Last Week

My very first Amdrag poem. About Jake and Rose!

Takes place right after Homecoming. Jake's point of view of everything from the moment he saw Rose, to the last time he saw her!

Warning: I do not own American Dragon.

It only seems like last week

When I first saw you walk by.

Our lives stopped for that second

As we met eye to eye.

From then on I knew

You were to be the one.

But if only I knew last week

The things I could of undone.

Like the secrets we both kept

Our destinies both twined.

True love shouldn't hold secrets

Our fates too confined.

The many battles we face

Unknowing our secret lives.

We both were completely clueless

Until that one day arrives.

But it only seemed like last week

The secluded circumstances were out.

You ran away in fear

But you were all I talked about.

It only seems like last week

When we finally met again.

Our pathways had crossed over

And our love which we can mend.

Except you were convinced our love

Was to be set aside for now.

But I know my love was eternal

I even took a vow.

It only seemed like last week

The hearts of ours were broke.

Our lives were split apart

We never even spoke.

From all the adventures

We have faced this past year

It only seems like last week

When our love turned into fear.

Our destines crossed once again

Putting us against one another.

We had to put up the fight

Until the words you last utter.

You wished for your clan

To be completely wiped out.

Your life evermore gone

But I couldn't let this come about.

So I grabbed that last skull

And made a wish I would regret.

Because everything we've been through

Very soon you will forget.

It only seems like last week

When saw you last walk by.

You were off to a different country

All I could do was sigh.

If only I knew last week

What I knew the week before.

I could have stopped this tragedy

From happening forever more.

I hope you like it. I am actually quite the poet, but I think my writing ideas out-do my poem skills. Maybe if I think of another poem (I thought of this one while I was taking a shower xD) I will write more.