AN: Here is another chapter. Sorry for the wait. There will not be such a wait between the last 2-3 chapters. Hope you all like this chapter and its more fluffy-ness. Check out my new fanfic, it will be great. The next couple of chapters are already done, so it shouldn't interfere with this. Please review and tell me what you think.

Mamoru sat there stunned as Usagi kissed him in front of her friends and then quickly jumped up. He watched in shock as she ran off with her four friends. He had been surprised that she had kissed him in front of them, considering the fact that she had wanted to keep their relationship a secret. Sighing, he quickly pulled out his wallet, dropped a few bills down and then hurried after Usagi. He saw the girls just before they passed the corner, and decided to follow them.

Usagi and the girls entered the temple, as Mamoru walked in slowly behind. As they entered a small room, and Rei closed the door, Mamoru crept out slowly from the wall he was hiding around. Silently, walking over to the door, he placed his ear against the door; he could faintly hear what they were saying.

" Usagi-chan!" Minako said. " How could you not tell us that Mamoru knew you were Sailor Moon? That's big news. Did you tell him? Or did he find out?"

Before Usagi could say anything, Ami jumped in. " Your picture is in the paper. Now all of Tokyo knows that Sailor Moon is dating a civilian. How could you be so careless?" she demanded harshly.

" So you guys are serious?" Makoto asked softly, trying to ease Ami's words.

" Geez Odango," Rei commented. " If Mamoru knows about your secret, he'll probably find out ours soon too!"

Usagi sighed deeply and Mamoru cringed. His poor Angel was in there getting the third degree. Should he go in? What could he do? The girls needed to talk this out, and they were clearly mad.

" Calm down everyone," he heard a mysterious voice say. Peeking through the small crack, he found it to be a small purple cat talking. He gasped loudly and then quickly proceeded to falling on his butt. Within seconds the door opened and out walked four pissed off girls and one silent, wide-eyed one. Mamoru scooted backwards.

" What are you doing here?" all five girls asked in unison.

Mamoru quickly jumped up and made his way to Usagi. Pulling her into his arms, he held her tight. " If you girls are mad at something we did, then we both deserve to hear it. I'm not leaving Usagi to bear this alone."

Huffing the four girls marched inside to give the couple a minute alone. Usagi looked up at him, with big eyes. She smiled happily and then lifted herself on her tippy-toes to kiss him. After a short but sweet kiss, Mamoru pulled apart.

" I'm here for you Usagi, and I want you to know that I'm glad you turned out to be Sailor Moon, I'm glad that I finally found out, and that now I can do this in public."

He gently pressed his hands on her back and then tilted her backwards, quickly leaning forwards and kissing her soundly on the lips. Usagi lay there in his arms, completely and utterly in bliss, he slowly pulled her up, his lips never leaving hers. Once she was up, his hands gently rose to her hair, as they deepened the kiss. Both in a blissful state, neither heard the "ahem" coughed at them. It was only when Mamoru felt someone tapping roughly against his shoulder that he pulled slightly away.

" Yes?" he asked before closing the distance between him and Usagi again, as he gently kissed her.

" We were trying to talk to Usagi-chan!" Rei said upset again.

Minako came out, following Rei and saw the two kissing. " Aww…" she said in a wondered voice.

Ami and Makoto quickly came out as well, and when Ami saw them kissing, looked away, her cheeks turning red.

" Get a room," she said as she walked back into the room, clearly embarrassed.

" Maybe we will," Mamoru pulled apart just long enough to utter his sentiments, before returning to his kiss. Usagi, hearing this, blushed deeply, into the kiss.

Minako laughed softly and then turned with Makoto as they gave up and followed Ami into the room. Rei huffed loudly and then forcefully yanked Mamoru away from Usagi. Albeit he didn't move that far back, it was still enough to get their attention.

" Inside. Now!" she barked.

Mamoru looked over at Usagi with a dazed look on his face. No doubt in his mind now that he loved the girl before him. Completely and entirely, with no margin for error this time. He was no longer feeling that he could possibly love her, or even that he was almost sure he did, but one hundred and plus percent totally in love with her, in both forms.

Mamoru tried to cover his grin. He knew now that he could tell Usagi everything. He would… soon enough. He just had to think of the perfect way. Knowing that he could, but doubting how she would take the news were two entirely different things. Maybe if he were to ask her how she felt as Tuxedo Kamen, he would get some answers.

Placing his arms around her shoulders, he gently kissed her nose and then pulled her carefully into the room. The four girls sat at different locations in the small room. Mostly on throw cushions. Mamoru and Usagi quickly sat somewhere in the middle. Once on the ground, Mamoru gently positioned himself so that Usagi could sit between his legs and lean herself unto his chest. Placing his arms around her waist and his head on hers. While the girls thought this was a rather intimate PDA, no one said anything.

Usagi smiled at them happily before starting. " To start with, I want you girls to know that I am extremely happy with the way things are and will not be changing anything just because of what you guys think. With that said… I didn't tell you that Mamo-chan knew about my secret because I knew you guys would panic. It's not a big deal really. I trust him completely, and so should you. To answer your question more completely Mina, Mamoru found out by himself."

The girls stared at the couple for a few minutes before Ami spoke up. " I'm sorry Usagi-chan, what I said before was really harsh. I know you didn't mean to get caught in public. It's an honest mistake really. I guess I just was a little jealous."

Rei nodded at this. " Same with me, Usagi. Gomen."

Usagi nodded. " It's okay you guys. You were just being protective," she sighed deeply before continuing what she knew would get them mad again.

" Mamo-chan knows my secret… and yours too," she said softly and waited for the rage to spread through her senshi.

" He knows?" they all cried in unison again.

Mamoru couldn't help but laugh at this. Did they always do that? It was his turn now to talk, to assure them of his feelings for their leader. Slowly moving one hand from her waist he gently rubbed Usagi's shoulder, deciding to speak up.

" I want you girls to know that I would never reveal Usagi's secret identity to anyone, and that I would also never do anything to jeopardize her safety. I would never tell anyone of your secret identities either. I hope you can trust me, one day, as Usagi trusts me."

With that, Mamoru stood up, pulled Usagi up, and the two of them walked out of the temple. Mamoru knew what he had to do. He would talk to Sailor Moon the next time he saw her, as Tuxedo Kamen, and find out her feelings towards Tuxedo Kamen. She had told him before that she had had a crush on Tuxedo Kamen, but would that be enough to cover the lie he'd been carrying for days now since he found out Sailor Moon's civilian form. She'd lied, yes, but she'd been sorry after he'd found out, and then instead of telling her his secret right then and there, to ease her tortured heart, he lead her to believe that he had no such secret. He'd forgiven her, but would she, him?

AN: Would you all like another steamy chapter? I have a great idea so write in your review, steamy or not? Seems a nice way to end a fanfic.