here is the next and final chapter in my story, it's a little sad so be warned, but ties everything up i believe. Please review, i'm really sorry about the wait, but this was a really hard chapter to write.

Piper looked around the room that Barbas had taken her to, it appeared to be an underground cavern of some type. She shivered, this reminded her too much of the Underworld to be comfortable.

"Ah, it appears that at least someone is trustworthy to follow my word."

Piper's head whipped around at the sound of a voice, she saw a tall blond man leaning against the wall watching her. He looked a little like Leo, and somewhat resembled the boy in the photos at Dad's...

"Wyatt?" She breathed, not sure if she was asking or stating.

"What Mom? Don't recognize your eldest? It hasn't been that long has it? After all you did see what Christopher and Melinda look like didn't you?"

"What do you want with me? You have put quite a bit of effort into getting me into the future; why?" She stepped back from him as she spoke; she didn't trust him at all. This was not her angelic baby, this was a monster.

"Originally it wasn't you at all, the spell was for Christopher, he's been...stubborn about coming home. Then I decided that I needed your power, it was the only Charmed power that I don't have. Melinda was the one to inherit it, she doesn't even deserve it. She and Christopher are too scared to come to their full potential."

Wyatt began to pace as he talked, this was the one topic that he really became excited over. Telling people why his siblings were unworthy of his reign and of being of his family. That is why many people were unaware that there was more than one Halliwell still alive, they only heard about Wyatt.

"So, I intended to summon your power, but I am not a great spell caster and my intent was not fulfilled. Instead I received the mother that later the day that she left would tragically die baking Christopher's birthday cake. So I needed a new plan, you are going to do exactly what I tell you to." Wyatt advanced on her, until Piper stood with her back to the wall and Wyatt looming over her.

"And why should I? There is nothing that would want to make me help the Source of All Evil. Don't even think of pulling the son card, you aren't my son; if you were, you would still be following the path of good." Piper stared defiantly back at him, he didn't scare her. He wouldn't risk growing up without a mother.

"Well Mother, aren't you wondering when you have my dear brother and sister?" Wyatt nodded when he saw the curious light come into Piper's eyes. "Well, Christopher needs to be conceived in about oh a month in your time. I'm what a month away from my birthday? Yes," he smiled sickeningly at the expression on Piper's face. "If you want to be there to conceive Christopher, you had better listen."

Chris ran through the base not stopping for anyone, he needed to get to the garden. He burst through the door and sighed in relief when he noted that Paige and Phoebe were still there, then his expression grew worried when he couldn't find his mother. He started running again, feeling like he was 14 again and was doing cross- country; he had run then to escape the pain. Now he ran to make sure that it never started.

Piper wasn't in the garden.

"Paige! Phoebe! Where is Mom?" He turned to see them staring at him like he had an extra head or something.

"Well, she was right over there..." Paige started to turn and noticed that Piper wasn't anywhere near where she had last seen her.

"Wait, oh god. She's left hasn't she! Why the hell would she do that? Darryl told us that it was too dangerous to even think about going outside, where would she go?" Paige said frantically.

"I have an idea," Chris said darkly; without another word he swiftly walked over to the boundaries and passed through them. Paige and Phoebe saw him pass his hand over the ground and mumble something that they couldn't hear. His expression grew so dark that Phoebe almost started to back up before she remembered that Chris didn't want to hurt her at all.

Chris walked back through the boundaries and motioned for them to follow him. Paige and Phoebe had to almost run to keep up with his fast walk, he led them down halls and through doors until they came to a stop in an office.

Chris's office, Paige observed, there were more pictures and maps here than there were in Victor's apartment.

She edged closer to the desk while Chris talked on the phone; there was a picture of an older Piper, like the one they had met earlier, and a younger Chris she guessed. There was a bond there that was apparent even through the picture, he had really meant something to her.

Paige looked over at Chris as he lowly and swiftly talked into the phone, and allowed herself to really see him. The curve of Piper's jaw, Leo's eyes, Victor's smile, the arch of Mom's eyebrows...he was really and truly a Halliwell.

"The others are on their way, we have a serious problem." Chris said, finally putting down the phone and turning to them.

"What happened?" Phoebe asked.

"I'd rather tell everyone one time, so just hold on a sec okay."

Paige and Phoebe both waited impatiently for the others to arrive, they could tell that Chris wasn't going to budge from his decision now that he had made it.

Mel, Darryl, and some other guy all filed in with matching worried expressions, Mel closed and locked the door once they were all inside.

"What happened?" She asked; unknowingly mimicking Phoebe.

"Barbas came, tricked Piper into leaving with him and now Wyatt has her." Chris said shortly, he started to pace around the room muttering to himself.

"Well, shit. What are we supposed to do? It's not like we can go and get her or something!" Mel cried, she also started to pace, from one wall and back.

"Why not? It's not like we're powerless!" Paige demanded.

"Wyatt is more powerful than the Charmed Ones, much less me, or Chris, or anyone else. Going into his lair, his world would be complete suicide. And we can't risk ourselves." Mel explained.

"We are risking ourselves by not going. This is the version that still needs to give birth to us, if something happens to her, poof." Chris explained, even smacking his hand together for emphasis.

"So, in other words, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't." Mel stated.

"Anyone have a plan that could actually help?" The dark haired man that had come in with Mel asked.

"Hey, who are you anyway?" Phoebe asked.

"I'm Ryan, Mel's boyfriend."

Both aunts heads whipped around to Mel, this was an interesting turn, Mel turned a fiery red that Paige thought to herself was actually rather impressive.

Phoebe leaned closer to Mel and whispered to her, "Nice pick."

"Alright, lets get down to the planning stages shall we?" Mel said loudly as she walked away from her embarrassing aunts. Chris shook his head and picked up a large book, "There may be something in there."

Piper looked up at her dad when he answered the phone in Chris's apartment. Then she grew worried when he almost seemed to choke when he heard whatever the other person was saying. Victor gently replaced the receiver, smiled at Piper though it looked rather forced, and went to find Evelyn.

She craned her neck to see down the hall, she could hear indistinct talking coming from the kitchen and was about to go see what the problem was when Victor came back.

"Piper, there is a problem. Chris needs your help."

"Whatever he needs. You know that I would do anything for him, Dad."

"I was hoping that you would say that."

He grabbed her hand and started to walk down the hall toward Chris's office.

Mel wrung her hands and stared at her brother, he wasn't looking too good. Maybe all the stress had really gotten to him, she made a note to herself to have a good long talk with him when he had the chance.

She looked over when her grandfather led Mom in, this was going to kill them to ask.

"Mom," all heads turned toward her. "What were you doing in your time when Wyatt brought you here?"

"Baking Chris's birthday cake, he's 14 today."

Mel bit her lip and heard distantly that Chris had left the room.

"Wyatt has the younger version of you. We think that he's going to make her cast some type of spell to show where the Resistance is because she has been here, or something to that effect. Ry thinks that he will use the fact the me and Chris aren't born yet as leverage to make her bend to his will. So, we were wondering if you could cast a spell and trade places with her. Please."

"Of course baby, the leverage won't work for me, and Wyatt wouldn't harm his mother right?" Piper walked over and drew Mel to her and started to run her hand over her head.

"I hope so. Mommy, this might not come out smelling of roses. Wy's really changed now." Mel bit her lip and started to worry it between her teeth. She backed away from her mother and reached out for Ryan's hand. He took hers in between his and rubbed it comfortingly.

"That's fine, you are more important now, than I was." Piper gave a sad smile and looked around, "So, what's the spell?"

Phoebe held out a piece of paper, "It's a Power of Three Spell. It should work since we are all sisters. Ready?"

At the nods the sisters bent over the paper, Piper glanced up briefly when she heard Chris come back in with a piece of paper in his hand.

We call upon the Power of Three

Help us bring our sister back to me

Replace her with herself, but different

So that we can make a difference.

White lights surrounded Piper and disappeared, several moments later the younger Piper stood in her place.

"Oh, well this is much better. I promise I wasn't going to help him, but I couldn't risk two of my children for one."

"Doesn't matter, we need to go." Chris held up the piece of paper and nodded to Mel to draw the triquatra.

As soon as she finished Chris was reciting the spell.

Hear these words, hear the rhyme

Heed the hope within my mind

Send me back to where I'll find

What I wish in place and time.

The wall lite up and Chris motioned the sisters to walk through first, after a final glance at his family he walked through as well.

"Going to kill me Wyatt?" Piper asked calmly as she watched as Wyatt killed another demon in his rage.

"STOP TALKING!!! Christopher had to ruin this for me. He had to get his way, I could KILL him for this."

Wyatt stomped through the room again and came to a pause in front of the door. "Why did he send you? Christopher has always loved you too much to risk your life."

"Because his life and that of your sister's were more important than mine, and because I wanted to." She raised an eyebrow when Wyatt turned to her completely stunned. "Do you really not know me at all, Walnut?"

She invoked the special name that she had used when Wyatt had started complaining about Chris being Peanut when they were little.

"You know you came to die," was all he could say as he stared at his mother.

"Then I died for the cause and not because I was as weak as you to rely only and solely on my power. You really disappoint me Wyatt, I thought you were better than a common low level demon." She said it to piss him off and succeeded, she has wanted to make a real point with him. She was finally seeing beyond the veil that Wyatt had hid himself behind as a child.

The worst thing she could have said to Wyatt was to call him weak, he erupted literally. He forgot the fact that his mother was not immune like he was to his powers and killed her.

When Wyatt saw what he had done, he felt the heart that he had been ignoring crack just a little. His brain cried out at the irony. He had long used his mother's death as the reason that he went wacko, and to think that he had caused it all along.

Wyatt stared at his mother's body and remembered more than he was comfortable with. He waved his hand and spoke quietly.

May her body return to it's proper place

Its resting place in time and space

Let it be undamaged and whole

She was my mother and leaves a hole.

White light enveloped the body and disappeared. He knew where it was going, to the kitchen floor in 2018, where it would lay until Christopher smelled his cake burning and ran downstairs. He wiped at a small tear that ran down his face and looked at it in wonder, he hadn't cried since his mother's funeral. He looked around his kingdom and knew that no one within it would be able to help him. For the first time since he had pushed everyone away, Wyatt felt truly alone.

Chris and the sister arrived back in the attic, back in the right time. He didn't bother to look at them, but whipped another spell out of his pocket. Mel had written it when she figured out that he would be leaving as soon as they had Piper again. They didn't need the burden of remembering what once was, he could give them that.

Now the wrong memories seen and stored

may they be erased ever more

So that when the future is right again

They may never remember what had been.

Lights shone from his family and before they had faded Chris orbed out, they wouldn't like him again.

The world was once again moving as it should.

I said that it was sad remember, please review and tell me if it pleases, it made me happy but then again i wrote it right, so you tell me