A/N :

Well Tenshi no Megami, this chap is for you. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Me no own Bleach (if I did, then the manga would not suck as much as it does now)

Chapter 12


Kaien was on the move. He knew exactly where Rukia was. It was a little past midnight, but he could not wait another minute more. He was going to get her. Something in her voice alerted him. He remembered how utterly distressed she sounded when she had called him.

Kaien looked at his ringing phone. The number was blocked. His heart beat increased as he looked at the phone.

"Hello" he said, praying that it was her.

"Kaien?" He closed his eyes as he let go of the breath that he didn't even know he was holding.

"Where are you Rukia?" He wanted to say more. But he didn't want to scare her off with his rants. Hastily, he connected his phone to the device that Mayuri made specially for this occasion. "Talk to me honey, where are you?" he asked again, while his hands were busy punching down keys in the small machine.

"Kaien?" Her voice was ragged. As if she'd been crying.

"I'm here honey" he said soothingly "Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you"

He heard her deep intake of breath, as if trying to steady herself "I...I don't know exactly... but I think it's close to the vicinity of a town called Rukongai. I... I'm not so sure"

"Don't worry Rukia, I'll still come and get you" he said as he started to bypass the signal blocking device, just as Mayuri has instructed him to. Dammit he thought, Rukia was not using an ordinary phone, that one he was sure. "Rukia, are you using a landline phone?" he asked casually just so not to frighten her away.

"No... I... I took someone else's phone" she said but the unmistakable anxiety in her tone did not lessen.

"Kaien... could you" he could almost picture her debating whether to ask him a favour or not. That dammed independent streak of hers would just not let her ask a favour openly.

"Rukia, what is it honey? You know you can ask me anything" Finally he was able to decrease the area radius from where Rukia's signal was coming from. Just a little bit more and he will be able to pinpoint her exact location.

"I'm ready to go home" was all she said

"Don't worry, I will come and get you. Just stay where you are." He said.

"Thank you"

He wanted to ask her more, but the line went dead. He stared at the monitor, the red pinpoint dot, blinking in the screen. Hastily, he wrote down the coordinates, grabbed his jacket and car keys. Without a single backward glance, he went out of his apartment and started for his car.

Kaien kept on driving. His only clue as to where he was going was his cars GPS system. He sure as hell hope that Rukia would still be there when he gets there.


Byakuya was also on the move. It still irked him that Rukia chose to call Kaien rather than him. But at least the young Shiba had the fortitude to call him and inform him of his sisters whereabouts.

He knew, he knew the minute his phone has registered Kaien's call that he has found Rukia. He was familiar with the area that Kaien gave him. And although his pilot and chopper was already fuelled and ready, he waited and gave the young man the leeway time that he had asked for. He knew it would take him more than 8 hours to drive to the area, which could only take about 30-40 minutes by air. But Kaien had a point. If Rukia sees him before he could get to her, then she just might run away gain.

So here he was, sitting inside a helicopter, a few minutes away from where Rukia and Kaien were. He was waiting for Ulquiorra's call. He was just not taking any more chances. And he had ordered Ulquiorra to be very discreet. He was sure that neither Kaien or Rukia would sense his presence. It's just a precaution. Just in case.


Ichigo woke up to the sound of a car in their driveway. He cursed silently, not another visitor he thought. His hands travelled to the empty space beside her and woke up instantly. Here the hell is she? He heard the front door open and was out of the bed in an instant, his hands trying to get to his gun while putting on his pants at the same time. Worry for Rukia had him flying down the stairs. What if Inoue was really followed yesterday? Dammit, didn't she know that it's never safe to let stranger inside the house?


"Are you sure Urahara?" Isshin asked again, knowing full well that despite Urahara's crazy antics, his scientific inventions are always accurate. If it says that Ichigo's phone has been hacked and that the signal has been traced, then he knew it was the truth.

"When have my inventions failed yah?" Urahara countered. "It was the young Kuchiki who used his phone. I had traced her call and guess who she called?" he asked in his singsong voice.

"Her brother" was Isshins immediate reply. His insides were churning. Did he just lead his son to his early grave? Was he wrong in his thinking? Did he judge the young Kuchiki heiress wrongly?


Ah, so there was hope, Isshin thought. "Who did she call?"

"Her fiancée"

Oh crap! "That stupid son of mine!" he said angrily. Now what could have Ichigo done to Rukia to have her calling her fiancée in the middle of the night? Oh he is going to kick his stupid sons arse when he sees him.

"I know!" Urahara said. "Listen" was all he said again as he played Rukia's conversation with Kaien.

"I swear I am going to beat the daylights out of Ichigo!" Isshin could not understand what went wrong. Or what his son has done, but he could plainly hear the distress in his third daughters voice.

"Oh I think you would have to wait in line for that"

"Oh no Kisuke, you would not beat him up until I am finished with him!" Isshin said vehemently.

"Baka! I was not implying about me, though I would love to get in that line as well, I was talking about a certain Kuchiki cavalry who is as of the very moment we speak is about 20 minutes away from the cottage."

Damn stupid older brothers! "I'll see you there in half an hour"

"eh" Urahara was surprised. Isshin and him could get there in less than that time.

"Let him get his ass kicked first... god knows he deserves a good ass whipping. And don't worry, Ichigo can handle himself just fine"


Ichigo stopped dead in his tracks. The sight he saw before him brought a searing pain straight to his gut. Rukia, his Rukia was nestled inside an embrace of another guy.

"Get your hands off her!" he said as he advance towards the couple, intent on getting Rukia out of the guys reach.

Kaien felt Rukia shrink deeper into his arms. Instinctively, he tightened his hold on her and looked up towards the direction of the voice. It sounded awfully familiar. But it couldn't be. The last time they talked he said that he was outside of the country.

Slowly, he lifted his head and looked at the person who was currently speeding towards them, face scrunched up in a scowl, eyes slanted into slits. So Kaien's hearing wasn't deceiving him as he looked at the mass of temper and orange blur that was hurtling down towards them.

"Well, if it isn't Kurosaki" Kaien said, a touch of mocking in his voice.

Ichigo stopped dead in his tracks "Kaien?" He couldn't believe his eyes. How the hell did Kaien ended up with Rukia in his arms.

"Normally I would be really glad to see you, but seeing as my fiancée's upset about something, and I am pretty much sure that it somehow involves you, excuse me for not being enthusiastic about meeting up with you" he had put emphasis on the word fiancée.

Ichigo felt raw splinters of ice slowly clogging up his veins. He was sure that he heard him right. And judging by Rukia's silence in Kaien's statement, he knew that there was truth in his old friends words. But dammit! He was not going to let her go that easily.

"Rukia" he said while taking a step towards them. "Dammit Rukia, get away from him!"

"Ichigo" Kaien said his voice laced with the unspoken threat. He was about to say more but Rukia's soft words halted him

"It's ok Kaien." Her eyes were clear and determined. "Get in the car, I, I just have to say goodbye" Without waiting for her fiancee's response, she shrugged out of his embrace and walked sedately towards Ichigo.

"Rukia" he said, as his hand caught her wrist. Rukia saw the concern in his eyes but shook her head. "I need to do this Kaien. Just wait for me in the car"

"One wrong move and I'm getting you out of here, you hear?" Rukia nodded and starting walking back towards Ichigo.

Ichigo saw the whole exchange, but was not able to hear what they were talking about. But his chest heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Rukia walking up to him.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me" he said tenderly as his hand gently cupped her cheek. She was his after all. But his hands stilled as he saw the dull glint in Rukia's eyes. His eyes narrowed as he tried to wrap his arms around her petite waist. "Listen to me Rukia" but was cut off by her finger in his lips, silencing him

"Shh..." she said, though not getting out of his grasp, her eyes looked like blue icicles, cool and unfeeling. And as cold as her softly controlled voice. "You've had your fun, but time's up. Time to get back to the real world" With that, she kissed his jaw and moved out of his arms and walked back to the waiting car without any backward glance.

If she did, she would have seen the stunned and hurt look on Ichigo's face. Would have seen him crumple to his knees, arms outstretched calling her name again and again. And if she did, then he would have also seen the tears threatening to fall on her face.

Kaien did not ask any questions. He just started the car and drove away. He knew she needed her space. The tears were silently streaming down her face. Yet she has not made a move to brush them away, instead, she just looked out at the passing scenery, looking lost and broken without making any sound at all.

His hands tightened on the steering wheel. He didn't like what he saw earlier. He didn't like what it could imply. She had been missing for months and all those time, she was with Ichigo. Ichigo of all people! And judging by the look on Ichigo's face as Rukia was walking back towards him, he was most definitely in love with her.

Dammit! Whatever the hell happened between them?

Byakuya listened to Ulquiorra's report. His hands tightened on the radio device. Kurosaki Ichigo. How dare he even lay a finger to his sister! No one, absolutely no one can make his sister cry. It doesn't take a genius to guess what has happened between the two. And the thought of his innocent sister being in the hands of the enemies prodigy does not sit well with him. Liquid fire flowed out of his veins as his blood boiled with rage.

With a clipped order to Ulquiorra, Byakuya just nodded to the pilot and his hands had reached for his gun. He was taking revenge. And it also would not hurt to finish the said guy. It would undoubtedly have Aizen ease of his case against the Kuchiki's. He would take revenge for his sister and at the same time redeem the Kuchiki pride.

Ichigo stayed kneeling on the ground long after the car has disappeared from the driveway. He could not believe the words Rukia just uttered. He was her first! He was damn sure that she was innocent when it all started. Then why? Why? How can she utter those words? Was it really a game to her? What? Because he just happened to be available? Was that it?

He looked at his bleeding knuckles from hitting the solid ground a few times. The small amount of blood was caked with dirt. Yet he could not feel any pain. No, it wasn't physical pain that he was feeling. What he has was something more debilitating than just simple pain.

Then it hit him. Those words... oh fuck! She heard them talking! "Dammit Renji!" He said as he stood up, moving towards the shed where his bike was parked. He had to talk to her. He had to explain. She must have heard their conversation the night before. What she said was exactly the words his stupid excuse of a partner used last night.

"Dammit!" he said again as he went to get his bike. He would not let it end this easily. He would make her listen.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave"

Ichigo whipped around at the sound of the cold emotionless voice. Green impassive eyes stared directly at him.

Ichigo stood his ground. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he cocked his head sideways and raised one eyebrow at the unwanted visitor. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Ulquiorra?"

"I see that introductions are unnecessary"

Ichigo's eyes slanted into slits. How Kuchiki's right hand man found him, he has no idea. But one thing is for sure, wherever Ulquiorra is, then Byakuya is definitely not far away.

The only thing good that Ichigo can think of is the fact that his enemies found him when Rukia wasn't around. He would not forgive himself if she got sucked into the middle of all this. He knew he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something bad happened to her.

At least he knew that, although the thought that Rukia is with another man makes him seethe in anger, Kaien would protect her.

"Normally, I would be happy to make your acquaintance, but I don't have the fucking time to laze around today. Let's just say that I have somewhere else I need to be." Ichigo straightened up, muscles tense, body ready for battle. "So let's start this"

"Going after the girl, I see"

Ichigo for Rukia's safety had him almost cowering. Anger, tempestuous and flaming hot ran throughout his body. "Leave her the fuck alone!"

If Ulquiorra had not been quick, he would have been caught in the bullets trajectory. For a second, neither man moved. Each eyeing the other closely.

"Byakuya would be so proud"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" His gun was still aimed directly at the stoic man, whose weapon was still resting securely in it's holster.

Dammit, Ichigo thought, I don't need this right now. Rukia could be anywhere with Kaien by now.

"Aren't you curious just how we found you? How we were able to pinpoint exactly where you are?" Ulquiorra dusted off an imaginary lint on his shoulder and leaned on the wall. Not even bothering to duck and hide from Ichigo's still cocked and aimed gun.

"Who the hell cares? It's not as if you will walk away alive from here."

"How typically male, letting one's cock do the thinking"

Ichigo levelled his gun directly at Ulquiorra's head "I suggest you say whatever it is that you want to say, before I blow up your brains" He could hear the churning of the rotors of a helicopter drawing near. "Oh, reinforcement... couldn't handle me alone Ulquiorra? Afraid?"

"You still don't get it do you? My orders were to only detain, not kill you. To give the young heiress enough time to get to safety. Byakuya just wanted to make sure that his sister would get out from her assignment safely."

Ichigo's hands shook lighty. Tightening his hold on the gun to stop from shaking, he took one step closer, the sound of a helicopter landing lost behind the meaning of Ulquiorra's words. "You're lying" he hissed.

"Am I?" unfaced , Ulquiorra raised one eyebrow.

Before Ichigo can answer, a bullet whizzed past him. Without flinching nor moving "Nice of you to drop by Byakuya. Here to recue your lapdog?"

"I was merely saying hello Kurosaki."

"Can't say the same Byakuya, you are after all uninvited and unwanted"

"Such brash words, when I am just merely trying to say thank you for taking care of my sister"

Ichigo shifted and directed his gun towards Byakuya "Your sister died more than two decades ago. You have no sister" Whether he was saying the words for Byakuya's benefit or his, he does not now. But He was actually hoping to hear that he was right in his statement. Fucking shit Byakuya, just agree with me!

"Rukia is a Kuchiki."

"No!" Denial, scorchingly voiced out. Four simple words, yet it felt like a boulder was dropped into his chest. His body tremble, weakening his resolve, with the weight of the his enemy's. words Ichigo could not think straight. There was just no way Rukia could have deliberately set him up. No. He would not believe it. Could not believe it.

"What do you say, shall we do it the right way?" Byakuya asked as he dropped his gun and took out his sword. "Allow me to show you my gratitude by giving you a proper death. A gunshot through the head is such an uncouth way to die."

Honed reflexes had Ichigo parrying Byakuya's attack. His mind however, was a mumble of questions. Rukia... how could that be? A part of his mind can see the underlying truth in Ulquiorra's and Byakuya's words. It was just too much of a coincidence if you put it in that way. But there was also a part of him that just would not accept it. His heart would not let him accept it. It just can't be true.

Renji drove like crazy towards the cottage. The little dots on the radar screen was getting closer and closer to the cottage. He pressed down on the gas pedal, his hands steady on the steering wheel, belaying the frantic beating of his heart. Even with all the techie gadgets and system upgrades Urahara made in this car, he knew that there was no way he could get to Ichigo in time.

He knew Ichigo well enough to know that a small group of enemy will never bog him down. But for Ichigo to take care of almost the entire army of the SS, that was another story altogether.


"You'd better be alright when I get there Ichigo!"

Kaien kept his eyes on the curving road ahead. But his mind was abuzz with questions and conclusions which were surprisingly creating a muddled and heavy feeling of anxiety in him. So many people could be affected, lives would be ruined, just for the sake of power. Power that he knows have already corrupted numerous individuals.

Ichigo. He wasn't as stupid as his sister believed him to be. He knew who Ichigo is. In fact , he knew a great deal about the brash younger male. Things and details that Aizen would give his own soul for. Scratch that, Aizen has no soul. But he knew he would give a generous gift to know that things he knows about the Gotei's top agent. Back then when the threat of the young man who was purportedly to be the one to save the world and crush the society's very existence sprung up, Aizen has ordered Byakuya to gather data about Ichigo. At that time, he was just glad that the order was given to Byakuya instead of him. He never ever planned to betray someone whom he considers a friend.

A friend, yes, deep inside him, he have always considered Ichigo as a friend. It didn't matter that he had known him for only a few years at the uni. But he has never met another guy who was more honest and principled , unfazed by the things around him. Not to mention that he was also a brash, dense and bumbling idiot, but his heart is pure. Ichigo has always fought for and stood up for what he believes is right. Which is one of the things that has esteemed Ichigo to him.

He also knew that whatever Ichigo was, he was not stupid. He may act like a moron at times, but he has a perfectly functioning mass of tissue sitting between his ears. He knew that Ichigo knows who and what exactly he is.

Kaien's hands tightened on the wheel as he recounted the events in the morn. Questions and it's implications were running amok in his brain. It does not help that Rukia was a mass of nerves and is emitting an aura of despair. What the fuck really happened between the two? Ichigo could be battling some of the best men from the Society at the very moment.

Finally, after careful deliberation within himself, Kaien instead went ahead and trusted his gut instincs. After making sure that they were not being followed, Kaien slowed the car and turned right to a narrow dirt road with that led to a secluded picnic area. Whatever the hell happened, he intends to find out.

He loosened his seatbelt and faced the still quiet Rukia. Her eyes, though open, was not seeing the scenery outside. Her mind is preoccupied with, if his idea is correct, the orange haired Ichigo. Gently taking her small hands into his own he tugged on it a little to catch her attention. "Rukia, honey, please look at me"

As if noticing where they are for the first time, Rukia sat up straight and looked around. Slowly her eyes travelled to the warmth in her hand while, her gaze travelling up to his arms. Kaien saw her eyes widen in surprise when their eyes met, as if she has just awakened from slumber. "Where are we?"

He gently rubbed his thumb at the back of her hand, an action intended to sooth her. He knew he had to tread gently on the topic that he was about to divulge to her. There was no easy way to tell her about things such as who she really is and her part in the grand scheme of the society.

"Rukia, you remember the story that Byakuya used to tell you? About a secret council of men who works behind the scenes to create balance in the world?"

Rukia looked at Kaien in confusion. Shrugging her head "Kaien, I really am not in the mood for..."

Kaien pressed his thumb at Rukias lips, his eyes pleading "Just humour me this once, please Rukia"

He saw her nod, though it was apparent from her expression that she was still confused with his actions. "Remember in the story that there was another council, one that was fighting for equality. That these two opposing groups have been fighting against each others beliefs and principles."

"Kaien, I really don't..." she felt him tighten his hold an her hand, his eyes serious, asking her to listen. "Yes, I remember it."

"What would you say if I told you that the story is true?" He tightened his hold, his grasp preventing her from pulling her hand out of his. Disbelief stamped in her actions, her eyes narrowing in ire. "It is true Rukia, that was not merely a story, what Byakuya has told you in form of stories, were in fact the actual truth."

Rukia closed her eyes. She has no idea why Kaien was adamant to relieve that childhood story that Byakuya used to bring into play as her bedtime story. She could feel how tense Kaien was, but she still could not grasp the importance of t to their current situation. Sighing, she gently cupped his cheeks and looked at him straight in the eyes. "Kaien, I know the story, but can we talk about it some other time? For now, can we please just go home? Please?" The gnawing ache and sucking void in her chest was still there. In her mind, the events of the morning was replaying over and over in her mind. She was tired, physically, mentally and emotionally. She just could not think straight at this time. The Kuchiki pise and pride, after years of being drilled into her was finally of use. That was the only thing keeping her from crumbling down and drowning in pain and anguish.

"What if I tell you that Byakuya is part of that secret council of men?" There was an edge in Kaiens voice that had Rukia's nerves on the edge. She still could not understand why Kaien is insisting to talk about this right now, but she can hear the anxiety in his voice.

Kaien knew he now had Rukia's attention. He took hold of both her hands and squeezed them gently. "The Kuchiki's is one of the fore founders of the secret council of men. And your brother, being the heir to the Kuchiki family, he inherited the responsibility of being a council member"

Rukia shook her head and smiled at Kaien. "You don't have to defend nii-sama to me Kaien. I am not angry anymore. I am more hurt than angry at him. But you don't have to worry about it. I plan to talk to him once we get back"

"You misunderstand my intentions Rukia" He let go of her hands and ran it in through his hair. "Remember in the story, the two opposing council of men were arch enemies. Each trying to oust and destroy the other.

"Look Kaien, I'm tired. I want to go home. Whatever you want to say about the story, we can talk about it some other time. Just take me home ok?"

Kaien held her by the shoulder and faced her to him. His eyes were glinting with fury, that Rukia instinctually flinched. "That story, has everything to do with the situation that we are in right now Rukia!"

Getting a hold of himself, Kaien loosened his hold on her shoulders and gently massaged it. He held her chin within his thumb and forefinger and looked directly in her confused eyes. "I will not ask what happened between you and Ichigo" He felt her try to shake her head loose of his hold, her eyes wide reflecting so many emotions that Kaien ached with her. "Don't hide yourself from me Rukia. Please"

"I can't talk about it right now, please Kaien, I...I just... not now..."

He saw the tears in her eyes, and he felt her pain. Her eyes were closed, but the tears which she had tried to hold in silenty trickled down her smooth cheeks. Gently cupping her face in both his hands, he wiped his thumbs at her cheek, drying her tears. "Rukia, I wish I can spare you this pain. But there are other factors to consider. There are lives at stake. The situation is bigger and more complex than what you can imagine "

Oh Gods, he was hurting her. And he was going to hurt her more with what he was going to say next. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he looked solemnly at her liquid violet eyes "Rukia, Ichigo, he..." he closed his eyes. He could not bear to see her reaction to what he would tell her next. "Ichigo is from the opposing council. Byakuya considers him as an enemy"

Kaien's words was like a broken record that kept repeating in her head. The meaning of his words were not lost on her. She clasped her hands together in her lap, an attempt to stop them from shaking. Just when she thought everything about her life has reached rock bottom, life throws this one on her. Pain was ripping her chest apart. Every breath she took creates a stabbing pain in her throat. Her pulses were jumping erratically, her heart pounding in her chest. It was just too much to bear.

Everything that she thought she knew, the very essence of her being , who her family is. Of who and what she is has just been yanked out from under her feet. She thought her brother loved her, but he had disappointed her. She thought Ichigo loved her. Boy, was that a real joke! She was the joke. Bitter bile rose to her throat at the thought of Ichigo's duplicity.

Kaien gathered her in his arms, his hands rubbing down her back, offering comfort, a solace from the storm of emotions raging within her. He was offering her strength, a shoulder she can rely on.

With a deep shaky breath, she tried to get a hold of herself. Every nerve in her body was crying out of tension. Her mind is just so confused. Nothing makes sense. Her heart felt like locked in a tight vise grip, slowly squeezing out all the emotions inside of her. Her body felt battered and bruised. Each word that Kaien uttered was like a punch to her gut, and a whip stinging her heart.

But one thought was prevalent in her mind. Much as Ichigo hurt her. She has no desire to see him hurt. Maybe she was a martyr, a masochist. But Ichigo, she would not wish for him to get hurt. Specially by her brother.

Rukia gripped Kaiens shirt "Please Kaien, don't tell nii-sama about Ichigo." Her eyes were pleading. Begging him to agree to her plea. She knew what Byakuya would do once he finds out where and with whom she spent the past few months with.

Kaien could not speak. He wanted to just agree with her. He was willing to do anything to alleviate her suffering. But he could not lie to her either. Not now at least.

"No!" Rukia cried out. Kaien need not say anything the guilt in his eyes confirmed her fears. Fear gripped her heart. "Where is he? Dammit Kaien, where is nii san right now?"

"He is probably with Ichigo right now"

For a moment, Rukia almost forgot how to breathe.


Hmmm... sorry for making you guys wait for this chap again... major writers block... had 4/5ths of this chap finished months ago, but i was having problem with the last scene and dialogue between kaien and rukia. I still am not satisfied with this one, but believe me when i saw this was the best one from all the other 9 crappy ones i have written. Guess i still have not gotten past the blockage yet

Please review... it gives me the motivation to type up words even if the storyline still eludes me.

Hate it? Review and tell me.

Like it? Review please!

Just review and tell me guys what you think.
