Hey it's me again. awaits huge groan you wont get rid of me that easy:D this is my first fanfic but im readoing it, i'm making it longer and more of a plot :D go me! anywayz that's basically it, don't expect this to be any longer than my other ficz, lol :D I have lot going on at the moment and I am really stessed, my mum she eventually found out I love to write stories, she knew a bit before, but she's making me enter a writing competition, so obviously the chapters are longer and everything so it's draining out my imagination. And if you be nice and review ill let you see the plot for my next fic the sequel, sequel, sequel to this fic, lol so if your gonna read my sequel I suggest you read the other crappy one chapter bad grammar rushed other one, lol :D anywayz, this is enough from me, just read the things :D

The Secret of the Phantom Redone chapter 1

Danny, your average kid with a secret, he was a powerful half ghost that influenced many people around the world; he was respected by some and hated by others. It was just the way things happened. Danny was lazing around on his bed, there hadn't bee ghost attack in about an hour and a half and he didn't know what to do with himself, he couldn't be bothered to do his overhanging amount of over due homework.

Sam and Tucker were out with their parents and Jazz only said to go and do some homework. He was left alone in his room, for what he though for the moment. He was wondering where everyone was, they were all out today, no ghosts and no friends to hang around with. It was odd like this had all been planned out or something. His mom and dad were down in the lab working on their new inventions. So he had a couple of hours to recollect with himself, have a couple of hours off to rest.

That didn't last long his father Jack Fenton came up, "Danny, guess what" His father boomed as he swung the door open with such force it was almost pulled of his hinges, he was wearing his usual luminous orange jumpsuit with black at parts, he seemed excited, like you average four year old would get when they were getting a piece of chocolate or something sweet. "What?" Danny asked sitting up to look at his father's excited face. "I said guess, so you have to guess" he replied, in a six year old way. "Um, let's see, you made a new invention? You blew up the computer?" Danny guessed not really thinking about what he was saying. "No, none of that, but I did blow up the toaster" he giggled, "We got a letter from V-man, asking us-" he said but was cut off by Danny's face. "He's invited us over" he said to his Dad's disappointment of him not telling him.

"That's right" he said his voice picking up in excitement even more, "Were leaving early in the morning, so get packing" he jumped and slammed the door so that the wall shook with the force it had been shut on. This was all Danny needed, a trip to "Uncle" Vlad's house.

Vlad, the source of evil itself, of all places to be going he was going to his archenemy's home, who knows what he could do to him whilst he was there. Anything was anything, whilst there.

Jack walked out of Danny's bedroom and Jazz walked in. "What can't a guy get a least five minutes peace in this place?" Danny asked sarcastically.

"Ha-ha Danny, I know you don't want to go to Vlad's, me or Mom want's to go, but he's Dad's "Friend, so we have to go" she said making it obvious that Vlad didn't consider Jack a friend after what Jack apparently did to him, in his on going days of bumbling. In reality, it was all an accident, Jack was paying more attention to Maddie and the proto portal than what he was actually putting in there. Vlad had pent the rest of his life wanting to take vengeance for what Jack did to him. In Danny's opinion, he was a fruit loop, who was dwelling on the past, and obsessed with his mother. "I'm going to call Sam and Tucker" Danny said as he got up and started walking down to the kitchen to get the phone. "Hey Mom, can I get the phone, I need to phone Sam and Tucker" Danny said to his mother in kitchen. "Sure Honey" she replied and handed him the phone.

Danny lazily walked back up to his bed room, where his sister Jazz still stood on the frame of his door. "Would you mind leaving" Danny said shooing Jazz out of the room.

"OK, but don't ditch us, do it for Dad" she said as she walked out of the room.

"Whatever" Danny replied, he dialled in Sam's mobile number and waited for her to answer.

"Hey, what's up?" Sam asked as she picked up the phone.

"I'll tell you, Vlad wants me and my family to go over his house" Danny said as calmly as he could.

"Well go and try figuring out what he's up to whilst you're up there" Sam said coolly

"Good plan, I'll go and see what Tucker thinks" Danny said, though he said that, he wasn't entirely sure that what he was saying was true to what he believed.

"OK, bye" Sam said and hung up the phone before Danny had the time to answer.

Danny hung up the phone himself and dialled in Tucker's number, by know he knew both of his friends phone number's of by heart he had called them so much.

"Hey Tuck" Danny said, the second he heard the phone being answered.

"Hey dude, why are you calling me, this better be important" he said evidently tired.

"Vlad, he sent us a letter asking us to over his house" Danny said.

"Have you phoned Sam, she's the person for you to talk to this about, dude" Tucker said.

"Yes, she said, go over there and figure out his plan from there" he said.

"Sound good enough for me dude, just go with Sam's plan" Tucker said.

"Right, well I'll talk to you when I come back then, well figured out his plan, but you get the point" Danny said.

"Right, bye" Tucker said and hung up the phone.

Danny was left alone, to figure out Vlad's plan, but what is his plan?

Hope you liked it, if you read my other version of this, is the puntuatation, I'm so not sure how you spell it, spelling problems but anyway remember to review:D you get the summary for the next fic :D bye!