I'm here with a sequel to the diaries of Mikan and Natsume!!
Bold: Narrator, me!
Oh, I don't own Gakuen Alice, but I can still write about them!
Natsume's POV
'Any minute that baka youjo is gonna-'
Hmmph, she's earlier then usual...she usually wakes up at 7:30. It's 7:29, one minute improvement. Now in 5-4-3-2-1-
You can pretty much guess what happened, right? Just in case you don't, Mikan ran into Natsume as she was turning the corner and they both fell down with their books strewed around the corridor. Oh, did I mention that they were already late?
"Strawberries, huh?"
Oh, and he managed to peek at her underwear again.
Mikan's POV
Oh no. No, no, no. NOOOOO! I'm late again! Great, I am so asking Hotaru for alarm clock that can wake me up properly! Forget that. Her clock will probably kill me! It's bad enough with her Baka Canon every morning. But she'll always be my best friend in the world! Oh no! Gotta run faster otherwise Jinno-sensei will-
"Strawberries, huh?"
Normal POV
Everyone in Alice Academy clutched their ears in a feeble attempt to save their ear drums (except for Hotaru and some others who had bought her invention as she already made a gadget to lower volume of loud noises made by bakas, can be sold for only 3000 rabbits) as another bloodcurdling scream went through the walls…
"NATSUME, you pervert!!"
It was like this every morning, it was a routine but that routine was about to be changed starting today.
"Oh, just great strawberries. Now we have to pick up our books and by the time we get that done, we'll be late thanks to your stupidity."
"Why, you…you…pervert! It's your fault for just standing there around the corner where you're likely to get run over!"
"Trying to be smart now, are we, Strawberries?"
"I have a name, you know M-I-K-A-N-S-A-K-U-R-A. Mikan Sakura!"
"Are you that dumb that you have to spell out your name just to remember it, Polka dots?"
And the argument went on like that as they picked up their school books and…the other's diaries.
If you wish to know what was in them just search for those fics, 'Dear Diary' and 'Natsume's Diary'. Chapter 2 will be up soon!
Arigato Gozaimos (how do you spell it?) to the following reviewers for reviewing my previous fics!
Star of Shadow
Angel of Happiness
ToUshAkUrA mIasAYa ashisHimI
sharon. xxx
berry smoothie
Mitsuki Konomi
And special thanks to matsukanishi09 for this story idea!