I'm gonna do this story first before I start with my collection of Rainwhisker stories.
Summary- Ever since he was a kit Lionpaw was expected to be like Brambleclaw. Strong, smart, loyal and all that. But he's nothing like him. He's fallen for a WindClan apprentice, and is being pressured by Tigerstar. Which path will he choose? The path of loyalty, or ambition?
PrologueDarkened shadows surrounded the clearing. Eyes of cats were visible if you looked hard enough. All eyes were in the shape of a glare. All cats seemed cold as ice.
One cat stood out the most. A dark tabby tom with a battle-scarred pelt. His amber eyes were cold, and muscles rippled under his pelt. Next to him was a dark tabby tom, a lot like him, with a white chest and ice blue eyes. They were waiting for something…
A moment later a gray tom with blue eyes appeared. The tabbies smirked. This was what they were waiting for.
"Jaypaw" The older one said coldly "Have you made your decision yet?"
Jaypaw dipped his head respectfully.
"Yes, Tigerstar. I have"
"Well what is it?" Tigerstar hissed. Jaypaw glared.
"I refuse to join you" Jaypaw spat "I don't need you. You just want to use me to get my father"
The tom with ice blue eyes snarled.
"Your father betrayed us, Jaypaw. But we wont betray you" Tigerstar mewed glaring at the other tom "Hawkfrost, tell him the plan"
Hawkfrost growled, but nodded.
"The plan is simple" He growled "All you have to do is go into Brambleclaw's dream, and take him to us"
Jaypaw hissed and shook his head.
"No" He growled firmly "I would never join you!"
Tigerstar hissed and swiped his claws across Jaypaw's face. Jaypaw cried out in pain and jumped back, shaking drops of blood off his face.
"Then get out of our sight," Tigerstar hissed. Jaypaw growled and ran out of the clearing. After a moment of silence Hawkfrost growled "Great, now what? Hollypaw definitely won't join us. And Lionpaw is too much of a goody-goody"
Tigerstar's eyes lit up. Hawkfrost was on to something…
"Hawkfrost!" He hissed suddenly "I have a plan. You're right about Lionpaw. But, with a little convincing and playing the game properly, we'll have him wrapped around our claw"
"How are we supposed to convince him to join us?" Hawkfrost growled. Tigerstar smirked.
"This" He said flicking his tail into a puddle. Hawkfrost looked into it and saw a pretty tabby she-cat with heather-colored eyes.
How was it? First chapter will be up today!