A/N: Hey everyone! XD Really sorry!Just started University and it took up all my time and then summer came!
I give you chapter 31 XD
"Is that what you want kit?" Tadase asked.
"No, I want him to rest in peace." Naruto said sadly.
"Well then now what?" Tadase said, "What else co-"
"Revive my clan." Sasuke said.
"Oh my." Utau gasps.
End Recap.
Chapter 31:
"Uchiha say what!" Tadase exclaimed.
"Revive my clan. I am not going to repeat myself." Sasuke said and crossed his arms.
"Sasuke-kun, it is not that simple. You need to give a sacrifice!" Utau said.
"I would give my brother as a sacrifice, is that not enough?" Sasuke asked.
"You little brat! Do you not know the whole story behind the entire situation? Why your brother had to do such a horrible forbidden thing?" Tadase yelled.
"He was a cold blooded murder; he just wanted to test his own power!" Sasuke raised his voice. His eyes were slowly gaining the shade of red and his arms trembling with rage.
"Oh my god, he never told you about what the Konoha elders did?" Tadase asked, "That fool! He should have cleared the situation up after we had talked to him! Do you remember Utau-chan? We told him to stay on the truthful path, but no that bloody Uchiha bastard went his own way like always!"
"W-what do you mean?" Sasuke voice level went drastically down, "Are you telling me Itachi might actually be innocent?"
"Yes Sasuke-kun." Utau said softly. She looked into Sasuke eyes and there was a glimmer of hope in them. Wondering if this is the first time he had actual hope for his blood family.
"Give me reason to believe this." Sasuke demanded, "Reason why my elder brother killed all our kin, in one night of blood."
"It is not my story to tell." Tadase said.
"What the hell! You can't just say all those stuff and leave it! What type of man are you?" Naruto finally raised his voice.
"It was Itachi job to make sure this misunderstanding between his brother and him was cleared up, not mine. Kit just because you have the Kyuubi in you doesn't give you any strength against me. So if you ever, question my manhood again kit, I will show how much of a man I can be!" Tadase yelled.
During this entire situation, Sasuke head was filled with doubt, hope and uncertainty. A brother that he loved and looked up to with his entire being betrayed him and his family for power. That was the story as he knew it, how could there be something more? His brother innocent, the thought gave him goose bumps.
"If Itachi were innocent why didn't he stand up for himself?" Sasuke asked the question that was roaming in his mind.
"If things were that easy, do you think Kukai would be on the other side? You must remember Sasuke not everything is black and white. Things can seem simple from an outsider's perspective, but from the inside it's like a maze where the outcome isn't always what you perceive it to be." Utau said finally speaking up.
Sasuke trembling in shock couldn't handle the pressure of the idea that this was possible, he fell down on his knees, his shoulders bent and his hands held his head. His eyes were wide with disbelief. Naruto bent down to hold his shoulders in a firm grip to give Sasuke support.
"Sasuke it's going to be ok. Don't worry, we will find your brother and get him to tell the truth to you." Naruto whispered softly to Sasuke.
"So what now? Everything I believed has turned into mush. Now what!" Sasuke voice trembled.
"You can do this the easy way or the hard way; ultimately it's all up to you." Tadase said.
"Can you describe the ways, seriously and people call me an idiot." Naruto bluntly said, while rolling his eyes.
"Don't you be smart talking to me kit!" Tadase growled.
"Oh yeah? What you going to do about it?" Naruto said.
"Really want to know, alright I would." Tadase couldn't finish as Utau hand came flying down onto his mouth effectively shutting him up.
"You both are seriously children in disguise! I have enough of this foolishness, we have a problem in our hands and if you are not serious about it your dear friend Sakura is in danger!" Utau finally let out all her frustrations with the men, she slowly took a couple of deep breaths and calmed down, "Sasuke the easy way is, you except this for what it is and the next time you meet your brother which will be soon I promise you just tell him what you know and you can finally become the family you crave for. The hard way is that you deny it, train with us and when you meet him and once you kill him, you will be filled with guilt because knowing his stubborn ass he tells you the truth on his deathbed. So in the end of the scenarios you accept the truth either through the death of your brother or not. Are we at an understanding now?" Utau said.
"Yes." Sasuke said.
"So what is your choice Uchiha?" Tadase asked.
"The easy way, I want my family back." Sasuke said and turned around to leave the room.
"Wait! Where do you think you're going?" Tadase exclaimed, jumped and pointed at Sasuke's back.
"I need to calm down; my head feels like it's going to explode." Sasuke says while rubbing his temples.
"Come here." Utau said.
Sasuke slowly walked towards Utau, physically and mentally exhausted to argue against her tone. Utau slowly raised both hands and cradled Sasukes face; she slowly leans in and brings his face closer to hers.
"T-t-teme?" Naruto stuttered, not sure on what to do or say.
"Utau-chan?" Tadase raised his eyebrow at the gesture.
Utau brings his face close and raises herself on her toes to kiss his forehead. Her lips were glowing orange as she pressed her lips to his head, the colour slowly spreading on his skin. His eyes close at the peaceful feeling that overtook him. The pain and anger slowly melted away, to be filled with tranquillity.
She finally lets go of his face and steps away with a slight blush on her cheeks. She turns around to leave, to stop at the hand on her shoulder.
"Thank you." Sasuke whispered.
"No thanks needed child. Now both of you need your rest, tomorrow we start training." Utau said.
"I have a question and then I shall leave you for the day." Sasuke said in a stronger voice.
"What now?" Tadase said.
"You said you could revive my clan, for a sacrifice, what is that?" Sasuke slowly asked, afraid of the answer.
"An innocent soul." Tadase said.
"And once you get this soul, you would be able to revive my clan?" Sasuke asked with a hopeful tone.
"I am sorry but I can't revive your entire clan, your clan is huge, I can only raise 5 people max."
"I am fine with that." Sasuke nodded.
"Are you truly?" Tadase asked.
"What do you mean." Confusion clouded his mind.
"Would you be able to live with yourself and be able to look Sakura in the eye once you sacrifice that innocent life?" Tadase said, his voice carrying a tone which sent chills down Naruto and Sasukes back.
"Think about it tonight, then tell me your answer tomorrow." Tadase said, turned around wrapped his arm around Utaus shoulders and walked her out of the kitchen.
Silence filled the kitchen.
"Do you think there is any ramen left?" Naruto sheepishly asked, all the while rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.
"Baka." Sasuke muttered and left the kitchen.
"Faster! Faster!" Sakura whispered to herself and dodged the array of kunai, shuriken and senbon. Sometimes for fun he would throw sais in there to make it interesting.
Kukai was training her to her limit ever second there were minimum of ten weapons coming at her from different angles and side as well as speed. He was making her train for her speed and reflex improvement.
"Come on Cherry! You know you can do better than that! This is bloody pathetic!" Kukai stated with a bored tone, "Let's make this a bit faster shall we?" Without any warning more than a couple of dozen weapons flew at her with great speed.
Sakura eyes widen and starting dodging top the best of her ability when she tripped on a kunai and got hit in multiple areas that the raid stopped. Lying on the floor in pain and bloodied mess, Kukai walks up to her and looks down at her, "You are a shame Cherry, simply pitiful." He turned around and left the room.
Sakura knowing that no one would enter this room to help her, lay there in misery and her only thought at that time was, 'Konoha….. Help me'. She closed her eyes at the temporary solitude that she had and started concentrating on healing herself.
By the time she was done, she was panting. She slowly crawled over to the corner of the room and lay down with her cheek touching the ground. She wanted to go home, to her family, to Sasuke. Silent tears slowly flowed onto the floor to mix with her blood.
A/N: Again I am extremely sorry about the wait and hope to update soon!
Thank you!
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