Lucy blinked, and looked around. It was dark in the tent except for the red coals in brazier to keep the tent warm, but she could see a gentle cool light shinning outside. She smiled, snuggling into her covers for a moment, before sighing to herself and slipping out from under the furs and blankets covering her. Shivering in the cold air, she quickly dressed and stepped out into the new day.

Sighing happily, she watched her breath dance in the wind before vanishing. It was early yet, her brothers would still be abed. Glancing about she noticed the guards at their posts, and made her way to her brothers tent.

"Peter?" she called tentatively.

There was a groan and some muttering that sounded like "yesh lusy." but was probably something more like "yes, Lucy."

Entering his brothers' tent, she found her assumptions correct. Peter, plainly still half asleep, was rolled over to face her.

"Peter, have you seen the outside? There's fresh snow on the ground and it's just glorious!"

"Hmm?" replied the sleep-fogged high king, shivering in the breath of air that blew in at his sister's entrance, with a look that clearly said, "No. Why would I? I was sleeping till you woke me up."

Giggling, Lucy tried again. "Oh Peter, it's snowing. Oh do come look! We could have a snowball fight like we used to when we were younger."

"Will you all quiet down and put out the light?" growled a sleepy voice from the farther corner of the tent. "Go back to bed."

"It's the Sun, Ed," replied Lucy with a smile. "It's almost dawn."

Peter, by this time, had given up all hope of staying in his warm bed and returning to sleep. "Alright Lu," he mumbled yawning, "I'm up. Just give me a moment to get dressed."

With a grin, Lucy skipped out of out the tent. Rolling over, Peter attempted to try to get back to sleep, but by now the camp noises were drifting towards them. With another groan, he pulled himself out of his warm covers. The cold hit him like a shock and he hurriedly slipped into his warm winter clothing and put on his cloak.

Stepping outside the tent, he took a moment to gather his wits. It was a moment too long as a snowball came whizzing straight towards the sleep-drugged king. He shook himself, the chill of it going a great deal towards waking him up. "Lu!" He could hear laughter coming from behind one of the tents. Reaching down, he quickly gathered together a small snowball. Ducking another, he chucked his own frozen missile in the direction from where the laughter had come from. There was a small squeak of surprise, as a third snowball came hurting his way.

But the High King was ready this time, with snowball in hand, throwing it with all his might. Only to late did his realize one of the female centaur cooks making her way across the across the camp. Startled, she brushed the snow out her face and looked around confusedly.

"My apologies, Fidelia," Peter called, stepping rather red-faced from his hiding spot. "Queen Lucy was..." here he coughed, searching for words. "Trying to help me wake up and I was caught up in the moment. I should have thought before acting, and I apologize."

If she had been startled before, seeing the high king apologize as the perpetrator must have surprised her even more. Bursting into merry laughter, she replied, "Tis all right, King Peter. Sometimes we all need a little help waking so early in the morn," before continuing on her way, a chuckle on her lips.

Face hot from embaressment, he turned to tell Lucy that, that was enough, just in time to see Edmund set out of the tent a snowball heading for where Peter had been standing.

"Ed! Look out!" he shouted, but to late. The snow hit brother soundly, crumbling down onto his scarf.

Laughing he watched as Edmund, as with a growl, began chasing his Sister, towards the breakfasting corner of the camp.

AN: Moving over to Archive of Our Own. Look for updates to follow over there.