Angel: Hey ya'll I decided to take a break away from my Kiba/Sakura trilogy, which is located on my other name bloodysandbaby to write this. These one-shots will not be in any order, and they won't all be related, if they are related ... i will let you know.

Hermione: Angel owns nothing but the plot, Chris, and anything else you DO NOT recognize. All Harry Potter characters and scenes belong to J.K Rowling and the song 'Face Down' belongs to Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

Angel: oh this takes place in my alternate universe version of Harry Potter, but it's not going to appear in that story, it's like a story that's in the universe, but kind of like …

Chris: deleted scenes, sort of.

Angel: YEAH!


Christina 'Chris' Potter curled up further in her comforter and tried to stop the tears from falling from her hazel eyes. It was the summer after her, Harry, and Hermione's fourth year at Hogwarts. Cedric Diggory was dead. Chris hadn't really been best friends with the boy, and they weren't exactly what you would call friends either, but they were polite to each other and got along rather well. She sniffled and ignored the sound of her brother, their godfathers, and their friends moving around and chatting downstairs. She reached over to her radio and played her favorite song, putting it on repeat of course, and then she turned it as loud as she could, without getting in trouble of course.

Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy.

One wrong puts the rhythm in my hand.

Still I'll never understand why you hang around.

I see what's going down.

Cover up with makeup in the mirror,

Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again.

You cry alone and then he swears he loves you

Her tears, dyed black because of her mascara and eye-liner, slid down her sun kissed cheeks. Part of her wished someone, anyone would come to comfort her, but her rational part knew that they would all think she wanted to be alone. She shivered and pulled the blanket closer to her small frame. Not only was Cedric dead, but the Dark Lord, Voldemort, had returned from the dead, and her twin brother, Harry James Potter, had been there to witness it.

'Why won't anyone come!?!' she thought in despair, knowing perfectly well who she wanted to come through that door and comfort her, Fred Weasley. She had always been fond of the Weasley twins; they were often helping her with her pranks and vice versa. But after a while she had realized that it was Fred she was drawn to the most.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end

As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect;

Every action in this world will bear a consequence.

If you wait around forever you will surely drown.

I see what's going down.

"Is Chris gonna be ok?" Ginny asked Hermione as the two girls sat in the living room with Luna, Fred, George, Harry, and Ron.

"I think so, I think she just needs time to herself." the bushy-haired female replied. At that moment Remus and Tonks entered the room to tell them dinner was ready.

"Could someone tell Chris?" Remus asked.

"I'll go." Fred said as they all stood up, not waiting to hear a response Fred jogged up the stairs to Chris's room.

I see the way you go and say you're right again,

Say your right again

Heed my lecture

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end

As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

One day she will tell you that she has had enough.

It's coming round again.

One day she will tell you that she has had enough.

It's coming round again.

"Chris." He murmured knocking on her door lightly. Inside the room Chris sniffled and once again tugged the blanket closer, she hadn't heard Fred's voice, or his knock. He knocked again a little louder than before, Chris turned down the music and called to him, telling him to come in.

"Hey, Chris, Remus wanted me to come and tell you dinner's ready." he murmured standing by the door; her face was hidden by the blanket.

"Okay, I-I'll be done in a minute." she whispered her voice cracking.

"Chris." he murmured walking towards her bed. Hesitantly he pulled the blanket away. Chris stared blankly in front of her as her mascara stained tears dropped onto her blanket.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end

As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

Fred sat carefully on the bed next to her, unsure of what to do, he wasn't exactly the comforting type, and he wasn't really used to seeing Chris cry, she had never seemed like that kind of girl.

"Why?" she murmured, startling him a bit.

"Why what?" He asked.

"Why didn't anybody come? Why was I left alone? Why am I always left alone?" she murmured. He stared at her for a second, realizing that Hermione had been wrong, Chris didn't want to be alone, she never wanted to be alone, people always assumed that's what she wanted.

"I'll never leave you alone again, I promise." he murmured, she looked at him with tearful hazel eyes before launching herself into his arms and sobbing her heart. He held her close and whispered soft, comforting words into her ear. Soon she was almost asleep.

'Maybe I'm better at this comforting thing than I thought I was.' he thought.

"You should go do to dinner, tell the others that I'm not hungry right now and I decided to take a nap but I'll be down as soon as I wake up." she murmured half asleep into his shoulder.

"You'll be ok?" he asked.

"Yes, I'll be ok now." she answered as she leaned away from him and laid down.

"See you in a little while Chris." he murmured heading to the door.

"Fred." she whispered, he turned to her, "Thanks."

"Any time." he said with a smile.

With that he headed down stairs to give her message and eat dinner. Upstairs Chris smiled lightly and snuggled deeper into her bed. She would now rest easy knowing someone down there wouldn't let be alone.

Face down in the dirt she said "this doesn't hurt"

She said "I've finally had enough"

Face down in the dirt she said "this doesn't hurt"

She said "I've finally had enough"


Angel: Review please