Blood is Life

(A/N) I only own my OCs

Summary: One night on his way home from work, Cody sees a mysterious figure in the park. Could this be the ghost of a recent murder victim?

Chapter 1: Working late

"Hey Cody!"

Fourteen year old Cody Martin turned around, wondering who had called him. The voice turned out to belong to Wayne Phillips (A/N I don't know if that's his last name in the show but for this story it is, I don't own him) his boss. Wayne was several years older than Cody and about a foot taller. He had a large chubby build, short brown hair, and brown eyes.

"Cody." Wayne called again as Cody made his way over to the cash register.

"Yeah, what's up?" He replied.

"I got to leave a little early tonight." Wayne said in a somewhat conceited tone. "Some lovely ladies want to play a little wheel-o-Wayne. So I need you to work late and close the place up. I'm sure you can handle it."

Those never get old. Cody thought Wheel-o-Wayne??

"Um…yea," Cody said, giving him an "ook" look. "It shouldn't be a problem."


Several weeks ago, Cody had gotten a job at the Paul Revere Mini-Mart. He had sped through his training, and it wasn't long before Wayne could trust him to pretty much run the store. He was basically a manager without the title, and even Wayne sometimes asked him for help, especially when it came to ordering more product.

Seeing that Wayne was done with him, Cody went back to stocking the snack shelves. He's got to get out more. He thought. Maybe this will be a good thing. Besides I could use the extra money.

After he finished the snack shelves, Cody moved onto rotating the frozen foods. It was always his least favorite duty because the aisle was so cold. He was relieved when his phone rang, so he could go outside and warm up. "H-Hello?" He answered, still shivering.

"Hey Cody," It was his twin brother Zack. Zack was the older of the two twins. Although Zack would protect his younger brother from bullies at school, he often ordered him around also. "We're out of ice cream. You wouldn't mind bringing some home? Didn't think so."

"With what money?" Cody replied coolly. He hated when his brother ordered him around. "You already spent all my money down at the game room…and on your date last night."

"Find some." Zack ordered. "I know you still have a few bucks left. Use your discount, then you won't be broke when I go to the game room tomorrow."

"Fine," Cody said, "But tell mom I've gotta close up tonight, so I'll be home later."

Before his brother could say anything more, Cody closed up his phone and put it back in his pocket. Reluctantly, he headed back to frozen foods.

At nine o clock, Cody locked the front door and began closing the store for the night. He mopped the floor, covered the fruit shelves, and counted down the cash register. At nine-thirty, he clocked out, grabbed his skateboard and headed home. Cody had barely reached the corner, when he came to a screeching halt.

"Shit," He muttered to himself. "I forgot Zack's ice cream."

He turned around, went back to the mini-mart, and bought a container of chocolate ice cream. On his way out, he glanced up at the clock; ten. "I'm dead." He muttered in a similar tone.

After leaving the mini-mart for the second time, Cody skated as fast as he could back towards the Tipton hotel. To save some time, he decided to cut through the park. Suddenly, Cody saw something right in front of him. He stopped so fast, he almost went flat on his face. Luckily he caught himself just in time. "Whoa that was close." He said.

When Cody locked up, his eyes widened and fear rooted him to the spot. Standing there was a boy about his age. The boy had dark hair, in a mushroom cut. His skin was as white as snow and glowed in the moonlight. He had dark purplish-black bruises on his arms and face. His clothes were covered with dried blood that emitted from a hole in the middle of chest. His outline also seemed to fade off.

As Cody's gaze continued up back to eye level, his eyes quickly filled with true horror. The boy had a second trail of blood from a hole in his forehead, and then Cody made eye contact. The boy's eyes were each surrounded with very dark circles and were shrunken in. His pupils were also completely dilated, and filled with anger and fear. Cody had never seen a pair of eyes like them before. The mere sight of them seemed to burn into him.

Cody tried to scream, but it felt as if his lungs were frozen. His mouth just hung open, completely silenced, his lower lip trembling. About half a second later, Cody's legs found some feeling. He stumbled backwards over his skateboard, and landed flat on his butt. Cody quaked with fear as the boy took a step towards him. All Cody could think was, Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

(A/N) Please R&R Kind of a slow chapter except for the end, but I promise the story will pick up. Please let me know what you think so far, so I know if or not to continue the story.