Toy 11

Taking Pictures is for Toys

Sasori stared at the spot where Sakura last was. He murmured, "Why didn't I say it? I'm so stupid!" He kicked a rock and it skidded to the wall. Zetsu popped out on the wall in front of the mourning red head. The carnivore shook his head in shame. "My poor member of the famed Akatsuki, why are you doing this to yourself? It would have been better if you had just told her. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all you had to say and you messed it up."

Sasori glared at him. Zetsu didn't seem to notice the dangerous glare so he continued. "Seriously you are so dumb! Yes white side, you are right. Sasori confessing would have made the best scene ever. It would have been so beautiful to watch, to see my children growing up. Blackie, I can't believe you're agreeing to me because most of the ti-"Zetsu finally noticed his glare but that was after he saw his blankie taken as hostage.

Zetsu tried to act like a psychologist. "There, there. Put that down right now. We don't want anyone to get hurt. We're very good people that are citizens to this world. No body likes someone that takes someone else's blankie as hostage."

Sasori mimicked. "My poor member of the famed Akatsuki, why are you doing this to yourself?"

"Oh no you did not just steal my words!" Zetsu looked offended. The green haired plant took a step forward. Sasori stayed put. He had a confident smile on his face. "One more step and you can say bye bye to this." He waved the blue thing high in the air to make sure Zetsu had a good view of it.

Zetsu went down on his knees. He was in shock of what to do. Sasori waved it one last time and burned it using a match. When it was on fire, Zetsu looked at it and whimpered. He was on the verge of tears. "5…4…3…2…1" Sasori counted down. At one, the blue wonder had completely disappeared and turned what survived into ashes. At one, Zetsu took the ashes, went to a corner of the room, and started crying hysterically. Sasori laughed at this sight and walked away without a glance back.

The Rest of the Akatsuki

A forest that was once full of life was completely transformed into a barren desert full of dead bodies. Only the strong survived. There was few lawn chairs out. Itachi fanned himself. He sighed. "It's hot! Kisame, make some iced drinks for me." Pein sipped from a cup of lemonade. "He's not here."

Itachi looked up and took off his sunglasses. "Then where is he?" He had a worried look on his face. Pein sipped again. "Don't know, died?" Itachi got up from his chair and started walking to the direction of nearby lakes and ponds. Hidan whined. "Ah! Why is it so hot?"

Tobi wondered. "If it's so hot for you, then why are you tanning yourself under the sun? There are a few dead trees that are still standing. Hidan spit out, "You stupid! This is my religion!"

Tobi asked, "So it's your religion to tan yourself every time you kill someone?"

Hidan took out the dagger in his pocket and threw it at Tobi. It hit his arm. For a second, nothing happened. Then he started to run everywhere, screaming and howling in circles. Hidan breathed in deeply and then pulled out the scythe. Pein continued to sip from the cup. He was holding it with both hands and staring off into space. Hidan coughed blood and sat on Itachi's chair. Kakuzu looked up from his newspaper and threw a rock at Tobi. It hit him and he fell unconscious. "Shut up!" Kakuzu went back to reading the Most Wanted section. Konan woke up from her slumber and looked around. Her eyes locked on Pein. "Pein, where did you get that?"

Pein gulped the rest and threw the glass up away. He said innocently, "I found it in Konoha." Konan screamed and jumped onto Pein. "That's just too cute! Marry me!"

Pein calmly tried to push her away. It didn't work so he tried with all his force. He pushed for ten seconds and gave up. In the sky, a white bird was flying in circles. After a few minutes, it dropped down and Deidara jumped off and sat on Konan's chair. He also had a cup of lemonade.

Konan looked up. "Hey! That's my chair and give me that cup of delicious lemonade!"

Deidara pouted. "No! I'm hungry. Yeah"


He wandered aimlessly for awhile because he forgot where the lakes were. Even though his legs were killing him, he trudged on. Then he heard a splash. He ran with all of his might and stopped. There was a pond and Kisame was swimming in it. Itachi cried and cried when he saw him. Kisame stopped and swam to him. "Why are you crying?"

"I thought you died. You weren't with us in the end so I thought that you" Itachi cried again. He couldn't say the word. Kisame hugged him. "It's okay"


Sasori smirked. He took the picture and ran off. He had taken some really good pictures.

Back to the Akatsuki Hangout

Kakuzu glanced up and went back to reading. "Sasori's back."

Sasori had a really happy look on his face. "I took some really good pictures and I'm posting it on the internet." Kakuzu threw down the newspaper and went up to Sasori. He took the camera and looked at the pictures. It was one of those digital cameras with high definition. Kakuzu gasped and slapped Sasori on the face. "What the-?"

"We should be selling this! Not posting it on the internet so anyone can see this! I had an idea but I never thought it was this big!" Sasori stole it back. You have my permission to sell these pictures but I can do anything I want with these. And first, I want to finish taking pictures before I give them to you."

"Oh yeah, here you go Konan." I developed this for you!" Konan ran to get the developed picture and kissed it. Sasori took a few pictures of that. Konan blushed and turned angry. "Give me that camera!"

"No, it's mine! See, its part of the contract that you can't touch other members' belongings."

Konan growled and pounced to get the contract. She missed. "Stop. There's no use. There are more than a dozen copies. There's no use to rip that up." Pein said in his sleep. Konan sulked. "That's not fair."

The next few days were quiet from both sides. Well, kind of quiet. Konoha had a huge funeral service for those who died in the war. The Akatsuki was having trouble dealing with Sasori. He kept slipping away from trouble. Tobi tried to poison him, but puppets don't eat and his body was filled with poison anyways. Zetsu and Kisame destroyed one of his bodies but again, he's a puppet. Others were smarter and tried to target the chakra….thing…

He was always taking pictures. The next week, all of his pictures were posted everywhere. They were so famous it reached the gossip magazines and TV stations. The next month, everyone knew about this. The most talked about pictures was the one where Kisame was with Itachi. They were everywhere that they had to break up. Sasori brang a video camera for that.

One day, all of them cornered Sasori. He was completely trapped this time. Sasori whimpered in fear. Kisame showed his sharp teeth. "I'm going to break you into pieces." Itachi drew out a sword and aimed it the chakra thing. Konan and Zetsu glared evilly. Their eyes were still red from crying. Hidan put on a Dracula costume and drank some blood. Kakuzu had his tentacles out. Deidara was the only one that didn't go. Seems like Sasori didn't bother with Deidara.

Pein growled. "Why are you doing this? Before you were an annoying brat and now you're spreading rumors."

"Not rumors, facts" Itachi tapped the chakra thing with his blade. Sasori closed his mouth.

Pein asked again. "Why are you doing this? Why are you changing?"

"Don't know. New hobby?"

Pein started to stiffen up. Then he cried really hard and ran away hollering, "I don't like you anymore!"

Itachi warned, "I will kill you!"

Tobi asked, "You sabotaged everyone but you and Deidara. Why?"

Sasori shrugged, "Haven't you heard? We're officially yaoi partners!"

Everyone still there gasped except Tobi. Then they freaked out. "Omg! We have to buy presents! The second official Akatsuki yaoi pairing!" Sasori coughed. They turned his heads to him again. "That's for the anime. In this fanfic, it's Sasori and Sakura."

"Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" The Akatsuki understood.

Kakuzu cheered. "Yes! I don't have to buy anything!" Then the rest of the Akatsuki went away. Sasori breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he was going to die. It was so close to him dying. He stood up and brushed himself. Sasori walked to Deidara's room to not raise suspicion.

He found Deidara reading a book titled Eclipse. He had a cookie in his mouth. Then he suddenly gulped the whole cookie and started crying. "Omg! I love Jasper's story! It's so sad and cute!" Sasori jumped onto the bed and hugged him. "Hi, yaoi partner!"

Deidara screamed and pushed him away. He then sat on the edge of the bed looking cautiously at Sasori's next move. "What was that for? Yeah"

Sasori pouted. "Treat your yaoi partner with respect!"

Deidara shook his head. "What are you talking about?! Itachi and Kisame are!"

"Didn't you hear? Masashi Kishimoto made us yaoi partners!"

Deidara screamed again. "No way! Yeah. That can be true! Yeah. Sasori-danna can't be my yaoi partner! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Sasori just stared at him. Outside, some of the members were spying on them. Hidan bet Tobi that Deidara would never accept the fact that they're yaoi partners."

Sasori slowly crawled to Deidara and patted his head. "It's just for the anime. No this fanfic. Maybe other fanfics, but not this one. Deidara cried louder. Sasori put his fingers in his ears because his crying could be deafening. The other members did the same. Tobi gave up. He knew he was going to lose so he gave Hidan his money. The money got stolen by Kakuzu. It was a hundred bucks. He shifted his eyes and quietly left with the money.

Zetsu chewed on his new blankie. This time it was red. He thought, 'Sasori changed. Instead of being bratty, he's being kind of smart in being annoying. I know he's having fun but he's not showing any emotion saying that he loves doing this. Tsk. I hate to admit this but I'd rather have the old Sasori."

One by one the members left Deidara and Sasori alone. When they were finally alone, Sasori whispered to Deidara. "Hey, stop crying. It's true but I have something that I need you to do. I can't do it myself because Pein, Konan, and Zetsu are closely watching me. They think that I'm going to do something bad that will ruin their world domination plan. I just need you to send a message to Sakura. Fly on your explosive bird and place this paper in her hand. Go this midnight. Once you're done, fly high in the air and explode the bird."

"Or else? Yeah"

"Or else I'll spoil the rest of this book for you. Edward-"

Deidara yelled again. Sasori smirked. He took a piece of tightly folded paper out of his pocket. He placed the paper in between Deidara's fingers in case his mouths might eat it. Deidara stopped yelling and placed it in his pocket. He nodded and went back to reading. Sasori smiled and walked out and went to his own room. He sighed.

Everything happens at the strike of midnight.


She stared at the sunset. What was she going to do? It had already been a month since they last met. Maybe the same thing will happen and she'll meet him again in three years. She sighed in disappointment. Sakura had gotten so angry that she had forgotten to tell him.

She loved him.

Like everyone else, she had already heard about the Akatsuki pictures on the internet. They were a big laugh now. Though some were still frightened. Most of the citizens were laughing. The remaining ninjas tried to find the Akatsuki members but they found no trace of them. When they went to the hideout, they broke through easily. There was no trace of them though. It was like a cave. They had already packed their stuff and left. It was completely empty.

Sakura took out a kunai and twirled it. She was bored. Ever since that battle, barely any of the other countries had called them for missions. Konoha was big in debt now. Tsunade barely had any work now so all she did as drink all day. She was drunk all the time now.

10 o-clock

Deidara looked at his watch. He was completely bored and he still had to wait for an hour. The impatient blond had already finished the book and was now exploding the trees outside. They had changed their hideout to another forest. It was a rain forest that was next to the Rain country. It took an hour to go to Konoha. Deidara glanced at his watch again. The minute hand didn't even move yet. He couldn't wait any longer.

He summoned his flying bird and flew to the direction of Konoha. Sasori pulled the curtains. He looked outside. Deidara was gone. He growled. He had left an hour early. The Konoha nins must really want to get back at them for ruining their lives. They must've have raised their security. There was a 50-50 chance that Deidara might die since most of their ninjas were killed.

11 o-clock

Deidara flew for an hour. He saw Konoha now. He searched in his pocket. There he found a map. Sasori had also drawn a map to lessen the problem of trying to find in this big country. He also took the note and unfolded it. He smirked. It sounded so cheesy. He thought about changing the words but thought his own plan would work better. He was going to get back at Sasori for telling him those spoilers. Sasori had came back to tell him a major spoiler that was supposed to make him cry but didn't. It was a big sacrifice and he wasn't talking about getting killed by a bunch of weaklings.

He found her house easily. She was sleeping. These days, there was nothing to do. Deidara placed it in her hand and placed something on her desk.

He flew outside and left his bird in the sky. He ran to another bird that was outside of the boundaries and exploded the bird that was above Konoha…

Sakura woke up and looked at her surrounding. She soon noticed the note in her hand and unfolded it. It was dark so she couldn't see the words. She walked slowly to her desk. There she found another thing. She stared at both things and gasped and remembered the explosion that woke her up.

She ran outside and found everyone awake and running everywhere. They thought there was another attack.

Deidara smirked. Sasori growled. He hadn't thought of that.

Lclsurfer: There's two people in my school that are so obsessed with yaoi. And one of them keeps saying that the creator of Naruto made Deidara and Sasori an official yaoi pairing. So that's why. Yay! This is 2600 plus words! I'm still aiming for a lengthy chapter.