The Waning Moon

By Shadow of the Ankh

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Warnings: Slash. HET. Alternative Reality, Original Characters, Out of Character – I did warn U violence, cursing, some sexual content, smoking, creature inheritances, character bashing, altered appearances, different lineage, new creatures, vampires, elves, and soul-mates

CHAPTER WARNING: Not a very fast paced chapter

Summary: SLASH. SSHP. CREATURE Harry and Snape. Classic Harry comes into his creature inheritance on his birthday with a few twists thrown in. Super powerful/political Harry. New abilities, secret identities, soul-mates, heirs, different lineage and appearances, apprentices and masters.

Main Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter

Side Pairings: Albus Dumbledore/Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin/Bill Weasley

Please Vote: Either Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley or Draco Malfoy/Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: There will be some points in these chapter in which I will switch to Harry as First Person. Meaning: First person: I was just singing! Usually people use third person: Harry was just singing. For your information I will only be using first person for Harry.


Now on to the more serious stuff. The four founders knew that one day all of their genetics would combine in one human being, Helga, a seer foresaw him born in an age of great strife and impending doom. So she and the others made provisions for him and his council. This was recorded in Hogwarts; A history. They made provisions you Harry. One well known gift of the heirs to you is the heir wing, which is only accessible to the heir and his council. Now as to your council. There are seven seats, one already designated to the headmaster, and the other six must follow these rules. Four must be the embodiment of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Two must be the embodiment of the male mentor and the female mentor otherwise known as Morgan Le Fae and Merlin. When you choose the appropriate people they must go through a ceremony to bind fragments of the founder's souls and powers to them.

Harry dear, I know this is a lot, but there is more. However now, you need to find your wing. My portrait will be seeing you later.

Much Love,

Your adoring mother

Lilly Evans-Potter (Elisa Marian Cristo-Gaunt)

A tear slipped down my face.

Chapter Two

The vampire, Gabriel otherwise known as Severus Snape held a peculiar reputation among the vampire community. This man was a man of mystery, he possessed many secrets and some of his secrets he did not even know.

The man without the glamour was a seductive beauty of twenty-something in appearance with vibrant electric blue eyes and chin length feathery, iridescent blue-black hair. His skin was a cool and smooth alabaster. Tall (6'2") and muscular he had a penchant for catching eyes. Crimson lips were always pulled into a seductive smirk and his square chin was lifted in a jaunty air. Gabriel usually wore a sleeveless crimson tunic fastened at the throat with an onyx Celtic Knot clasp. It was embroidered on the back with black thread depicting a Basilisk biting his own tail. Black buttoned pants with silver buttons. His feet were shod in steel toed black combat boots.

Gabriel, sighed once again as he went through the ledger in the ministry's birth records office. It wasn't hard for a vampire of his caliber to break in. "Nicholas Elias Potter?" he muttered his finger trailing down the pages. "Nothing!" He said tossing the book to the floor. With a sigh he collapsed on the floor only to hit his head on the metal filing cabinet. Utterly frustrated Gabriel grabbed the cabinet and threw it across the room. The cabinet spilled, the content becoming momentarily airborne. Gabriel's eyes caught a particular document making him gasp. 'Legal Name Change' and on the edge of the paper was 'Potter'. Grabbing the file out of the air, Gabriel scanned the file. One phrase made him gasp in surprise, 'Nicholas Elias Potter will hereby be known as Harry James Potter until his sixteenth birthday, wherein he will come to magical and creature inheritance.' Harry Potter was his soul mate? Dear god, what sick joke was this? The boy hated him!




I stared dumbfounded at the letter in my hands. Numbly I let go and the yellow parchment lands softly on the ground in a pool of sunlight. "Harry—" Dumbledore begins softly.

"Nicholas." I interrupt him, "My name is Nicholas."

"Nicholas… Are you alright?"

"No. I'm not." I look up at him with tear stained eyes, "So much of my life is a lie. Who am I sir?" I choked out in desperation.

"You, Nicholas, are young man with a very heavy burden on your shoulders and a great, yet terrible destiny. You have so much responsibility for the world, yet you're so young and innocent."

"No sir, I'm not innocent, I lost the little innocence I retained from the Dursleys, when I murdered Professor Quirrel. You lose everything when you're forced to kill to survive. I haven't been innocent for a long time now."

"Wise words from the mouth of babes." Dumbledore chuckled. I sniffling and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"What now?" I ask.

"That is the question, isn't it?"

"I think I better get a new wand."

"Yes, that would be a good idea." Dumbledore said. "You can retire to the Gryffindor tower tonight, but after we fetch your wand tomorrow, we need to install you in the heir wing.




It was the next day bright and early, when Dumbledore escorted me to Ollivanders personally. Upon entering the dingy shop we were greeted by Mr. Ollivander. "Mr. Potter, holly and Phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple. Now what can I do for you Mr. Potter?"

"I need a new wand." I mutter hesitantly. "Someone broke and burned my old one."

Mr. Ollivander's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline before giving me a disapproving stare. "Well, a new wand then." He said disappointedly. "Okay," He said going to a small back shelf and pulling down a box, "Since you're creature inheritance has awakened," my eyebrows shot up, 'how had the man known?' "We must now rely on the pure blood creature section. I had hoped your original wand would conform to fit your new power, but it seems not. So let's see." The man continued, "Powdered vampire blood, a Night Phoenix's feather and Cherry wood." He hands me the wand and then yanks it out of my grasp before I began to wave it. "No, no, no will not do." Pulling box after box, until he finally came to a peculiar wand. Unlike the others, this wand has runes burned on it. Without saying a word, he hands me the wand. I gently give it wave. Suddenly the room in engulfed in bright golden light and a gentle wind blows the papers from his desk and caresses my skin. "Well then, how peculiar." I roll my eyes at the redundant phrase.

But couldn't stop myself from asking, "Sir, what is peculiar?"

"Oh, yes…" He cleared his throat launching into the explanation. "Your wand is composed of a Ghost of a Basilisk, a night phoenix's feather, a living shadow, sand of time, two strands of elfin hair, an Aspen leaf and encased by Aspen wood. And it has the sacred 7 runes burned into it. Now the history of that particular wand is very peculiar. You see the Basilisk was raised by Salazar Slytherin. The Night Phoenix was actually the true form of Morgan Le Fae preserved by her heir Slytherin. The Elvin hair belonged one to Merlin and the second to his heir Gryffindor. The living Shadow obeyed and only obeyed the Lady Rowena Ravenclaw. And the sands of time belonged to Helga Hufflepuff's time turner, the first and most powerful time turner in existence. It is the first and only wand to ever have a soul within it, let alone a living servant. This is one of the most powerful wands ever be created in my store. It is the first to ever completely obey someone, while holding such power. Furthermore, this is the lead wand of seven lesser wands. One of which the headmaster holds."

I spun around in shock to look at Dumbledore, who just smiled benignly at me. His eyes twinkled in amusement at my flabbergasted expression. "How much?" He asks smoothly.

"It was already paid for. It was just waiting for its owner to pick it up." My mouth opens and closes in astonishment before Dumbledore smiles calmly and placing a hand on my shoulder escorts me out. After shaking my shock off Dumbledore gestures me to have free run of Diagon Alley as he waits for me at the candy store.

Now one must understand that while I have been to Diagon Alley many times, I've never had the time nor privacy to explore the place. And because of my new relative anonymity and Dumbledore's kindness I had both. It was as I was exploring that I ran across several shops that I had never noticed before. The first I entered, I immediately left to avoid the noxious scent of the perfumes. The second is, however, far more relevant to the story. I was carousing the street when the beautiful sound of a piano caught my attention. Now over the course of my life, there are several instances in which I have to admit I've discovered to be bit of a prodigy. One of which is my talent with music. In first through third grade I picked up the fiddle. I studied it privately with my music teacher until the Dursley finally caught on and forced me to drop my studies. It was nearing my first performance in which my teacher had promised a elite musical academy talent seeker would be coming to. Unfortunately because of the Dursleys I missed that opportunity.

The shop was called 'Magical Notes' labeled in peeling green stenciling on the dirty glass door. Hesitantly I pushed the door open and entered. A small bell alerted the proprietor and the music stopped. I stood awkwardly at the door looking about. The room was cluttered with sorts of musical instruments. But I was quickly drawn to a fiddle hanging from the rafters. It was a beautiful fiddle made of holly. The bridge was made of a carved snake with ridges for the strings. The neck was the snake's tale and tuners were curled wood. The holly wood was gilded with touches of gold pain. There eyes of the snake were made of emeralds. The bow was likewise made of gilded holly wood, but was carved with the same 7 runes that were on my wand. Hesitantly I reached up and unhooked the beautiful instrument from the rafters.

To my shock the fiddle warms in my hands before the snake winked at me. Picking up the bow, I swept it across the strings. When no one came to berate me. I slowly began a short tune, but soon I was so enthralled in the magic of music, I didn't hear the piano pick up and accompany in my song. The song ended as clapping filled the room. Startled I nearly dropped the fiddle. Glancing up I came face to face with an older man with teary grey eyes. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!" The man whispered, clearing his throat, he said, "I always bet Jenny that one day, yes one day the musician that fit this beautiful instrument would come. We had so many who were attracted to it, but could never produce a sound from it. Congratulations Mr.?"

With quick thinking I answered, "Nicholas Elias Beck."

"Beautiful Mr. Beck. You're the now the proud owner of the last Orchid Fiddle by Aster Samson."

Confused by how he phrased his words I asked, "How much?"

"Don't be daft boy, the Fiddle yours, free of course. Only real musicians can play the Orchid series. Like my dear friends Ollivander says, the instrument chooses the musician. And I must say this instrument has been in my family's possession for nearly three hundred years and has not once produced a sound."

"Thank you sir." I said bowing. Quickly he ushered me from the room with a case for my fiddle and moments latter I'm on the street again holding my instrument and scratching my head in confusion.

I continued to wander the area and came across a man throwing away an ornate cabinet filled books at the back of an antiques shop. He wore heavy protective gloves on his hands and kept the cabinet as away from his person as possible without dropping it. Something about the shelf caught my attention. "Hey," I called to the man, "Why are you throwing out such a beautiful shelf?"

The man snorted, "Well you're a first, whenever someone gets near this thing they get shocked. I've carted off to many people to the hospital to count. The inspector had ordered this thing to be dumped." He eyed me curiously. "Why interested in buying it?" After a moments hesitation I nodded. I reach out to touch it. The man tried to knock my hand away with a warning, "Watch it, that thing will—"

He cut himself off as my hand caught it and I levered it out with ease, "Well I'll be damned. This thing likes you."

"Seems quite a few things have been liking me lately." I mutter under my breath. The man hears me though and says.

"I don't see why not, you're quite the looker, boy." I blush crimson, he laughs and I pay him, shrink the cabinet and bespelling it light, I put it in my pocket and leave.

I met up with Dumbledore minutes later. He lifts an eyebrow at my fiddle case. "I didn't know you played an instrument?" He says jollily.

"Yes, I play the fiddle." I said shortly. We floo from the Leaky Cauldron to the three broomsticks and then we head back to his office.




Draco fiddled with his pocket watch as he waited for Dumbledore and that mysterious handsome boy to return. He had caught sight of the boy and Dumbledore leaving early this morning, but had yet to see them return. Wanting to speak to Dumbledore about his continuing education at Hogwarts and about gaining permission to meet Harry in person to explain the situation and apologize to him and his friends. Of course by waiting for Dumbledore there was also the additional factor of perhaps getting a better look at the mysterious boy. In the distance Draco caught sight of the bearded old man and the beautiful girly boy. As they neared, Draco waved his hand to alert them of his presence. The boy's eyes immediately snapped to his moving figure and directed Dumbledore's attention to him. When they were a good ten feet away, Dumbledore asked, "And how may I help you Mr. Malfoy?"

"Umm…" Draco glanced nervously at the boy.

"It's safe to talk in front of Nicholas. He is a very important ally to our cause and I mean to be more open to him since soon he will outrank me." Dumbledore said a twinkle in his eyes.

Draco stared flabbergasted at Nicholas before saying, "Headmaster, I wanted to speak to you about my future education and my family's and my safety at Hogwarts. I'd also like to speak to you about meeting with Harry. I'd like to explain to him about the situation…" Draco trailed off as Dumbledore's twinkle quadrupled.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy we will speak about your future at Hogwarts, however you can speak to Harry first." Dumbledore said gesturing to Nicholas.

"Huh?" Draco asked eyeing Nicholas.

Nicholas brushed back his hair from his face before smiling politely and saying, "Draco, I recently came into a rather powerful creature and pure blood inheritance and my appearance changed. My family also made preparations for my change and gave me a different name. Instead of Harry James Potter, I am now Nicholas Elias Potter."

"But Harry is not a pure blood!" Draco insisted.

"That's what I thought as well. However, my mother discovered her heritage after giving birth to me. And only months later she was killed."

"What your mother's family name?" Draco said crossly.

Nicholas smiled, "Cristo-Gaunt."

"You mean Gaunt as in Salazar Slytherin's descendants and Voldemort's family? And Cristo as in Vampire Lord Jessie Cristo?" Draco asked suspiciously.

"Precisely." Nicholas said.

"Well I'll be damned." Draco muttered and then in a far clearer voice he said, "You've got quite the lineage Nicholas… I may call you Nicholas can't I?" Harry nodded, "Anyways, I'd like to call a truce. You see, my family—"

"You don't need to explain yourself Draco. All you need to do is offer me your hand in friendship." And so Draco extended his hand and Nicholas grasped it and shook it.


Alright. I'm stopping it here because this is a monumental moment where Draco's hand is finally accepted! So hold onto your seats because I'm starting chapter three in which:

The Weasleys discover Harry's lineage

Harry sees the heir wing

Severus and Harry's first meeting after Harry comes into his inheritance

Please review!

- Shadow