Chapter Six

Take Away The Sunshine

After escorting Roxas back to the safety of the Rebellion's Headquarters the stoic brunet known as Leon wandered along the empty Marketplace. Curfew had started and the people had quickly gone back to their homes before Sora and his guards patrolled the area.

Leon had no fear of getting caught and even if they did catch him he would paint the Marketplace with their blood before surrendering. His grip on Lionheart tightened as his thoughts drifted to images of his own death, most likely at the hands of either Sora or his master Demyx. Dying wouldn't be so bad least he would see Cloud again if the Gods were merciful.

Images of the beautiful blond with the breathtaking smile and the brightest blue eyes filled his mind and Leon allowed a true smile to touch his lips. Leon had Cloud both came from the same world, they had known each other since childhood and they escaped when Demyx took over. Merlin had been part of the Rebellion before Demyx had him executed publicly for the use of high level magic. Despite that and the fact that an Empire now stretched across the Known Worlds Leon still had hope and light because Cloud was there with him. Before Demyx and his army came to power Leon and Cloud had their lives planned out.

Cloud had been such an innocent soul before the darkness. He managed to bring a smile to anyone's face. He wasn't a warrior but he possessed a strong heart and sense of justice. Cloud was their light and the day he was murdered Leon lost the only good thing he ever had.

Demyx had caught Cloud breaking into the castle on a recon mission and as punishment and a warning Cloud had been executed. Leon remembered standing in the shadows, out of sight as Cloud was placed on a cross and crucified. It had taken him hours to die.

"I miss you Sunshine." Leon whispered hoarsely. He couldn't even give Cloud a decent burial. Demyx had seen to that. "I'll make him pay for everything he's done."

"Problems aren't always solved with a sword Leon." He smiled as he fondly remembered that moment with Cloud.

"My sword is all I have left." The brunet walked on through the dark Marketplace.

When he came to the centre of town with the statue of Demyx and the severed head of Ansem Leon scowled and spat on the object. He hated this world with such passion. He hated Demyx for bringing in the darkness.

A part of him hated Cloud for leaving him but Leon felt crushing guilt soon afterwards. He had been the one to send Cloud on that was his fault. Gasping down his pain Leon quickly made his way to the Marketplace to pick up supplies. He reached the first stall when he heard someone walking towards him.

"Who's there?" he called out as he drew up Lionheart. The footsteps drew closer and he could make out a figure in the darkness.

"Leon?" that voice...the brunet froze in his place. It couldn't be him. "Oh god...that mirror..."

"Who are you?" Leon snarled. He wouldn't be fooled by this trickery of Demyx's.

"It's me..." the figure stepped out of the darkness and into the moonlight. Mako blue eyes glowed, that beautiful creamy skin shone and his hair was like a halo. "It's Cloud Strife."

Leon couldn't breathe as he took in the sight of the blond man. His fingers felt numb and his sword became too heavy to hold up. It couldn't be real, Cloud was dead, and he had seen it that day when Demyx drove the spikes into his hands and feet. Leon bit back the flow of tears that were sure to erupt from him. This was the sickest attempt yet made by Demyx in an attempt to infiltrate the underground rebellion.

"Don't take another step!" Leon snarled with barely suppressed rage.

"Who the fuck are you? You can't be Leon." The blond imposter gripped his own sword which looked to be the size of his own body.

"Did Demyx send you?" Leon demanded. His body was ready for a fight.

"Who the hell's Demyx? And this can't be Hollow Bastion." The blond snapped back with venom.

"Leave before I make you regret coming here." Leon gripped his sword.

"Not a chance. I want answers." The blond man narrowed those blue eyes. "Who is Demyx anyway?"

"You're insane if you don't know who that fucking psychopath is." The scarred brunet snapped.

"I told you I came through a mirror. I don't know where here is." Cloud answered with irritation. Leon narrowed his stormy gaze but the sincerity in Cloud's eyes and expression made him think twice.

"A mirror brought you to Hollow Bastion?" his refused to believe such a story until he got proof.

"If you want I'll show you where it is." Cloud offered but his gaze never wavered from Leon's.

"Fie but try anything and I won't hesitate to kill you." Leon warned.

"I don't doubt that." For a moment the burnet swore he saw a sparkle in those ice blue eyes and a smile touching those lips.

They kept their eyes fixed on one another, both men feeling a sense of deep loss and anger mixed with the bitter taste of hope. Leon wanted his Sunshine to be alive so badly but he was not foolish enough to fall for a simple trick. The blond couldn't be his Cloud anyway.

His clothing was darker, that of a warrior and that sword he carried sent a shiver of fear through Leon's body. He had the look of a seasoned warrior and his eyes told Leon of the battles he must have be involved in.

He followed Cloud into the old section of town where a tunnel led into an underground chamber. The room was empty mostly except for a mirror lying against the wall. The surface still shimmered and rippled like the water from a calm lake.

When the rippling stopped the surface began glass and Leon stared at his own shocked reflection. He noticed that a section of the mirror's frame had slipped back into the main black decoration before the watery surface became glass.

His stormy eyes fell on Cloud as realization sunk in. This could truly be Cloud Strife alive and well and who managed to travel through a mirror. The scarred man felt his fingers become numb and his sword dropped from his grasp. Cloud was here, somehow he was here again. Hope blossomed in Leon's heart for the first time in months. The blond warrior sighed deeply before moving towards the mirror.

"What is that thing?" Leon backed away from the mirror.

"I don't know exactly. Leon...from my world told me his attacker came through the mirror." Cloud explained.

"Why did you come here?" Leon asked after a few moments.

"Leon was murmured in my world." Cloud spat out bitterly. "His killer came from the mirror. Maybe he came back again."

"I'm sorry." Leon muttered.

"The bastard took his sword." Cloud swiped his eyes. "He stabbed him with Lionheart then took it for his own."

"That sounds like Demyx." the burnet said harshly.

"Who is he?" Cloud asked quickly.

"He's our benevolent leader." Leon said the words with such hatred Cloud felt his blood go cold. "When he kills an opponent he usually takes either their weapons or their abilities."

"I'm going to kill him." Cloud hissed.

"Get in line." Leon answered harshly. "Are you going to go back to your world?"

"What's the point?" Cloud turned away from the mirror. "Leon's dead and the one responsible came from here."

"Demyx is in his castle now. A banquet is being held there." Leon said quietly. "How do you know Demyx killed him?"

"I don't know but from what you told me it's worth checking out." Cloud responded. Leon didn't say anything but he grabbed his sword and motioned for Cloud to follow him out.

Demyx scowled when he used a dark portal to enter his castle. The place was empty and falling apart with age. His Throne Room was a church and the doorway that led into the room containing the Door to Darkness was now sealed off. So far this world was really pissing him off but at least some good came out of this trip so far.

That mirror was obviously a teleportation device of some kind and worth a lot. The Heartless roamed this castle but they didn't bother Demyx as he inspected the place that should be his crowning glory. There had to be some changes made.

No doubt Saix delivered the message by now and even if he didn't it was of no consequence. Xemnas would have to come out sooner or later along with this Organization. When he was finished inspecting the castle Demyx used a dark portal to return to the treasure room and the mirror. He couldn't keep it out in the open for anyone else to find, least of all any insurgents. Creating another dark portal Demyx pulled the mirror into the portal and took it back to the castle.

"Demyx." A familiar voice called out and a smile touched the blond's lips. So Saix did as he was told.

"Xemnas..." Demyx smiled. The white haired man was standing in the church along with Demyx. "You got here quick."

"What are you?" amber eyes narrowed. Xemnas was holding two red blades in each hand.

"I'm the guy who's gonna take charge around here." Demyx circled Xemnas, eyeing up his prey with excitement.

"There's so much darkness around you." Xemnas murmured. "Did the mirror do this to you?"

"Well the mirror is responsible for me being in this fucked up world." Demyx answered. "But I want to talk about the Organization."

"You won't leave here alive." Xemnas hissed. He drew up his weapons and Demyx let out a bark of laughter.

"So you wanna fight me now?" Demyx cocked his head. "I wouldn't mind kicking your ass a second time."

"Give me the mirror Demyx." Xemnas ordered but this caused Demyx to laugh harder.

"Oh please!" the green eyed man laughed as he raised Lionheart. "Do you honestly expect me to listen to you? Time to die Xemmy!"

Xemnas scowled and charged ahead towards the blond man while Demyx gripped Lionheart and a smile touched his lips. He would enjoy this fight. In the darkness of a castle long ago abounded a Nobody and a Dark Lord brought up their weapons and fought.