Hmmm...interesting...I was expecting this story to get no more than 3 reviews, and I got 8! Thank you to my reviewers, you really helped me :

Disclaimer: I do not own OHSHC. Happy?

Note: If it seems rushed, my greatest, deepest apologies. This WAS meant to be short...but I tried to make this chapter a little more detailed.

Chapter 3...

Kaoru hugged his thin jacket to him, wishing he had something warmer. When he had escaped from the house after Hikaru left, he never would have dreamed it would be that cold outside.

If one runs away from one's home, one should be more prepared to do so, he thought to himself with a roll of his eyes.

For ages he had sat on that park bench, lip trembling, his body huddled against the cold. He didn't know why he ran away. It was stupid. But he couldn't face Hikaru, when he got home from his date...Couldn't face what might have happened...

A middle-aged woman pushing a stroller passed him. Her worried eyes bore into his as she walked, a frown creasing her face. Kaoru smiled meekly at her; a quiet way of telling her to move on. To not worry about him.

It's like what I did with m'lord as he passed. I told him not to worry.

The wind blew harder, to add to his misery. Tears leaked out of his eyes and down his flushed cheeks, against his will.

"Wh...Why am I like this?" he asked himself through shivering lips. The question burnt in his mind.

If I want Hikaru to be happy, to let our world expand...

Then why am I so miserable?

"Well, well."

That voice. That smooth, familiar voice. Kaoru whipped his head around to look up at who spoke. The orange-haired young man standing over him grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Looks like my foolish twin has gotten himself stuck on a park bench."

Kaoru supplied a small grin. "I needed a place to sit," he said, lips shuddering violently as he spoke. "I decided to stay."

Hikaru closed his eyes and sighed. Shrugging out of his own jacket, he wrapped it around Kaoru's arms. "Kaoru, Kaoru," he sighed, leaning in closer to him as he laid his hands on his brother's small shoulders. "What will I do with you?"

Tainted thoughts sprinted into Kaoru's head as Hikaru's words reached his ears. He blushed deeply, and muttered, "Get me warm, for one?"

"Sure." Hikaru sat beside him, wrapping an arm around Kaoru's shoulders. He smiled brightly. "Warmer?"

Kaoru nodded timidly. "Slightly..."

[[A/N: Gah! CRAMP IN THE FOOT! -sprawls onto the ground, cursing in pain-

Haruhi: You're ruining the emotional moment!

Tamaki: want to see...the idiot twins make love? -stares blankly-

Haruhi: -flushes- N-No...

Author: Heh heh one thing you didn't know about Haruhi, folks!

Haruhi: It's not like that!))

Hikaru sighed, looking ahead. Ahead at the peaceful trees swaying in the wind, at the kids playing violent Frisbee across the path. "I..."

Looking up at his brother, Kaoru snuggled into his chest. "What?"

A blush appeared on Hikaru's cheeks and Kaoru huddled closer. He felt like he was wrapping his arms around a girl: a small, fragile girl who needed protection. He clenched Kaoru's arm tighter.

Damn it...I hope that all I'm thinking is just older-brotherly love for him...

He coughed in embarrasment, continuing his sentence. "I didn't go on the date with Haruhi."

Kaoru's eyes grew wide. Wide and wondering. "What?"

"Well, it lasted for about 5 minutes. Everything went to flames when she asked me where I wanted to go."

"Hikaru, why?" Kaoru asked, frowning. "Why didn't you just keep going with it?"

"Because I...hurt you."

Clutching Hikaru's shirt with tight fists, Kaoru felt the tears returning when he heard the emotion on Hikaru's voice. " didn't." His voice choked from his deep lie.

"I know, Kaoru. I saw how sad you were...when I left to go to Haruhi."

"Hikaru..." Kaoru shook his head, determined to deny it. "Why would you think something that stu-"

"I know why you were jealous," Hikaru murmured.

"But...I to be happy..." Kaoru tried to say. He found he couldn't. If only the truth came out easily.

"I would never be happy with Haruhi," Hikaru sighed, staring down at his shoes.

Only with you.

Kaoru sat up, looking into his twin's soft eyes. He had heard what Hikaru had thought. "...Really?" he asked cautiously.

Hikaru smiled. "Why would I lie?" He frowned at Kaoru's tears and clicked his tongue. "Kaoru, Kaoru. Just why are you crying?" He wiped Kaoru's tears gently from his face. "There's nothing to be sad about."

Returning Hikaru's smile shyly, Kaoru wiped his cheeks with his sleeve. "I'm happy...when you're happy, Hikaru."

"I'd better stay with you, then."

Kaoru nodded, entwining his hand with Hikaru's. "Yeah.."

Both of them smiling identical smiles, they looked ahead, at the people travelling past in a blur, at the bright, clear sky.

For the rest of the world, it'll appear as just an act.

For anyone who looks at us, we'll just be two brothers who share a close bond.

But no one will know our deeper feelings.

They feelings words can't express.

And whatever the future brings...we'll be fine. Because, even after all that's happened...

We're separately together.



Haha, I won't lie. The only reason why I ended this annoying story (which I've become to hate) was because my friend said she 'wanted an ending to it'...

So I ended it.

I already said it was gonna be 3 chappies anyway.

Thanks for reviewing/reading it:)
