
Yogonem: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Damn, I wish I did!

Inuyasha: I'm just glad you don't own me!

Yogonem: Anyway, this fic is about how Izayoi and Inu no Taisho met, don't complain! This is my version of it! I thought about it, and this was how I pictured them both when I was being totally serious, as you maybe know, I love being childish and make anime characters do crazy stuff! And most of the time I love changing on the character's personalities! Got a problem with it? Deal with it!

(Everyone shudders)

Back to the fic!


"Ah, what a beautiful day!" I stretched out my back, and sat down on a bench in the garden.

I am Izayoi; I'm a hime, a girl who's got everything she wants in the entire world! I live in a huge mansion, with my father and servants. I have lots of friends, and silk kimono's, and the servants are so kind! I guess I should be happy here, but it feels like something is missing… Would it be selfish of me to want more?

"Izayoi-sama!" Kuro came into the garden, panting.

Kuro-kun is my best friend in the entire world; he is one of the servants, but he's like family to me. And all the other servants are my friends too. I will miss them…

"Izayoi-sama, you father wants to speak to you, and he's not in a good mood!"

I rose up from the bench, patted Kuro on the shoulder, and went towards my father's library.

I took a deep breath, and shoved the shoji aside.

"Father, you wished to speak to me?" He stood on the other side of the room, his back was towards me.

"Yes Izayoi. Come in, and shut the door after you."

I did as he asked, and sat on my knees in front of where I knew he would come and sit down.

"I am not happy Izayoi, not happy. You're turning eighteen summers soon, you need to find yourself a husband soon, or I'll-"

"Lose your lands to the Matsumoto-family; yes I am perfectly clear about that father."

"I can find a wealthy husband for you, maybe one of the Tenshin's? Or the Tenryus?"

"No father, I can find a husband on my own, thank you. I'll find one someday!"

"I don't doubt that men will be crawling at your feet, so maybe there is hope for you."

I nodded. Though, I actually enjoyed being without a husband, I would need one when I became older, and father needed me to fulfill his promise to the Matsumoto-family, if I married before I turned twenty summers, then our family would get half of the lands of Matsumoto. I knew my duty had to be done, but I wanted to marry someone I love. Not someone I just met, or hate, but someone who makes my day shine like the brightest sun.

My father waved his hand at me.

"You're dismissed."

I stood up and bowed, then left for the gardens again.

When I came there, I felt like I should do something else. I thought about it, and then I got the bright idea of going for a little walk in the forest.

I thought about telling Kuro, but decided against it. I would be back before they knew I was gone.

I took off my heavy princess robes and found a simple kimono, almost like that kind normal women wore, but it had strong colors, and was made out of silk.

And then I took a few bandages, if I fell or something. And I took some fruits, and tied everything in a sack I tied on my back.

Then I went out.

The forest was practically shining; I was totally mesmerized by the wildflowers in yellow, red, pink, violet and orange. I picked a whole bouquet of them, and they smelled so good!

Then I realized I had gone too far out, I didn't know the way home! I cursed myself for forgetting to watch the way, now I had to wait till someone at the mansion came to rescue me.

And on top of that, I felt rain falling down on my head. And I heard a storm not too far away from there.

"Seems like I need to find shelter," I said to myself.

I searched around for a cave; I was pretty close to the mountain, so that was the best I could get right then.

Finally, after two hours in the rain, I found a nice, cozy cave.

I dragged myself in; I was so tired and needed to sleep.

Then I saw something in the dark, it looked like a white kimono. I crawled to it, and saw that the kimono was on somebody!

The person had long, white hair, like snow. It was such a pretty face, I thought it was a girl, but then I thought about the height, and the huge hands. I came to the conclusion that it was a he. His face was so pretty, but actually masculine, if you looked closer. He had a blue, narrowed stripe on each cheek, and his bangs were a slight tone darker than the rest of hair.

He looked like he was in pain, and his body was far from relaxed.

His clothing was torn, full of scratches, his armor was almost shattered, and the pelt on his back was full of blood.

I wondered, was this…a youkai? I had heard youkai were wild, dangerous beasts, with poison and long fangs.

He started to move. I watched as he woke up. His nose twitched, and then he shot right up!

He winced at the sudden pain he apparently had in his ribs. They probably hurt, especially since he sat up so fast like that!

He looked at me and growled. I don't know why, but it didn't scare me, the sound was actually quite soothing.

"Why are you growling?" I asked him. He eyed me suspicious.

"What are you doing here human?" He managed to ask through the growling.

I looked in his eyes, through all the anger, there was…pain. And fear.

"Are you a youkai?" I asked quiet.

"Answer my question!" He bit out.

"I was seeking shelter from the storm in here."

"Storm?" He asked, and looked out the cave entrance. Yep, outside were lightning, rain and thunder. He sighed.

"Now answer my question; Are you a youkai?"

He made a laugh; I thought it sounded kinda like a barking dog, a very big barking dog.

"Yes, I'm a youkai, a taiyoukai, the Inu no Taisho of the western lands.

"Wow, you're a dog youkai? That's so cute!" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Um, you sure you're human?" It was my turn to stare at him.

"What do you mean? I'm 100 human, thank you!"

Then it was silent. I heard a choking sound coming from Inu-sama, and I was worried if something was wrong with him.

When I looked at him, his bangs shadowed his eyes, and he was shaking. I guess I looked very stupid right then, worried out of my wits for some stranger.

Cause he looked up at me, and burst into laughter. I just sat there, while he laughed his ass off. I felt something rise in my throat. And it grew, until I was shaking, and then, my own laughter echoed through the cave, mingled with Inu-sama's.

We laughed and laughed, till our stomachs hurt. He lifted an arm and wiped his brow, still with a smile on his face. And I have to admit, it was a very nice smile.

"Are you sure? If you are human, then you're either stupid, or brave. Sitting in a cave with a youkai, most would have run away by now."

"There is more than meets the eye, as my mother used to say. I've gotten many friends from that phrase."

"Your mother, huh? Sound like a very wise woman."

"She was, really. But she's dead, and has been since I was nine."

"I'm sorry. But you're not alone, right?"

"No, I have my father, and all the servants are like family to me." He raised an eyebrow.

"Servants? Are you that wealthy?"

"Yes, my father is a lord, and I am a hime. He's going to be so angry when he finds out I'm in the forest, without any of the servants!"

Inu-sama snorted, and lay back down. He gasped in pain when his arm, ribs, and neck started to hurt like hell. I hurried to him, worry written all over my face.

"Where are you hurt?" I asked while checking his forehead for fever.

"Nowhere." His body betrayed him, because right after he said that, all the broken bones ached horribly. I saw which places that seemed to be broken, and used the bandage I had brought to bind them.

I asked him to remove his shirt (while blushing furiously) so I could tend to his broken ribs.

He smirked at my blush, and helped me to take off the shirt.

When I was done, I sat down, took all the remaining bandages and stuffed them back into the sack.

"Thank you." I turned at the sound of his voice. He actually…thanked me? And he really sounded grateful, and quiet.

"You're welcome." It was silent for a long time.

"Are you hungry?" I took out the fruits I had brought. He looked strange at me, and then he nodded slowly.

"Here." I gave him most of the fruits, he was hurt, and so he needed the food more than I.

We sat in silence and ate; when we were done I suggested he had some sleep. He shook his head, and said he never let his guard down, and never slept either.

"You get some sleep, tomorrow your father will probably find you, and you better not look tired."

So I lay down to try and catch some shut-eye. But I felt his eyes boring holes in my back, and I just couldn't sleep while he was staring at me like that.

I woke up in the morning, not remembering when I fell asleep. I looked towards where Inu-sama had laid, but he wasn't there! I sat up and squinted at the sharpness of the sun.

Then I noticed, in the opening of the cave, sat the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Maybe it was because he was smiling at me? Perhaps because he wasn't covered with bruises and blood? No matter what it was, when he stood there with that smirk, a clean face, and the long hair hanging loosely over his shoulders and down his back, he was the center of my world.

"What's your name?" I snapped back to reality when he asked. I gave a little smile.

"Izayoi and yours? I doubt your name is Inu no Taisho, right?" He chuckled.


"IZAYOI!" Izayoi gasped and ran to the cave entrance. Her father was searching for her, right outside their cave! And her old friend, Setsuna no Takemaru, was with him!

"Izayoi! There you are! Kami, we were so worried about you! Now we're going home, and then you'll have your punishment for going out alone!"

I gazed to where Toga had been two seconds ago, he were gone.

"Come now Izayoi-sama," Takemaru said softly.

"See you later, Toga." I whispered. Then I let myself be lead home.

I knew the feeling I felt was called love.

Toga's POV

When she was out of sight, I jumped down from the tree beside the cave. I stared longingly after her back.

"Yeah, see you later, Izayoi."

I knew the feeling I had was called love. But youkai don't fall in love, right?



Excuse me for being so slow on 'The Resurrection of WHO?!' but I don't have any ideas, and I had this thing on my mind, and lots of other stuff, and there will be more chapters, just wait for them, okay?

And please review! I'm so sad, I haven't gotten any reviews from my latest chapters, does it suck:(