Ch 47

Haruhi stood by the big bay window in her room in her wedding dress. She look outside and watched Hikaru and Kaoru get into a car and head over to Kyoya's. They had come over about an hour or so ago to help her get into her dress. They also helped T.J. and Saya with their. Her father had brought them over awhile ago to get ready. They were with the brides maids right now, like she had asked, as this left her alone to think.

She looked at the tri-photo in her hands. The top picture was form about 10 years ago. It was of Haruhi and both her parents at beach. It was the last group picture they had taken before her mother's passing. She taught about what her mother would say to all of this. Her being a mother, getting married. "Mother I do hope you are proud of me." She said to herself. "I know you would have loved to meet Tamaki and your grandkids."

The middle picture was of her with the Host Club. It was taken her first year at Ouran. It was taken the night of the school festal. She remember who she and the others had almost lost Tamaki to that Éclair woman. She was glade she was able to bring him back and that the Host Club stayed together. If she haven't had meet them that day, and broke a 8 million yen vase, she had have gone though high school with no friends and only be known as the "commoner." Everything she had now even T.J. and Saya she had them to thank.

The last picture was of her, Tamaki, T.J. and Saya. It was the same picture that they had given to T.J. in his watch and the Saya in her locket. It was taken in the rose garden behind their house. She knows that it wasn't in her's or Tamaki's plan to have kids in high school, but she wouldn't change it. She was happy with Tamaki and happy that they had the twins.

Knock. Knock

"Hai!" Haruhi called.

The door slowly opened to revile her father. "It's almost time to get going. The photographer would like to get some pictures of the bride's court before heading over to the church if your ready." her father told her.

"Hai." she said. "I'm ready." she turned to face him. "How do I look?" she asked.

"Beautiful as always." he said walking over to her and taking her hands in his. "Just like your mother." they both smiled at his last remark. "Now did you go over and make sure you have everything on the list." he asked.

"What list?" Haruhi asked a bit worried she had forgotten something.

"You know, something old, something new, something barrowed and something blue." he said.

Haruhi sighed. "Hai, dad I did." she said.

"Really, ok then what's old?" he asked.

"My chin bracket you gave me for my 10th birthday."

"Ok what's new?"

"My dress, shoes, and my vale."

"The borrowed?"

"I borrowed these pearl earrings for Tamaki's mother."

"And the blue?"

"Mother's blue necklace that who gave me the night I went with Tamaki to his father business party." She said moving her hand to the blue stone around her neck.

"And there is one more thing." her said putting his hand into his pocket of his tuxedo that Haruhi insisted him wear. He pulled out a small gold pin in the space of the character for love. "This was not only your mother's, but your grandmother's and her mother's and so on. This little trinket goes back at least six generations, Seven if you court yourself."

"Dad, it's beautiful." she said as she took it and pined it on the left side of her dress over her heart. When it was now she looked at her father. "Thank you, dad." she said while giving him a hug.

"Your more then welcome, Haruhi". he let her go. "Come on, if we don't let his guy for husband hired to take pictures or we're going to be late." he said.

"Alright, lets go."

"Kyoya were is she? We are going to start any minuet. It's not like Haruhi to be late for anything, and her own wedding. Oh Kyoya something must have happened to her." Tamaki continued to carry on for a few more minuets before Kyoya finally spoke.

"Tamaki it is customary that the bride be at least fie minuets late. Now stand up straight before to mess up your tux." Kyoya said fixing his cufflinks. It was only he and Tamaki in the back of the church with the priest and alter boys. The rest of the Host Club was in the back awaiting to lead the brides down the isle. Kyoya too should have been back there to lead Mikki, Haruhi's maid of honor, but know that Tamaki couldn't be left alone until the last minute. He then felt a pull at his side. He looked down to see one of the alter boys tugging at his jacket.

"I'm sorry but it time for us to go to the back of the church, Sir. The bride has just arrived and it's time to start." he said.

"Thank you, I'll be right behind you." the boy went to pick up his candle that he was going to carry as Kyoya turned to Tamaki. "Ready?"

"Hai" Tamaki said and then he was alone.

Everyone stood as the music started to play. Hunny and Lee where the first to start down the isle, followed by Hikaru and Renge, then Kaoru and Ti. Then it was Mori and Mei Then it was Kyoya and Mikki. Hunny walked along side T.J. as he carried the rings. They got half way down when he put his arms up to Hunny to carry him. Hunny only smiled and picked him up and continued on. Then Saya went with Kirimi. They each had one hand on one side of the basket of cherry blossom pedals, gently tossing them to the floor as the walked. The was now time for Haruhi to walk down the isle. Her arm wrapped around her father's.

"You ready?" he whispered to her

"Hai." she said and they walked down the same isle that her friends and her parents had. Walking to the man who she loved with all her heart. To the man she was going to give her life to. They had reached the alter.

"Ladies and gentlemen we gather here today to join these to in holy matrimony. Now who giveth this woman." the priest said.

"I do." Ranka said. He gave her hand to Tamaki, who lifted her vale over her head. Ranka then took a few steps back to his seat.

"Now Tamaki, do you take this woman, to have and to hold. Though sickness and health, for better or worst as long as you both shall live?" the priest said.

"I do." he answered.

"And do you Haruhi, take this man, to have and to hold. Though sickness and health, for better or worst as long as you both shall live? He asked her.

"I do." she said.

"May we have the rings?" he said.

Hunny had point Haruhi and Tamaki and whispered to T.J. "Go to mommy and daddy." and he did.

"That's my boy." Tamaki whispered to him as he took the rings. "Now go back to Uncle Hunny." the boy smiled and did as his father had told him.

"Tamaki place the ring on her hand and said 'With this ring, may I be wed.'"

Tamaki held her soft hand. "With this ring, may I be wed." he said as he slide the round metal onto her finger.

"And Haruhi you do the same." he told her.

"With this ring, may I be wed." she said as she slide the ring on him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." he looked at Tamaki. "You may now kiss the bride."

Tamaki and Haruhi wasted no time as their lips meet for the first time as husband and wife. The music started to play and the bells began to ring as the went down the isle together to their new life together with their children.

The End


Did you guys like it? Hate it? Let me know. I had a lot of fun writing it and it felt really good when you guys would tell me how you can't wait to see what happens next. The wedding in it self may be a bit off of a real one, but it works. I couldn't remember if the ringd or the vows came first. But it fine I guess.

In other news I plan to have the first cahpter of my HaruhiXKyoya fic up by Firday I'm not planing for it to be as long as this one but then I didn't plan for this one to be this long ether. And I will have a beta for this fic and I am really really REALLY sorry for that.