Hello! I figured, since my other fan-fic isn't going so well, that I would try another one. That doesn't mean I'm going to give up on my other one, but, y'know. Besides, I've had this in my mind for a while and want to see if anyone likes it. So, here goes everything!!!!

Sakura stood outside the classroom door that read 124 and sighed. She pilled nervously at her mandatory red and black plaid skirt and white blouse. She was the new student. And as a Junior in high school, this first impression could either make or break her reputation for the next 6 months in the school.

You see, Sakura transferred schools a lot. The death of her parents as a young girl had placed her in an orphanage that changed places a lot, depending on where there were new children to help. It had recently landed her in this uniform high school (Sakura hadn't know such things existed anymore) to complete her school year from January till June. After that, well, she would just have tom wait and see.

This morning Sakura had gotten dressed carefully, trying to make the uniform look somewhat flattering on her. She was glad for the silence that came from her home on the outskirts of town, and silently thanked herself for being old enough to live on her own. As she walked down the empty corridors of the school, Sakura had felt confident that she would make friends, however scarce they would be.

Now, standing outside the door that could doom or save her, that confidence was gone. Deep inside, she knew she would never fit in well, but resigned herself to that fate and pushed open the door.

Thankfully, the teacher was already at her desk, and turned expectantly towards the door opening. She looked kind, with wavy black hair and scarlet eyes. (A/N. Just guess who it is ) "You must be the new student," she said, looking down at the memo she had received from the office that morning. "Sakura Haruno, is it?" When she nodded, the teacher looked around the room for a vacant seat. There was only one.

"Well, I wish you had a bit more variety," the teacher said apologetically as Sakura walked towards her seat, "but maybe it is better this way." When Sakura looked at her confused, the teacher merely smiled and went back to looking at her papers.

Placing her messenger bag (A/N. I love those, so she has one. If you don't what they are….Sorry, I can't really help you there!) on the floor and looked around her seat. She was in the back of the room, and there were only two desks back there- hers, and a boy's. She looked towards him and immediately knew she would not like him. He had black spiky hair and dark eyes. He was leaning back with his feet on his desk and his arms behind his neck. His red tie was loose and his khaki pants slightly baggy. His whole demeanor said "Popular" and, more importantly, "Jerk".

He, on the other hand, glanced with interest at the girl seated next to him. She had long pink hair (A/N. no ribbon. In this they don't have the forehead protectors and she hasn't met Ino yet. It is a mesh between Naruto and the real world) and large, catlike green eyes. Her blouse and skirt fit her nicely, in the eyes of the male population at least, and her knee-high black socks shaped her legs. Looking down, he saw her feet were small, judging by the size of her shiny black flats (type of shoes).

Swinging his feet down and turning to face Sakura, the boy stuck out his hand to greet her. "Sasuke Uchiha. It's, uh, a pleasure to meet you." He said smirking. Sakura stared at him. He really is attractive….but I'm not falling for that! She thought. She smiled sweetly and took his hand. "Same to you." She replied.

"So, d'you know about the tradition here, Sakura?" Sasuke asked, his smirk spreading. Sakura didn't like the look on his face, but was too curious to not answer.

"I don't think so, could you enlighten me?" Sasuke caught the sarcasm, but that only encouraged it from him. This will be fun. Her thought.

"Certainly. If you will glance around the classroom, you'll notice that there are many 'pairs' of boys and girls." Looking around, Sakura did notice it. A girl with the whitest eyes she had ever seen was talking shyly with a blonde boy with blue eyes. Another with two symmetrical buns on the top of her head was laughing with a boy whose eyes matched the shy girl. Also, a girl with an annoyingly high pony-tail and blue eyes was looking mischievously at a boy who looked like he couldn't care less, but would steal glances at her when she wasn't looking. It was odd that she hadn't noticed it before.

"So?" she asked Sasuke, who she noticed was not in the clutches of any of his obvious fans staring at him.

"So, whenever a new student comes into school, especially, but not limited to, a girl, it is the solemn duty," this he said bringing a fist to his chest in a mock-honorable pose, "of a member of the opposite gender to protect her from hoards of unworthy vultures trying to capture him or her for their own purposes." He finished. Sakura was confused. She closed her eyes and thought it out.

"You're basically saying they become boyfriend-girlfriend, right?" she tried.

"You could put it like that, I suppose." Sasuke replied, his grin growing larger b the second.

"Well how would said person ever know if they had been 'chosen' by a boy?" Sakura challenged. At this, Sasuke leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "She'd be kissed, of course."

Sakura felt her spine tingle, and leaned away. Sasuke was looking at her as if he had only one intention, and that gave her the strangest feeling. She did not want to like him, but his eyes seemed to be making that impossible. Thankfully, the bell rang and she hurried out into the hall. Sasuke looked after her. Oh yes, this is going to be very fun!

Slamming her locker shut, Sakura walked silently into her next class, Chemistry. The morning did not go exactly as she had planned. She took a seat and looked at the pros and cons of her current situation.

PRO: She wasn't hated by anyone yet!

CON: She wasn't liked, either.

PRO: She was sure Sasuke was popular, and he didn't show any signs of hating her. There was even a slight hint he might like her!

CON: He liked her in the wrong way.

She sighed! It was not use. She would have to deal with this problem on her own. Sakura buried her head in her hands, why did it have to be her. Why???? She didn't even notice the seat next to her being occupied.

"You know, I never finished telling you about the tradition." A voice next to her said. Sakura's head shot up. Oh, no! She thought. She lifted her head and turned, slowly, towards the person sitting next to her. She had had her eyes shut, but now she opened one just a crack. That was all she needed. She felt a bit of dismay rise up in her as she saw that Sasuke Uchiha was sitting next to her.

"Why are you here?" she wailed. Sasuke smirked and held up a letter.

"They assigned me to be your partner. I'm sorry that you feel so horribly about it." He replied. Sakura opened her mouth to reply, but was silenced when the teacher entered the room. He had white hair and a mask that covered most of his face. His right eye was covered and he was reading an orange book. Sakura crinkled her nose in disgust. Why would this school hire a teacher who reads such things? She thought to herself. Sasuke noticed how cute she looked when she made that face.

"All right class," said the teacher while still submerged in his book, "today we are going to experiment with different chemicals to determine which one would be best for fuel. You will notice the test tubes inn front of you. Use only these materials. You have 30 minutes. Go."

Sakura was still pondering her misfortune of having Sasuke as a partner. She grabbed a random tube and stuck it above the burner. "Why would they assign you as my partner?" she mused aloud.

"I don't know," Sasuke began. Sakura reached towards the switch to begin the fire. Sasuke reached over and pulled her hand away. She stared at him with a surprised expression on her face. "Maybe to keep you from blowing up the entire school." Clearly confused, Sasuke elaborated.

With his free hand, Sasuke pointed at the tube Sakura had put above the burner. "Nitroglycerin." He stated. Sakura's eyes widened. "As a raw material, it is a powerful explosive. If you had lit that fire, everyone here would be dead!"

Sauke had watched Sakura's entire randomization process, and knew she didn't do it on purpose. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "I had not idea I did that!"

"That's what I'm here for, Sakura." Sasuke replied softly. Sakura then noticed he was still holding her hand, and blushed. She quickly pulled it away and stammered out a "Thank you".

After a few minutes of combining the materials and awkward silence, Sakura asked the question that had been bothering her for some time.

"Wait, how did you know that was nitroglycerin?" Sasuke smirked again.

"I'm not stupid, Sakura. I do know what I'm doing." Sakura blushed deeper. It had been exceedingly shallow of her to assume she was smarter than him.

"I-I'm….Thanks again, Sasuke. Really. If there is any way I can repay you…." She began, meaning it, but hoping he would not take up her offer. However, the boy grinned and his eyes sparkled devilishly. Dismay filled the heart of the pink haired girl, as she had a pretty good idea of what he wanted.

"You know," Sasuke said, leaning closer. "A kiss would be nice." Sakura gulped, but did not move back. He had saved her life, and this would be the kind thing to do. Fortunately the bell rang when Sasuke was just millimeters away, and she put up her textbook as a shield. Sasuke's lips made contact with that, and he backed away, sputtering.

"Well, maybe another time, Sasuke." Said Sakura hurriedly, "But, you know, I have to get to class! See ya!" Sakura rushed out of the room, her heart beating wildly. She had been so close to kissing Sasuke. She felt relief wash through her body and, surprisingly, a pang of regret.

What's wrong with me? She thought. I don't actually want to kiss him….do I? Sakura's confused feelings occupied her mind throughout History and Math which, thankfully, Sasuke was not in and therefore did not sit next to her. She was still mulling over them when she opened the doors of the next period and looked up.

Dread filled her body. No…this can't be now! She had followed the crowd of students and had found herself in the one place every person in high school dreads on their first day of school. This place destroyed lives, reputations, and could mark you as a social outcast for the rest of your life. Feared by all new students, this place was even worse late in the year, when everyone was accustomed to each other and happily chatting the way.

Sakura gulped.

The cafeteria.

Well, first chapter is done! I know, it isn't that long. But it is really hard to make it long and leave room for other chapters at the same time.

A lot of people must be thinking, "What's up with Sasuke?" Yeah, he seems a little….you know, in this chapter. But really what he is a guy who is accustomed to getting whatever he wants. He is, right now, cocky and not the least bit afraid of approaching a girl. Inside, though, he is supposed to be sweet and kind to Sakura. (Oops! Not there yet!)

Anyways, tell me what you think!

One more thing: should I have Itachi and Sasuke's parents alive, and Itachi the nice brother? Or should Sasuke be living alone as a really rich guy who inherited all his money? It is up to you!