And here is the last chapter of the story a role-reversal of the small scene in 'Lines In the Sand', again not as smutty and maybe a bit far-fetched but I hope you like it anyway.
And a final word- hopefully the Wrtiers Strike will be sorted out soon so we can more House eppies!
But in the meantime, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Just Say No
November 2007
"CUDDY!" House called, coming out of one of the clinic rooms.
"You still have twenty minutes left." She pointed out, trying to escape to her office, not wanting to get into a fight with House.
"I know but you can't put anyone in Room 2, there's a gas leak." House explained.
"What?" Cuddy cried. "Great, just what I need." She took a deep breath, she hated it when things went wrong in her hospital.
"What did you do?" She asked turning on House.
"Nothing. I was just there with a patient, a young kid who wanted to get out of school, thought it would be fine to draw spots on himself and pass them off as measles. Except of course he used purple pen." Cuddy rolled her eyes. "But I sensed something was wrong when the mother started laughing instead of pulling him out by his ear. So looking around I found the ceiling had a leak. Nitrous Oxide."
"How did you find it in the ceiling?"
"You'll need to get my cane cleaned." He said, holding up indicating he had pushed up the ceiling tile with it.
"Fine, just get back to work, I'll get Maintenance on it." Cuddy said walking off.
While Cuddy was in Exam Room 2, helping out Maintenance, House found a way to escape clinic duty by playing with his GameBoy in Cuddy's office. But, of course with Cuddy watching over the problem this meant she got a lungful of the laughing gas, leading to some very interesting ramblings.
It was almost midnight, and after falling asleep at his desk, House was making his way out. Though he knew she loved her job, House wondered why Cuddy's office light was still on.
"Hey Cud- Whoah!" House cried. She was sprawled out over her floor, looking over papers but not really taking them in. But she had her shoes off, her skirt was pulled up quite high and she was wearing the skimpiest tank top House had ever seen her in. Clearly the effects of the gas hadn't worn off.
"House." She said smiling giving him a sexy smile. And though it had an effect on him, he couldn't do it.
"Cuddy why aren't you going home? You need to rest until your back to normal." House said pulling her to her feet. He tried desperately not to look at her chest, something very hard at the moment.
"Why would I want to go home, when I have you right here." She said pulling his jacket off.
"Cuddy, what are you doing?"
"Come on, you say it all the time. I know you want me. Now's your chance. So what are you going to do?" Cuddy said, unbuttoning his shirt, but House grabbed her hand and stopped her. Before he had a chance to get away, she grabbed him and kissed him full on. For a second House gave in, this is admittedly something he had wanted since they first met.
"No." House said. "No Cuddy. You don't want this. I don't. At least not like this."
Cuddy looked in horror at House and frowned. "Fine. If you don't want me that's just fine. But you'll never get another chance. You absolutely sure?" She said, taking her top off, leaving her in a lacy black bra. Before he realised it, House had picked up his jacket and covered Cuddy with it. And was leading her to her car.
"Look let's just get you home, you need to sleep."
"Now you're talking."
"I'm not joining you."
"Fine then, get your own way home. If you don't wanna come with me, then go away!" Cuddy cried angrily, chucking House's jacket at him, slamming her door shut and driving off, leaving House in the pouring rain. He watched her retreating car in disbelief and made his way to the nearest bus stop.
About two blocks away from Cuddy's home, the car ran out of gas. Frowning she tried the car a couple of times but eventually just grabbed her briefcase and decided to walk. But it was still chucking it down with rain, and it was absolutely frozen. Foolishly she had left her top in her office, and quickly rushed to her home in just her bra and skirt.
House got off at the nearest bus stop to Cuddy's home to make sure she was alright. But noticed she wasn't there yet. Just as he was about to leave to go walking around the block, he saw a figure walking down the street towards her home. Cuddy.
"Cuddy!" He cried, he took off his jacket again and threw it around her shoulders. She was already soaked to the bone.
"H-h-ho-ouse!" She said. "W-wh-wh."
"OK, don't speak, let's just get in."
"D-d-dirty talk, l-l-l-ove it." She was still under the influence of the gas and her teeth were chattering. Just as he put his arms around her and managed to hold her up, she passed out from the cold.
"Fuck!" He cried to the dark night.
Getting her key from her briefcase, he opened the door and House tried his best to carry, more drag her in. In a very rough and difficult manner, House managed to get Cuddy to her bedroom and lay her down on the bed. He covered her with the sheets and turned to leave.
He realised that due to her state of undress, her skin was absolutely frozen from the winter New Jersey rain. He then realised what he would have to do."Dammit. Fucking hell! Gotta get her out of the clothes. But if she finds me of all people doing that, she'll kill me, no questions asked. Regardless of me trying to help her." House grumbled to himself. He gathered a few stray workout clothes from her drawers and settled Cuddy on her comfy bed.
With a feel of her pulse and frozen skin, House knew he couldn't wait any longer. Cuddy had to get out of her clothes and fast. He took her high heels off and chucked them to the ground. Then he unzipped her skirt from the back and removed it swiftly. Pulling it off slowly, House saw that the rain had reached her underwear.
"You gotta be kidding me." House groaned. "This is fucking torture." He gritted his teeth and tried to stop the excitement building in his trousers at the sight of the beautiful woman before him. He grabbed a couple of towels from the bathroom and wiped Cuddy's skin clean of the rain.
So as not to tempt himself any longer, he deftly unclasped her bra and tore it off, then just as quickly he pulled her panties down, leaving the sleeping Dean completely naked.
The pressure building in his pants, made House move faster. If Cuddy could see him now she would surely have a fit and kill him good and proper. Despite himself, he chuckled at the thought.
Gently and carefully, he pulled the pyjama pants on her and then dressed her in a tank top. Then he pulled the covers back and placed her under them. He could feel her pulse was reaching it's regular beat once again, and sighed thankfully, though her body was still quite cold, he knew she would be fine in the morning.
Gathering her wet clothes and tossing them in the bathroom, House then tried his best to fight against his body's involuntary action. He couldn't help it, after nights of torturous fantasies of his Boss and the glimpses of flesh she allowed him to see, he had just been granted a full view of the most beautiful person in the world, and he wanted nothing more now to prove he loved her. But the good part of him had forced him to become a gentleman and he left her sleeping soundly. Of course that didn't mean he would get rid of the beautiful image of her naked body, torturing himself, he burned the image into his mind, and simply smiled.
Cuddy groaned loudly as she woke up, feeling like she had a hangover except she knew it wasn't alcohol. Turning over, she saw the light streaming in through her windows. Shoving the covers off, Cuddy looked down in surprise. She wasn't wearing the same clothes as she remembered passing out in.
"What the hell-" Cuddy sat bolt upright in horror. As she recalled throwing herself at House, also stripping off.
"Oh fuck! No, no, no!" She moaned burying under the covers again. But her headache wasn't getting any better. She needed a drink, water, coffee even alcohol now, just to get rid of the memory. She knew House would never let her forget this and was probably broadcasting it over the entire hospital right now.
Slowly and sluggishly, she pulled on a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt and tied her hair up in a ponytail. Stepping downstairs slowly, she held her head down to keep from spinning and walked to the Kitchen. After getting a glass of water, she turned around to the table.
"Morning honey." House said, perched on her table.
"JESUS!" Cuddy screeched, dropping her glass. Breathing heavily, she tried to calm down.
"How are you?" House asked, smirking.
"I'm fine. A headache, which you just amplified, but alright now."
"Damn, no more stripping then." House said, arching an eyebrow. Cuddy flushed and she bent to pick up the broken glass.
"Crap!" Cuddy cried after cutting herself.
"Here you go bandage your finger, I'll get this cleared up."
Before she took another step though, she thought she better say what was on her mind before she lost her nerve. "House. I wanted to thank you." Cuddy said quietly. "That was probably the nicest thing you ever did for me last night, but thank you for saying no. It wasn't right, I wasn't myself. And though I am embarrassed about what I did, you did the right thing." Cuddy then held up her bloody finger. "I'll just clean this up."
"Your welcome." House said softly. Once again Cuddy had left him speechless.
By the time Cuddy was back, House had cleaned up the glass and had made her some toast.
"Thanks." Cuddy said beginning to eat.
"Your welcome." House replied again. "You should be alright now. It was just a fleeting thing."
"I must admit, I'm impressed you didn't take me up on my offer."
"Well what can I say. I'm not like Chase, when I get a woman, I don't need to have her incapacitated to sleep with her."
Cuddy smiled. He was throwing off his nice act and getting back to normal.
"Of course if you really wanna thank me, you can just wear that black bra again." With that he grabbed the last piece of toast and munched on it. He decided not to tell her the full story, she didn't need to know. Besides if he played his cards right, then he could win Cuddy over once and for all, then get to see her body without her passed out.