Servants to the Akatsuki, they try to escape to their freedom. Only to be killed if caught or made three mistakes in their life serving them. Playing with their minds and letting them do all the labor, of course they're still people aside from the fact they like killing. Sometimes they just want to have fun. To Akatsuki, servants are just toys that can be tossed away easily. Fifth story! (Warning: story may change from summary)

Toy 1

Cleaning is for Toys

(poke) (poke) (poke) (pokes harder) (jabs in the stomach) Sakura was trying to wake Sasori. He never wanted to be late so it was Sakura's job to wake them up. Mainly she just wakes up the lazy asses. Sasori was snoring so loudly. He was already thirty minutes late to breakfast.

Almost everybody in the Akatsuki were sparring with each other now. When I say almost everybody, I don't mean it. Hidan was practicing his religion. All over his door says JOIN JASSHINISM OR DIE. Not that anyone ever does, anyways Itachi and Kisame were already up. (They make a great couple! I support you! Don't be shy!) Kakuzu was outside stealing other people's hearts again. Deidara explodes anyone who goes in the room or even tries to wake him up. So the servants avoid him. Tobi was already up being cheerful. He never kills anyone. Zetsu has scary plants and dead people waiting to be eaten by him. So anyone that goes inside usually has to take therapy and take the rest of the day off. No one goes inside the Leader's room or the flowery guy's because that one is always locked. But whenever you pass it and see Akatsuki nearby it, you can hear them saying, "Come on. Get out! You don't have to lock yourself up just because a ugly fatty rejected you."

Some servants swore they heard that guy reply back by saying, "No! And she's not fat or ugly! Just because she has warts and pimples and a greasy head and wears extra extra extra extra extra extra gigantic size and weighs 657 pounds and black spots on her forehead and looks really green like she keeps vomiting and she farts and burps and melted skin everywhere and everything disgusting, IT DOESN'T MEAN SHE'S UGLY OR FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME CRY IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All her life, Sakura has been serving Akatsuki ever since she was five, she's always lived there. Anyways, back to the story! I'm drifting away from it!

"Sasori. Sasori. Sasori. Sasori! Sasori!! Sasori!!! SASORI!!!!!!!!!!!! Got damn it! I still have to wake up Zetsu!" Sakura took out her trumpet and started blowing it in his ear. Grr……I hate puppets! They never feel anything! THEN SHAKE HIM ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!! USE YOUR LAST RESORT AND ATTACK HIS WEAK SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm, that's a good idea! Time to kill him, but won't get killed by the others? NO!!!!!!!!!! THEY DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER THAT OROCHIMARU WAS KILLED WHEN HE WAS STILL HERE AND THEY DIDN'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN OROCHIMARU, HOW COME HE'S IMMORTAL LIKE HIDAN AND KAKUZU!!!!!!!!! STOP ANNOYING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Time to go bye bye forever Sasori!" She always kept a knife just in case she had a chance. As she dived to stab him, a cold hand took hold of her wrist. A loud crack was heard. She cried as blood gushed out.

"Sheesh! I was just dreaming about food and then I see you trying to kill me. Make up your mind woman! Kill me or wake me up! I mean, there's an obvious answer to that. Oh yeah, I read your mind and stop complaining. Thinking is for strategies! Not complaining. Ugh. I think you gave me a headache. I think I should let Ino wake me up. She's a lot better than you. I should change your job. Yeah, let's change it to clean the bathroom. Let Ino do all the easy stuff. However, you're so lame on all the jobs though…I'm changing your job to cleaning and dumping the trash instead. Naruto's loud. He would help. Anyways, you made me forty-five minutes late. Because of that, you now have one strike. Two more and you're dead."

Sakura was getting annoyed even though she should have already been used to this stuff. Sasori easily pushed her buttons to make her go crazy. Well, all of them criticized the servants. But they still got on her nerves because they knew their weaknesses and who they hate the most. She flinched. Sakura was close to falling over. She was going to faint from blood loss.

"Now go clean yourself up. You're staining the floor."

When she reached the doorway, she muttered, "Oh yeah well, Deidara's hot and you're not!" Then she turned her head and stuck her tongue out. Sasori slammed the door right in her face so fast that her face was slammed at the door. Haha! I annoyed him!

When she went into the kitchen, she found Naruto trying to stuff the remains of breakfast into the trash can. "Naruto! We're switching. So that means you have to wake up Zetsu. Sasori switched me before I could get to him. Oh, stop making that face. You can use Rasengan to pass through."

Naruto gulped and reluctantly, he went to the bedrooms. The servants were used to the switching. Hinata was the one that didn't switch because she was the only one that satisfied them with cooking. Even though all the food looked like Naruto, no body cared because if anybody else cooked ate it, they would suffer from bad food or tasteless food.

"Where's my food? Yeah" Deidara came in and was already dressed so that meant that he was going somewhere.

"Ah! Here you go! Pancakes stacked to the ceiling. Um…are you sure you can eat that?"

"Yup! Yeah. I had a bet that I can survive a month without eating anything. Yeah. That includes drinking so give me five gallons of water. Yeah"

"Uh, Tenten? Can you get that? Sakura! You help too!"

"No! I don't need help! I'm strong enough to carry an elephant."

(Sighs) "Hinata, stop playing with the food and give me something to eat already. I want to see Tobi eat something now. Yes! Make him live lizards and salamanders, maybe throw in some spiders and something natural! What did I just say? Stop being obsessed with Naruto! Everyone knows!" Sasori was looking at a worm.

Hinata blushed and hurriedly gave him cereal. Go Lucky Charms! Naruto came back with scratches everywhere. Zetsu was behind him with a hand sticking out of his mouth.

"Zetsu! What did I tell you about eating people in the kitchen?! It's going to make me sick." Itachi came in with a tired look. Kisame was on the point of throwing up.

"But I'm hungry and Naruto made me! Anyways, Akatsuki meeting at three so you better be there!" Then Zetsu completely slurped the hand into his mouth like a noodle.

Deidara was still forking down the pancakes.

One hour later…

Deidara is still eating pancakes.

Three hours later…Skip lunch, no one feels like eating it right now

Finally, he finished. Itachi and Sasori were sparring with each other. Kisame was still sick. He would've recovered but he asked Deidara what kind of pancakes were they because they smelled delicious. And he said fish pancakes. Hidan was out killing people for his religion. Kakuzu came back and he said he was too old for this. Tobi was having a staring contest with the worm the Sasori was looking at. Zetsu was on the lookout. When Deidara finished, he went back to sleep. Sleep…….

Itachi and Sasori came back at two. Itachi went to rest his eyes. Sasori went to the servants' headquarters. Then he started annoying everyone there.

"Stop talking! I'm trying to concentrate!"

"Is than an order?"


"Wrong answer"

Bed Time

Screams were heard. "Omg! What did you do Kisame?"

"What? Nothing!"

"Oh, I did it!"

They started glaring at him. "What? She abused me and it was the worst time of my life." Fake tears came out of his eyes. "That's so obvious! You're a puppet! You don't feel a thing!"


"Who'd you kill? It had better not be our cook. I'll be starving and I don't feel like stealing and hunting. It's bad for my…(flips hair) image." Then Itachi pulled out a mirror and started admiring himself.

"Who…did…you…kill?" Zetsu wanted his blankie to chew on now.

"Relax! It's no one important!"




"It's Sakura."

A whole crowd of sighs was heard.

"Actually, I lied. It's Hinata."

Evil eyes turned on him.

"I lied again. It's Ino."

"Thank you Jasshin!"

"I'm too old for this!"

"I love goldfish!"

"I'm so beautiful!"

"Give me! Give me! Give me! It's mine!"

"No! It's my blankie!"

"I'm hungry!"

"Did anyone listen to me? What's your reaction to me killing Ino?! Tell me!"

By that time, the rest of the Akatsuki went to their bedrooms to sleep. Sasori was all alone in the Conference Room. Sakura came in to clean it. There was paper everywhere. Mostly because Sasori was throwing paper planes at her.

"I'm trying to clean!"

"Too bad! Anyways, I'm tired. This place better be cleaned when I wake up. I want this place to be extra clean."

"This place hasn't been cleaned for years. Why now?"

"Because I feel like it."

Lclsurfer: Math program just started. And I only slept for 6 hours. I still need to sleep for one hour and fifteen minutes. Ah! Program starts too early! Yet again, this story will have it's touch of randomness. If not yet, soon it will! O.O I want to sleep now.