Here is a little something new. Please feel free to let me know what you think.
Standard Disclaimer – I do not own the rights to Ghost Hunt, I am writing this for pure pleasure, and no profit.
Only a Heartbeat Away
Chapter 1 - Hajimeru
It was another boring Saturday afternoon, and no one was around except Naru and Lin. Work as usual…. Both were in their own office, and silence reigned supreme. Mai sighed as she slipped the last folder into place. She hated filing, much preferring the real work of ghost hunting. I wish we had a new case.
She jumped when the main door opened. She turned around to find an old woman staring around the room. She was tiny in stature but made up for it in bulk. A Hawaiian print moo-moo stretched tight over her frame. Her short purple hair was in disarray.
"Well this sure isn't what I expected…" The old Lady spoke to Mai in a confiding tone. "I thought you would have all kinds of occult junk lying around." She walked further into the room and waited for Mai to speak.
"Excuse me, may I help you?" Mai asked, surprised by the woman's candor.
"I am here to see Shibuya-san I have a case that might interest him." She smiled and Mai sucked in a breath. Her grin was, for the most part, toothless and rather startling. Mai stared a second longer and then spoke.
"I'll see if Shibuya-san will see you, if you will excuse me for a moment?" Mai waited until the old woman nodded and waved her off. She then hurried to Naru's door and knocked softly, before opening it.
"Naru there is someone here, with what they believe is a case that might interest you." She waited, knowing that Naru had heard every word she could see that he was thinking.
"Let Lin know and bring them in, I'll expect tea." He went right back to his reading, completely blowing her off. She sighed, accustomed to his autocratic behavior. She had learned long before he did not use manners to get what he wanted. He just expects everyone to obey him like the law. She blew her bangs out of her face and shut his door on her way out. She hurried to Lin's door and knocked softly.
When he called out enter, she opened the door. "Lin-san, there is a potential client to see you and Naru." He nodded and pushed away from his desk to stand. She backed away, letting him close his own door.
She returned to find the old woman sitting on the couch, snoring. Her eyes widened. She fell asleep just like that? Mai moved closer, and gently sat her hand on the woman's fleshy shoulder, giving it a soft shake. The woman startled and stared at Mai owlishly.
"Shibuya-san will see you, right this way." Mai smiled when she finished speaking. The woman stood very slowly and couldn't resist explaining.
"These creaky old joints aren't what they used to be." She grinned at Mai again and gave her an expectant look. Mai led her to Naru's door, and turned to the old woman.
"May I give him your name?" Mai asked, ever the gracious secretary.
"Yes, young lady, you tell him that Matsumoya-san is here to see him." Mai found the old woman a bit strange, but still she was a potential client. She smiled, and opened the door.
"Naru…um…Shibuya-san," Mai quickly corrected herself before continuing. "Matsumoya-san is here to see you." She smiled and waved the woman into the room. The little woman took her time crossing the threshold, and when she did, she stopped to stare at Naru and Lin. After a moment, she turned towards Mai with another toothless grin.
"You didn't tell me they were so young and handsome; must be fun, working for such bosses." Matsumoya waggled her eyebrows and winked at Mai, before moving into the room. She approached the chair situated on the visitors' side of Naru's desk and plopped down into it.
"Mai, the tea?" Naru spoke as if she had forgotten, which she had, but just for the moment. The old Lady just had that ability to distract. Mai sighed as she turned away. She shut the door and moved to the small kitchen to brew tea.
Mai was just setting three teacups on the tray when the outer door opened once more.
She glanced around to see Bou-san and Ayako wander in. Bou-san smiled when he noticed her. He strode across the room and reached for a cup.
Mai saw his intention and swatted playfully at his hand. "No, that's for the potential client, Lin-san, and Naru." She shot him a happy grin at his look of surprise. "Yes a client has stopped by with a case that might interest Naru." She filled him in and picked up the tray. "I'll be right back."
She carried the tray and stopped at Naru's office door. Carefully balancing the tray, she opened the door. Naru and Matsumoya glanced at her, while Lin's eyes focused on his typing. Mai carried the tray to Naru's desk set it closest to the visitor.
"Excuse my interruption." She bowed respectfully and hurried from the room. She could hear voices murmuring the moment she closed the door. She glanced around to see that Bou-san and Ayako were sitting on the couch arguing. When she walked up they both glanced at her.
"So which one?" Bou-san asked her as if she knew what answer they expected. She did not even know the question.
Ayako gave her a smug look. "Mai-chan, tell this monkey-brain who has been the most help?"
Mai stared at her friends with a helpless look. How do I answer that? "Um…Lin-san has been the most helpful?" Mai watched as they both shot her disbelieving looks. She grinned and shrugged, much like John. "You did ask who has been the most help."
Mai changed the subject before they could attack her. "So are you free if Naru takes the case?" Mai looked at her friends with barely concealed excitement. Takigawa nodded in reply. Ayako took a moment to stare at her fingernails as if contemplating, before she spoke.
"I guess I could help out." She made it sound like she wasn't really interested, but they could both see the twinkle in her eyes. Mai smiled. It will be interesting to have a new case to solve.
Naru's door opened and Matsumoya slowly wandered out, still staring at everything, until her eyes landed on Ayako. She cocked her head thoughtfully for just a second, and then her eyes moved to Takigawa. She approached slowly and eyed him like a tasty morsel. When she was close enough, she smacked him on the head. He let out a startled gasp.
"Another strapping young man, you can move things for me." She cackled at her own words, and moved towards the door. Mai and Ayako stared at the disbelief on Bou-san's face. Mai tried to hold her laughter in. Once the door closed behind Matsumoya-san, Mai laughed out-loud.
"What was that?" Takigawa asked still shocked. Mai calmed herself enough to answer his question.
"That was our potential client, Matsumoya-san." Mai watched as the monk rubbed at his head. Ayako shot him a look.
"Well you are kind of "strapping" I guess…She seemed to like you." Ayako waggled her eyebrows and had Mai rolling with laughter. Bou-san shot Ayako a disgruntled look, and then pinched Mai for laughing. Just when Mai was ready to retaliate, Naru's voice interrupted.
"This is not a daycare for unruly children." He gazed at them with a look that sobered them up instantly. "We leave this evening Lin is already calling Hara-san and Brown-san to inform them." He waved an imperious hand. "I expect you all here at five. We have a short drive and we are expected at Matsumoya-san's at seven."
"So what are we investigating?" Mai watched Naru with curiosity, waiting for him to explain.
"It's a poltergeist." Naru trailed off. "Now go pack." He waved them off, turning and heading back into his office. Mai glanced at Bou-san and Ayako. They had the same confused look she did. Details would be nice. She jumped up animated with excitement. With a smile and wave for the monk and priestess, she disappeared out the door.
5 p.m.
Mai arrived at the office. Bou-san led her to his car and popped the trunk open. She threw her duffel bag in and he closed it. They hurried back to the office just in time for Naru to begin explaining the details.
"Matsumoya-san believes the ghost of her father is here to help her cross over." He spoke with a deliberate air of skepticism. "We will be investigating to disprove her theory." He waited for questions, but no one spoke up. After a moment of silence, he gave the order to begin packing the equipment.
Mai began helping everyone else load equipment. They made several trips and finally with everything packed neatly in the van, they were ready to take off.
Mai ended up in back with Ayako and Masako while John sat in front next to Bou-san. As usual, Naru rode with Lin in the S.P.R. van. She put on her seatbelt and watched Bou-san in the rear-view mirror as he glanced behind him to back out. Everyone remained silent, lost in his or her own thoughts.
Mai turned to stare out the window. The ride passed quickly, and soon they were pulling into a long driveway between two giant stone arches. Mai stared at the grounds as they made their way up the long drive. The grounds, swamped with brambles and wild flowers, looked distinctly uncared for and overgrown.
After a few more moments, the house came into view. Mai sucked in her breath. The house was more of a run-down pile to Mai's way of thinking. The building appeared aged with peeling paint, and a lack of repairs. Two giant columns supported a balcony that overlooked the front landscape. Bou-san parked the car next to the company van, and they all climbed out.
Lin led everyone up the steps to the front door. He rang the bell, and in seconds, the door opened. A stooped old man in dirty coveralls opened the door and stared at the group.
"You guys must be the occult people Ayu hired. Come on in then." He waved a bony hand and turned away from the door. After everyone entered, he moved around the group and closed it.
Mai stared at the inside of the house. Dust covered cobwebs hung all over the foyer, and the stone floor, once amazing, now lie under layers of grime. This place must have been beautiful at one time. A giant staircase led into the upper levels of the house, and a hallway disappeared down each side.
"Ayu said you would need some kind of base room." The old man waited for some kind of response.
"Yes we will need a main room to set up our equipment in." Naru replied in a cold tone. He stared at the old man with annoyance. The old man stared back at Naru, and then finally turned away.
"You can have the study. It's on the same floor as all of the bedrooms." The old man smiled with malicious glee. He led them towards the massive staircase. Mai noticed on closer inspection that the carpet was stained and threadbare.
"Ayu is unavailable at the moment, but I will alert her to your arrival." He started up the stairs and everyone followed. The place was gloomy, the windows covered with moth eaten, heavy drapes. Mai felt a shiver crawl up her spine. It is like an abandoned house from a horror movie. She shook her head immediately. Don't think that way….
The old man turned another corner and led them up another flight of stairs. When he reached the landing, he paused.
"This is the third floor where you will spend most of your time. Ayu can give you her own tour."
Mai stood at the back of the group watching everything. Her eyes widened when she saw Masako shudder. She moved closer, keeping her voice to a whisper.
"What is it?" She eyed the medium with respect and sympathy, knowing how strongly a spirit's presence could affect someone. Masako's face paled and she wobbled a bit. Mai was ready to catch her if necessary.
"There are vengeful spirits here." Masako whispered back before pulling her hand inside her kimono sleeve up to cover her mouth.
The old man walked part way down the hallway to a giant set of double doors and opened them. "This is the study." He stopped at the doorway, and stepped back, allowing everyone to enter the room. Gasps of surprise filled the long-silent room with sound.
Mai's eyes were wide as she took in her surroundings. Two of the four walls held bookshelves from floor to ceiling, with a second-level balcony half way up. Mai could see the ladders leading up to the narrow walkways. A mammoth fireplace took up the back wall, and a giant mahogany desk sat off center of the room. Near the fireplace, someone had grouped an old couch and few overstuffed chairs.
Mai glanced at Masako to see her pale a bit more. The medium was hesitant to enter the room, but finally walked in. Mai wandered at her hesitation and made a note to ask her later. She watched as Masako wandered towards Naru and spoke quietly to him.
Lin strolled to the desk, his attention caught immediately. He ran a hand lovingly over the surface. He grimaced when his fingers came away black from the deep layer of dust. He turned to Naru with an accusatory glare.
"Who's going to clean this place?" Lin waited for his young associate to speak. Mai held her breath, knowing what was coming. Naru turned and waved a hand at the rest of the group. Mai opened her mouth to reprimand him, and when he saw her face, he cut her off.
"I pay you to do whatever needs to get done. Logically we need this room dust free so that it does not adversely affect the equipment." Naru decided that was enough of an explanation, and began ordering everyone around.
"Hara-san, you and Matsuzaki-san go and find a bucket, rags and soapy water." He paused glancing around. "While you're at it, a vacuum cleaner would also be appropriate." His gaze moved to Bou-san. "Takigawa you begin bringing in the equipment, for now stack it in the hallway." Naru waved to the doorway in indication. "Brown-san you will help Mai with this mess." John nodded in relief.
Masako and Ayako approached the old man for help with finding cleaning supplies. He left the room with the two women in tow. Bou-san followed them out. They had only been gone a few minutes when things started happening.
The doors slammed shut with a resounding bang, and the lights began flickering. Mai automatically moved towards Lin and Naru. When the walls echoed with hammering sounds, John moved closer and began chanting the Lord's Prayer, trying to stop whatever was happening. They stood in a small circle facing outward. As quickly as it began, it suddenly stopped, and everything returned to normal. Mai glanced at Naru.
"I thought you said spirits usually don't show themselves right off?" Mai stared at Naru waiting for his explanation. He glanced around critically, but before he could formulate an answer, the doors opened again. Ayako and Masako entered, loaded down with all of the supplies Naru had ordered Ayako even pulling a vacuum.
The room, much improved after an hour of decent scrubbing, was finally inhabitable. Once Mai cleaned the desk, Lin went in search of his laptop and set it up, claiming the desk for his use. Bou-san and John began lugging the equipment in from the hall, and Mai and Ayako both helped the men. Naru began setting up the technical equipment while Masako watched him work. Mai worked harder than usual, trying to prove useful and impress Naru at the same time. They were just finishing when the door opened and Matsumoya slowly ambled into the room with a nervous glance.
"Ah, you cleaned it up nicely, sorry I couldn't have it done before you got here, but Taro is no longer a spring chicken." She laughed at her own humor before continuing. "He is very lazy too."
"Who are you calling lazy, you old cow?" The old man spoke from the doorway, glaring at Matsumoya. His words caused her to turn and glare at him.
"Aw Taro, shut up!" She turned back towards the group. "I have had four rooms prepared for you in this hallway." She paused a moment. "Each room will bed two people so I gather someone will have their own room." She shot them a toothless grin. "Come on, and I'll show you." Matsumoya seemed happy to be leaving the room.
Everyone moved nearer and followed her from the room. She led them farther down the hallway to the end of the wing.
"Here you are." She pointed to the last four doors. "You can fight over who will get their own room." She pointed to the one on the right. "It has its own balcony you probably saw when you arrived."
Mai spoke up. "I don't mind, I'll take it." Mai smiled, thinking of the view the balcony had. Masako glared at her unsure of her intentions.
"Well maybe someone else wants it?" Masako peeked at Naru waiting to see what he would do. To her chagrin, he remained silent for the moment. Matsumoya stared at the group for a moment before she spoke.
"Okay well first thing in the morning, I'll give you a formal tour, but it's getting late and my television is calling." With a jaunty wave, Matsumoya lumbered off, leaving them staring after her.
They watched until she started down the staircase and out of sight. With an impassive look at Lin, Naru began organizing.
"Takigawa-san, you and Brown-san will share that room." Naru pointed at the dead-end door. "Lin and I will share the room next door, and Matsuzaki-san and Hara-san can share the next room." He paused for a moment. "Mai will have the room on the other side of Takigawa-san and Brown-san." When Masako opened her mouth to argue, Naru cut her off.
"Next time you will speak up sooner." He glanced at her with barely concealed annoyance and her eyes widened. She nodded deciding that angering him wasn't worth the trouble. Instead, she turned to glare at Mai. With room assignments out of the way, Naru began issuing orders, in typical Naru fashion.
"Takigawa, you Matsuzaki-san and Mai begin setting up cameras and microphones. This floor happens to be where most of the activity takes place." Naru moved on to Masako, pairing her with John. "Hara-san, you and Brown-san see if you can sense any spirits and note the location." Naru turned away, and made his way back to the base with the rest of the group following.
Bou-san, Ayako, and Mai lugged all of the cases with them and got to work. They started in the room next to the base. Mai carried a clipboard and pen and noted the temperature in each room. She watched as Bou-san and Ayako set up the equipment. When they were finished, she finally spoke.
"This is too weird, her and that old guy seem to hate each other." Mai looked confused by the whole mess. Bou-san ruffled her hair before speaking.
"It reminds me of another pair of odd people that are always insulting each other." He glanced at Mai to see his comment hit home. Her face flushed and she let out a growl of disagreement. Ayako opened the door, and they moved to the next room. They repeated the process until they reached the room next to Masako and Ayako's room. Ayako opened the door, and they stared at another set of narrow dusty stairs. Bou-san eyed the stairs thoughtfully.
"Hmm….It must lead to the attic. Mai run back to the base and ask Naru if he wants us to set equipment up there." He glanced at her idly as she hurried away. Mai returned in moments with a flashlight and nodded. She handed Bou-san the flashlight.
"Naru said we should." Mai eyed the dusty cobwebs hanging everywhere and shuddered. Bou-san tentatively led the way up the dark stairway. The flashlight barely cut into the darkness. Ayako and Mai followed him up the stairwell carrying the equipment bags. When he reached the top, he found another door. He grasped the handle and turned, pushing it open.
He flashed the light around. The edges of the room were crammed with stuff. Glass cabinets filled with knickknacks and other oddities, and boxes were everywhere. In addition, a huge armoire took up half of one wall. Heavy dust coated everything and it appeared as if no one had been up there in years.
At night with no real light, the attic was rather creepy. Mai kept looking over her shoulder. The strange sensation of someone watching would not go away. Mai edged towards Bou-san trying to catch his attention.
"I think there is someone over there." She whispered as she bumped into him. He glanced at her quizzically. Mai pointed towards the far wall. He shined the flashlight in the direction she pointed.
Mai gasped as eyes shone in the meager light. Bou-san sucked in a breath. What the hell?
He cautiously moved forward towards the unblinking eyes. When he was close enough, he reached out a hand only to meet with the roughness of a canvas. He chuckled aloud.
"Mai come and meet your ghost." He waited for the younger girl to approach. She walked over, hearing the lack of concern in his voice. When she reached his side, he lit the painting up with the flashlight. Mai laughed with relief.
The painting was that of a young girl with beautiful curly hair. She must have been five or six in the painting. The girl wore a fancy party dress in the painting, and she was caught forever mid-curtsy with a charming smile.
Bou-san and Ayako set up the camera and a microphone. Mai was somewhat relieved when they finally left the gigantic room. Finally, every room, minus the base and their private rooms, had cameras and microphones. They returned to base to find John and Masako finished too. Because it was nearing ten, Naru finally sent everyone off to bed for the night.
… … …
Mai stood in the foyer looking around. Everything was clean and bright. When the front door opened, she turned around in surprise. A little girl came dashing in through the door.
"Ayu, you are home, how was the movie?" A voice asked from the stairs. She turned around to see a grown man slowly making his way down the stairs.
"It was fun Papa, really fun. I got to meet Toshi-sama while filming." The little girl ran to the man when he reached the bottom of the stairs and threw her arms around his waist.
"I missed you Papa, I wish you could have seen me." She glanced up at her father, and smiled even though tears were running down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry darling, but Papa has been really busy, business you know." He hugged her back. Mai found she wanted to cry at the sappy scene between father and daughter.
"Ayu, I promise to be there on opening night with you, all right darling, and I'll buy you a new pretty dress to wear?" He smiled down at his daughter with love.
"Yes Papa that's great." Ayu smiled back up at him her tears forgotten by the promise of a new dress.
… … …
Mai awoke to bright sunlight streaming through the drapes, a small wedge landing right on her face. She stretched while thinking over the dream of the night before. What does it mean? Probably nothing, it was after all the girl from the painting. My subconscious probably just created it. For the moment, she decided to forget about it. She climbed out of bed and padded into the bathroom for a quick shower.
Within a half an hour she was dressed and heading for the base. She wandered in and found Naru and Lin. No one else had arrived yet. Lin glanced at Mai with his usual stoic mask.
"Matsumoya-san sent up a tray with tea and breakfast rolls." He pointed out the tray on his desk and trailed off. She could smell the heavenly scent of tea and moved forward to pour herself a cup. With a teacup in one hand, and a soft bun in the other, she enjoyed the quiet.
The door opened again to admit a half-awake priest. John yawned, and then his face colored to be caught yawning. Mai smiled with reassurance and pointed at the tray. The door opened again and Bou-san and Ayako came in. Ayako seemed to be ranting, and Bou-san had a wild helpless look; he glanced around his gaze pleading for help. Masako came in behind them, looking well rested. Mai once more pointed them in the direction of the tray. Everyone was just finishing when Matsumoya opened the door, but remained standing in the doorway.
"Good, you are all done eating. Let's get this tour done then." With a sigh of resignation, Bou-san set his cup on the table. Everyone else followed his lead. Naru glanced at Mai.
"You stay put and monitor everything. I'll walk you through it later." He turned away, and followed everyone out the door.
Mai smiled at her luck. She wandered to the tray and refilled her cup. She walked to the couch and sat enjoying the quiet.