietly talking to each other, oblivious of her presence.
"Umm…excuse me, are you Dearka?" asked a nervous Cagalli as she interrupted their conversation.
At that question, both guys turned to look at her. Dearka, the blond guy, was surprised to see her, not thinking that he could bump into her like this and so soon too. "Yes, I am."
"I'm Cagalli. I'm not sure if you remember me.."
"Yeah, I do. So was up?"
"Umm…I… want to… know…."
"Stop stuttering and just say it!" demanded the sliver hair guy.
Cagalli glared at him but before she could say anything, Dearka asked, "You wanna know something bout Athrun?"
She turned to look at Dearka, surprised that he knew. Dearka just shrugged his shoulder at her unvoiced question as to how he knew. "Well…Athrun…he's…I guess you can say… he's change."
Dearka looked sadly at her downcast expression. The silver hair guy just turned away from looking at her expression. "Well, I guess I gotta get going then." She gave a little laugh after a minute passed. "I have tons of work waiting for me. Well see you." With that, Cagalli walked away, trying to hold the tears in.
They just watch her silently as she got into her car and drove away. "Didn't figure that we will be meeting her so soon," said Dearka.
"You made it sound like you were planning to meet her," replied the silver hair guy.
"Shut up, Yzak. And you know I was not planning to meet her at all."
"But it is sad that she will never know."
"God, what are you a girl?" sneered Yzak.
"Come one you have to admit, Athrun had a thing for her and still didn't got over it, even when he was in Plant. But now, he will never be able to do anything about it."
Yzak consider giving a sarcastic reply back but thought he should be serious for once. "Well, it's sad but true. Usually that's how life is. But it is already too late."
Please be nice and review. I would love to know what you think of it so far. Give me a glimmer of hope to continue…..
Lots of love…Behan (Wink!)