Hey guys! This is a little sample of a story started from one of my plot bunnies. Thi is just a test to see what reactions I get. If you like it, then review and tell me if you want me to continue... if you don't... then walk away...walk FAR away!

Sometime, in life you find that good things happen to good people when they deserve it and bad things happen to bad people because they deserve it. Unfortunately, as the fates may have it, in this world it is more likely that good things will happen to bad people and bad things, horrible things happen to good people.

Inside St. Bernard's Hospital, on the sixteenth floor sat a distraught Jake Long, the American Dragon, staring at his mistake, his horrible mistake. He shook his head in shame. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry." He whispered in the grim green glow of the heart monitor as he gazed at Trixie.

Gingerly, he touched her bruised and battered face. With his index finger his touched the long, thin scar that extended from the right side of her forehead, over her eye and to the middle of her right cheek. He touched her the blue and black welt on the side of her neck, the chapped ness of her lips and without even realizing it he suddenly had her hand in his.

Hot tears began to form behind his eyes as guilt began magnifying within him. How was he going to explain this to Trixie's parents, to his parents, to his grandpa? How was he going to explain it to the Dragon Council? Other than his Grandfather, the Dragon Council was something he did fear and with good reason, what had happened that night had to have broken over fifty magical laws of conduct. All of that sat in the back of his mind, however, as he stared at Trixie's inanimate body.

The room door opened, letting in unwelcome light from the hallway, and in walked a nurse. Her orthopedic shoes squeaked on the floor, annoying Jake in his already solemn state, "Well, good heaven child." She whispered, her Scottish accent still seeping through, "Lets turn on some light and…"

"No, keep them off." Jake told her authoritatively. He didn't want anyone seeing the shame written clear across his face, "Trixie hates it when people turn on lights when she's sleeping."

The nurse gave him an awkward stare but complied, taking her gloved finger off the switch. She hobbled over to the machines that Trixie was hooked up to and checked over the numbers and figures on them. "Yup… uh-huh… okay," she jotted down things on her clipboard, "You're Jacob Luke Long, correct?" she asked him.

"Yeah that's me."

"The police are downstairs, they would like to talk to you."

Jake felt his face flush red with anger, "I told them before, we were skating and she fell," he lied, "That's all."

"Mmhmm…" the nurse didn't believe him for a second but didn't pursue the issue further, seeing how flustered he was already. "In any case, her parents will be here soon. Enjoy your visit." And with that she left, once again leaving Jake and Trixie alone.

He took her hand in his again. It was cold yet still soft, Trixie made it part of her morning ritual to put on lotion… just in case Kyle Wilkins wanted to hold her hand. "I'm sorry, Trix! Please wake up, please!" he found himself begging, even though he knew it wouldn't help.

His pants suddenly started vibrating, "What, Fu?" he asked rather rudely as he answered his phone.

"Hi to you to, kid." Fu dog grumbled. Already aware of why Jake was in such a melancholy mood he didn't bother pushing the kid, "Look, I know that at this moment there is only one piece of new that could bring you down worse but you need to know."

Jake, still holding onto Trixie's hand, sighed, "Then don't tell me, I already know."

"Actually, you don't." Fu began, "The Dragon Council is up in arms right now debating on whether to take not only yours but Lao Shi's as well. You gotta appeal to them by tonight or they'll be here for you tomorrow morning." Fu exasperated.

Jake's eyes flew open. He knew they were going to want to take his dragon powers but why his grandfather's power to? With another sigh he let go of his motionless friend and stood up, "Alright, I'll be at the shop as soon as I can."

As he headed for the door voices caught his ear. They belonged to Trixie's parents. How lucky for him that they both were in town when he messed up so badly? Thinking quickly he changed into his dragon form, "Trix, I promise. I will find a way to wake you up."

The doorknob began to turn and he took that as his cue to fly out of the window.

Trixie's mom burst through the door, tears streaming down her face, "Trixie! Trixie, my baby!" she cried, hoping that her deafening sobs would wake her daughter up. "Wake up, please!" she cried again.

"Baby," her husband attempted to calm her. She wasn't listening and persisted to make noise, "Baby, stop." He took his wife and held her tight, his army training coming in handy. "Be strong, be strong." Even though he said it, he was having trouble following his words. Seeing his daughter, his child laying in a hospital bed, unconscious and unmoving was unbearable… even for a man who has seen the harsh conditions of war.

Mmk so how did you like it? Good...? TELL ME!

Reviews make me love you long time... not really... sorry?
