A/N: Okay, I just finished Where The Heart Must Lie, and I hope you all enjoyed it. Now, here is another story!!! Yay! Okay, so yeah, here's chapter 1!!!

A Story By Pink Crescent Moon

Chapter 1


"Sakura, do you have everything packed?" A blonde asked, running around her apartment room, while juggling brushes, shampoos and sun screens in her hands. The said pink-haired girl neatly zipped her backpack closed and nodded.

"Ino, don't you think you're bringing too many thing…? I mean, we're only staying for ten days…" Sakura asked, anime sweat dropping. Ino gasp.

"Forehead, how dare you! I did not bring too many things! It's only because you brought too little!" She accused, pointing at her friend's one slightly large bag. Sakura sighed as she stared at Ino's five bags, that were each filled up to the max with clothes and what not.

"Forget it…hey, you said your friends from America and Okinawa were coming. How are they like?" Sakura asked, changing the subject. Ino and Sakura lived in separate apartment rooms in Tokyo.

"They're really nice, you'll love them!!! There's Naruto, Hinata and Shikamaru who live in Okinawa. Then, there's Neji, Ten Ten and my love…Uchiha Sasuke-kun…" Ino ended dreamily. Her friend rose an eyebrow.

"Sasuke-san…what's he like?" She continued asking. The blonde slumped into her chair and blushed madly.

"Kya, Sakura, he's the hottest guy you'll ever see!!! And his family is really rich! Richer than mine!!!" Ino stated.

You see, all of Ino's friends are freaking rich…except Sakura. All the rich friends decided to go to the beach for a small vacation, and Ino was dragging poor, little Sakura along.

"Okay, c'mon, let's go to the airport!!!" Ino finally yelled, shutting her sixth bag closed. Sakura took her one bag with her and they proceeded towards the limo.

"Hi, Yumito-kun, we're heading towards the airport!" The blonde piped cheerfully after shoving the bags into the back. She waved at her parents and they drove of.


Arriving at the Airport…

"Thnaks, Yumito-kun, see you in ten days!!!" Ino said, giving the handsome man a fifty dollar bill for the ride. She took out everything from the back trunk, blew a kiss to Yumito, and he left.

"Here's your bag, forehead. Oh my god, this is going to be so much fun!!! I can't wait to see their shocked expressions when they see you!!!" Ino yelled, dragging four bags with her, while Sakura helped out and carried three of her friend's bags.

"Y-you didn't tell them about me…?" The pink-haired girl spoke uneasily. Ino smiled.

"I decided to make it a surprise!" She replied. Sakura panicked slightly.

"B-but, Ino, they all come from famous, rich families!!! I'm dirt poor! I wouldn't be living in an apartment if it weren't for you!!!" She said nervously. The bags she was carrying became a lot heavier.

"Calm down, forehead, I'm sure they'll accept you! You might not be rich, but you have a nice body and a pretty face to make up for that!!!" Ino complimented, hoping her friend would stop freaking out.

"But Ino, I know I'll feel left out!!! Ino…?" Sakura trailed off when the said blonde stopped walking and instantly blushed. The pink-haired girl looked back at her, eyebrow raised as she kept walking…then…

"Kya!" Sakura found herself bumping into someone, dropping some of Ino's bags and was about to crash onto the hard floor, but someone caught her. She looked up and saw a handsome, raven-haired, onyx eyed teen.

'Is this…Sasuke-san…?'

Ino stopped blushing and felt slight jealousy tugging at her hair.

Sakura got back on her feet as calmly as she could. She picked the bags back up.

"I…um…thank you very much…!" Sakura said, before clumsily dropping her own bag. She cursed and was about to pick it back up again. The boy before her sighed and got it instead.

"Y-you really don't have to…it's fine…" Sakura muttered shyly, a tiny blush adorning her peachy skinned face.

The boy merely shook his head.

"I'll take care of it. Besides, those other bags look…heavy." He replied.

"Oh…um…okay, thanks again. I really appreciate it!" Sakura said cheerfully, trying to force the blush to go away.

"Hn…" The teen said and began walking forward.

'I guess I should follow him…'

She looked back behind her at Ino.

"A-are you coming or what?" Sakura asked, with a small giggle. Ino shook her head, shrugging off the little moment before and following.

Sasuke stopped in front of a blond boy, a blushing girl, a white eyed boy, a brunette and a boy with his hair in pineapple shape. Sakura stood before them, feeling nervous all over again.

'What should I say…?'

"A-ano, I'm Haruno…Sakura…" She said, introducing herself. Naruto tilted his head a little.

"Ino, is she your friend?" He asked.

"Yup, this is my best friend ever, I call her forehead! She lives by me in an apartment." Ino replied, smiling brightly. She turned to look at Sakura.

"Forehead, this is Naruto, he's really…loud. And, this is Hinata, she's shy, but sometimes sticks up for herself! The one next to her is Neji. He's Hinata's cousin. The brunette is Ten Ten. She's the daughter of the famous weapon maker! And the last one is lazy ass Shikamaru, his family raises pure bred deer, as weird as it may sound..." She explained, pointing at each person.

"Oh…well, hello." Sakura replied. Ino started blushing again.

"And this…is Sasuke-kun." She finished, grabbing the said teen's arm. He growled lowly.

"Back off, woman." He commanded. She pouted, sighed and obeyed.

"Anyways, I hope you get along with them well…" Ino said, in a sad tone.

"Hm…we better get on the plane now…" Ten Ten said, looking at her 100 percent golden watch. They all agreed silently and nodded.


On The Plane…

"Wow…I can't wait to arrive in California…" Ino whispered as she took a seat. It was three to a row. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura sat together. Then Ino, Shikamaru and Hinata. And finally Ten Ten and Neji, and an empty seat...

(The people who live in America, live in New York.)

"Please put on your seatbelts, we are now departing." The assistant lady spoke into the microphone. They all put them on.

After a few minutes, the plane shook a little and lifted off from the ground. It felt like a small roller coaster.

When they were up in the sky, Sakura held in her breath when she could see that they were flying right beside the clouds. Of course, Shikamaru also enjoyed this part.

"Wow…the clouds look so much better up close." The pink-haired girl said with a dreamy sigh.

"Hell yeah." She heard Shikamaru mutter behind her. Letting out a small giggle, she continued looking out the window.


A few hours Later…

Naruto snickered as Sasuke sighed. The raven-haired teen found that Sakura had fallen asleep…on his shoulder.

And he, for some unknown reason, decided it would be too rude to wake her up. He was now a pillow.

"Ha, teme." Naruto teased in a whispering voice.

"Hey, Ino, look at this!" He said, pointing at the sleeping Sakura. Ino looked up from her magazine, sat up straighter and unconsciously clenched her fists.

"T-tell her to get off him!" She said instantly. Naruto scratched the back of his head.

"Sasuke-teme said to leave her alone and not to wake her up." He replied. Ino was fuming inside.

"Why not?! He never lets me sleep on him!" The blonde girl whined, her head drooping lower.

"Hn…" Sasuke replied. He felt so damn annoyed right now. Not mainly because of Sakura, but because of Ino's constant complaints.


A few MORE hours later…

"We have now arrived in California. Please pick up all personal belongings and exit through the door. Have a nice and safe day." The plane assistant said happily. Sasuke muttered a curse. Sakura was still sleeping.

'Damn it…how much longer can this girl sleep?'

He moved a bit, hoping it would be enough to wake her up. Sakura just groaned and stuffed her face into his chest. Sasuke sighed.

"Hey, teme, hurry up." Naruto called as he exited. Sasuke tapped the girl gently on her head. She bolted up instantly and Sasuke soon found her head crashing into his chin.

'Holy shit…!'

Sakura looked up at him to see he was rubbing his chin, swearing.

"Kya, Sasuke-kun, I'm so sorry!!! I'm really, really sorry!!!" She said, but she found that her head was throbbing too.

"Tch, whatever, lets get out of here." The Uchiha replied, taking out their bags. He handed one to Sakura and they left the plane quickly. They saw that their friends had been waiting…rather impatiently.

"A-ano…we're sorry for making you guys wait…" Sakura apologized, bowing her head down a bit. Ten Ten rose an eyebrow.

"It's nothing to worry about. You didn't have to bow or anything. We're not kings or queens." The brunette said, smiling. The pink-haired girl nodded, blushing and embarrassed.

'I'm making a fool out of myself…'

"Well, c'mon! Let's go over to that hotel!!!" Ino interrupted.

"Yay, I got Tsunade-baa-chan to pay for it!!!" Naruto cheered, thinking of the woman in charge of everything in Okinawa.

"I can't believe Tsunade-sama actually gave in." Ten Ten said. Sakura felt so nervous.

'They all know the TSUNADE-SAMA??? I feel like such a loser…'

She bit her lower lip when she saw the massive limo they were going inside.


A/N: Do you like it…? I hope so :D

Anyways, with chapter one done, please review!!! Thank you!!!


Why is Sakura making such a big deal out of Tsunade-sama??? Tsunade-sama is the woman who...controls Okinawa...sort of like a mayor.

Is Sasuke going to be OOC in this story? No, he's not. I really like writing about OOC Sasuke, but I decided I need a story with a normal Sasuke.

Why do Hinata and Neji live in different countries? The Hyuuga Company goes world wide, so, they both live in different coutries.

So Sakura is really, really poor...? Yup, that's right. But Ino pays for her apartment and helps her out with her financial problems!

Sasuke lives in America and Sakura lives in Tokyo. If this story ends happily, how will they stay in a relationship if they live millions of miles away from each other??? Heh heh...still thinking about that...