OKAY. I realized that in my other fanfic, Kaoru and Hikaru have not been focused on all that much! I try to fit them in continuously, but it is just not working!

Therefore, they get this special three-chaptered fanfic dedicated COMPLETELY to them. Aren't they special little homo twins?

Kaoru: -throws large boot-

Author: -ducks, straightens, and waves piece of scrolled paper like a sword- DON'T FORGET, I HAVE THE POWER TO KILL YOU OFF!

Damned Disclaimer: I do not own OHSHC...etc etc...you get the point, guys. People have this at the beginning of every story.

Complete Separation.

Rated: T for mature-ish themes.

We've been separating.

"Kaoru!" Hikaru rushed up to his twin, face in a smile. "Kaoru, guess what?"

Kaoru shrugged, managing a small grin at his twin. "I could never guess."

"I asked Haruhi out..."

The younger twin's eyes widened. "Y-You?"

"...and she agreed!"


Hikaru frowned, touching Kaoru's arm. "Kaoru? Is something the matter?"

Shaking his head, Kaoru replied, "No..."

There's nothing I can do to keep our small world from expanding.

"Nothings wrong. I'm happy for you, Hikaru."

Even if I wanted him to stay...



"Tamaki, calm down," sighed Kyoya from the table.


Haruhi raised an eyebrow at her senpai, giving him a bland look. "It's just a date, Tamaki-senpai. A date with Hikaru. How is that bad?"

"I won't let my daughter grow up!" Tamaki hugged Haruhi tightly to him, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I won't let my daughter be harassed by a perverted twin!"

"Haru-chan is going on a date with Hika-chan?" asked Hunny, gasping. "Kawaii!"

Hikaru rolled his eyes, shifting in his chair. He turned his back to them, pretending not to care. Kaoru grinned at his blushing twin. "You really are nervous about tonight, aren't you?"

Hikaru stammered, "N-No! Just...Tamaki-senpai doesn't need to make a public announcement about it!"

"He's jealous, Hikaru..."

With a frown, Hikaru looked up into his twin's sad golden eyes. "What?"

"Don't you see? We're..." Kaoru looked to the side, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "We're all jealous."

Kaoru...likes Haruhi?

Hikaru and Kaoru walked home that day. They decided a ride in the limo would waste the fresh air outside. Both didn't admit it, but they wanted to clear their minds; think.

Hikaru bit his lip, frowning at Kaoru's sad expression. He's...quieter than usual. "Hey," he said, a grin in his voice.

Kaoru looked over to his twin. "What?" he sighed.

"Maybe we can have some alone time...before I go on that stupid date." Hikaru moved closer to Kaoru, smiling at him devilishly. "Yeah?"

Kaoru blinked. Scowled. He shoved Hikaru away from him. To his horror, Hikaru lost his footing and skidded across the sidewalk. Hikaru looked up, dazed.

"Kaoru, what...?"

"S-Stop pretending!" Kaoru shouted, tears prickling his eyes as he clenched his fists. He ignored the fact that blood was trickling down Hikaru's gashed knee. "I'm sick of you pretending!"

Hikaru tilted his head to one side. "Pretending?"

Furious that he was crying, Kaoru yelled louder. "Pretending that you don't like Haruhi! You're pretending just to make me feel better! You're happy about your date with her, so why don't you just say it?! I know that you don't..." He lowered his head, shoulders shaking. "Just never mind." Wiping his face with his sleeve, he walked away from his fallen brother.

A bell tolled in the distance as Hikaru sat still. He curled and uncurled dirt in his fists, head lowered. "Why is...Kaoru mad at me?"

It's only a date...



Yeah, it's short...I restrained myself on chapters with this fanfic. I'm thinking its going to be a quick one, 3 chapters or so, cause I'm not exactly prepared to write a novel...

Kaoru and Hikaru seem a bit OOC...meh. I'm dismissing the thought.

Reviews, as always, make me love you readers more.
