Hi everyone! I'm back. Sorry it took me so long to start this. Incase you don't know this story is the "redone" Code: Ninja. It is obviously going to be a bit different but should have the same sort of plot.

The reason that I decided to redo Code: Ninja was mainly because I didn't like how I started it out. I thought I rushed their relationship when I made them totally hate each other then suddenly out of no where they were in love. I've written out most of this story in a notebook so I pretty much already know what I'm doing with it. Also this way I should be able to update more quickly than Code: Ninja. Hopefully at least! Anyway thank you to anyone who read Code: Ninja and I hope you enjoy The Fight of Fire

The Fight of Fire

Chapter One: Sparing and Running

"Down!" Sensei Jim's voice rang through the training arena. I stood up off my defeated opponent.

"Nice try" I said putting out my hand.

Theo shook it replying, "Thanks."

"Once again the winner is Ulrich!" Sensei yelled.

He walked over to me pat me on the back saying "Great job kid. Who do you want to face next?"

"Has Dunbar moved up yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, just this morning he moved up from junior to senior belt. You want to face him?" Sensei questioned.

Sensei Jim was a big man. And I don't mean big as in muscular. He almost always wore a red sweat suit and had a bandage on his cheek from shaving. He had some brown hair on his head and was medium height for a man his age.

"Yeah" I answered.

"Dunbar!" He roared. For a moment, the crowd was silent.

William Dunbar stood from his normal seat in the third row.

The crowd went wild.

Not for Dunbar of course but for the same reason Sensei Jim was confused when I told him that I wanted to face William.

We hated each other.

Since the day he arrived at the academy I hated his guts. I'm not really sure why, we just didn't get along.

The whole school knew this would be the fight of the year. But me, I knew I would take him down in under a minute.

As Dunbar walked down from the bleachers, a sinister grin arose on my face.

I was ready to kick his butt good and hard.

"Alright boys" Sensei began when Dunbar finally reached the mat. "I want a nice, clean, no loud mouthed fight." He eyed me first then Dunbar silently warning us.

Sensei stepped back. "Bow!"

Curving my right hand into a fist and wrapping my left around it I bent over bowing. Dunbar did the same.

"Fighting Stances!" Sensei shouted.

I took my stance placing my two fists out in front of my chest pulling my left leg from behind my right and bending my knees.

'Oh yeah' I thought as Dunbar took his stance. 'This is going to be fun.'


'Hurry' the voice assured me along. I ran through the trees, hopping over branches and sliding threw puddles.

Finally, I reached the school. Looking up, the sun was out and the sky was blue. I closed my eyes waiting. 'Go!' the voice reassured. I nodded. 'You're ready.'

Opening my eyes, I looked around the familiar dark room. A few things hanging on the wall, a small dresser and a mat on the floor were all that was left.

I stood from my meditation mat and walked over to the small brown dresser.

I opened up the top drawer and grabbed all the clothes remaining then stuffed them in a black duffel bag.

I took the blankets and pillow from the mat and stuffed them along with deodorant, a toothbrush, some tampons, and a brush into the bag.

Walking back over to the dresser I opened the bottom drawer removing a book, three pictures, a pencil, small journal, and a little cash throwing them also in the duffel.

Looking around the room again, I made sure the memory was implanted in my head, then picking up the duffel, headed to the window.

Opening it slowly, making sure it didn't squeak, I dropped the bag.

When I heard, it hit the ground with a soft thump I looked back once again at the room. Then closing the window as slowly as I'd opened it I jumped down to the mud stained floor below.

Landing next to the duffel I grabbed it and headed off to my new and hopefully better life.


Left right, down, jump. That was all I had to do to avoid getting hit by Dunbar. He didn't change his attack throughout the battle.

After about three blocks I could tell he was about to pass out so I decided I'd help a little.

"Is that all you (HUGE breath) got?" he asked. I smiled; Once again too easy.

"No, why did you want me to fight to my highest extent?" I joked.

Before he could muster up the energy to answer, I swiped my feet under his, immediately sending his legs out from under him and sending him flying onto his backside.

I heard a small grunt as he tried to pick himself up off of the mat.

"ONE!" Sensei shouted. Williams arms were flying trying pull give him enough momentum to pull his body up.

"TWO!" Still struggling, God it was pathetic.

"THREE! DOWN!" Sensei called.

I walked over to Sensei his hand already waiting for me to hit.

"Nice job champ" he said proudly. "Go shower off."

I smiled as I walked over towards the boy's locker room knowing all to well that almost every pair of eyes in the gymnasium were on me. I couldn't complain.

Before I pushed the door open, I heard Sensei tell everyone to clap for Dunbar for a nice try. I rolled my eyes laughing. Sensei knew that it just embarrassed the loser more but still did it every time.

I looked around the locker room. When I spotted my gym bag, I grabbed it and headed over to the showers with a big grin still plastered on my face.


'This isn't good' I thought as I jumped down from the tree I was hiding in. I knew she'd come after me. I should have left earlier!

I looked down at the map I help in my hand.

Okay so about four miles on foot and I'd be safe.

Stuffing the piece of paper, I'd drawn into my back pocket I started north again.

For a girl who's spent about half her life locked up in her room I was pretty fast. I had long legs like my mother, it was expected of me.

The school was about three and a half miles away now. As long as I kept running in the right direction and kept away from the dogs I'd been fine... right?

That's what I'd keep telling myself, I decided.

Besides the dogs were getting old and never were that smart to begin with. I could get past them and her easy.

About three and a quarter mile now, I can do this, I can do this.

Suddenly I heard barking.

Shit, not good.

"I know you're out here. Why run, you know I'll catch you" called a voice.

Double shit.

It had to be about two miles now. The barking was getting louder.

No! I will not get caught again!

Faster, faster, faster!

One and a half miles. Keep going!

One and a quarter mile.

Just a little farther.

One mile.

More barking ran through the forest. They were catching up.

"You stupid girl! When I catch you we're going to have so many scars we'll have to change your name to something that means ugly!" she threatened.

Half a mile away now; I could see the end of the forest and the metal fence that would keep me safe.

"I see you!" she called.


A quarter mile.

Suddenly I felt my back start burning in pain. I collapsed on the ground with a thud my face smashing into the dirt.

It felt like I was on fire!

I looked up from the dirt floor. The fence was about six meters in front of me. I used the small energy I had to pull myself up.

I limped, dragging my duffel on the ground soaking it in mud, over to the fence.

"Stop!" came from behind me. I froze.

"If you take one more step I swear I'll burn you to a crisp even if it ends the full existence of the protectors!" she shouted.

I lifted my left arm grasping my duffel in the right.

She took her stance ready to fire.

But before one puff of smoke could come my way, my hand was on the gate.

I suddenly felt like I had not one scratch on my body.

The feeling was amazing, like the fence had some kind of healing power.

I turned my head to look what was happening behind me.

She was standing there slowly fading like and ending scene in a movie. I smiled; then

everything went black.


'I love running' I thought happily.

Every time I won a match or something really great happened to me I'd run. But since we couldn't, and I mean literally couldn't, leave the school grounds there wasn't all that much space to run in.

Normally I'd run three or four times around the border of the school. The huge metal fence was my marker.

The fence even though it looked like a regular old rusted fence was electrified to toast anyone or anything that touched it. Pretty much, it was there to keep unwanted visitor out and the students in.

As always when I came to the big oak tree, I stopped to take a brake. I sat down at the base of the tree closed my eyes and just relaxed taking in the remaining few minutes of sunlight.

"Mmph." My eyes sprung open at the sound and I quickly got to my feet.

Looking around for the source of the sound, I heard another moan come from my right.

I started walking towards the spot when another groan let out.

The only objects there were some bushes and a black duffel. Wait, a black duffel?

I pushed some of the bushes aside and there laying on the ground was a girl.

She looked about my age with short black hair and all black clothing. She must have been a student here at the school trying to escape.

That would explain the duffel anyway. The electrical charge must have caused her to pass out.

I looked down at the watch on my wrist. Nine forty-five PM.

The infirmary would be closed by now and the nurse gone home.

Slinging the duffel over my shoulder and I lifted the girl into my arms. There was a tear in the back of her shirt as big as my fist. And here back had a huge burn where the whole was. Like she had walked through a fire!

What had this girl been doing? There was no way the fence would have caused something like this.

I picked up her wrist and felt for a pulse. It was normal.


Looking around I started to think. It was about ten o'clock by now and curfew was ten-thirty. Odd was back in the room by now and there was no way he could keep his mouth shut.

What about a girl? Girls were pretty good at keeping secrets, right?

Naomi! She could hide here for a few days.

I looked over at the girl's dormitory building. Shifting the girl in my arms, I started at a steady jog towards the dorms.

"Hhhmp" came a mumble from the sleeping girl.

Please don't wake up, oh God please don't wake up yet!

She grunted moving her head so it rested on my chest.

Thank you!

With my foot, I pushed open the building door and quickly made my way up the stairs.

Naomi's room number was one fifty-four, right? Or was that Emilie's room?

Again, the girl shifted.

I started down the hall making sure to keep out of the light.

It had to be what, like ten twenty by now? Probably. Which meant that Naomi was bound to be in her room. I hope.

When I reached room one fifty-four I looked left then right making sure the halls were clear the tapped lightly on the door with my foot.

I heard someone grumble inside the room then the click of the lock as the door swung open a very mad Naomi standing in the frame.

"What?" she asked tiredly obviously not noticing the unconscious girl in my arms.

I gently moved the girl in my arms and Naomi looked down at her then back up at me.

She sighed then slowly opened the door wide enough for me to come in.

Naomi was about 5' 3'' with light brown hair and green eyes.

As she shut the door, I set the girl sown on the unoccupied bed.


"Ulrich, what did you do to this girl?" she asked walking over to the examine her.

"I didn't do anything" I exclaimed throwing the duffel onto the end of the bed.

"Then what happened to her?" Naomi said throwing the duffel back at me.

"I don't know I just found her like this at the south side of campus" I replied letting the duffel fall onto the carpeted floor. "Check out her back."

Naomi turned the girl over and gasped when she saw the burn.

"The fence couldn't do that could it?" she asked getting some water and a cloth to clean the wound.

"That's what I thought but what else could it be from?"

Naomi dipped the cloth into the warm water then carefully applied it to the burn.

The girl winced, her arm moving but remained asleep.

"Ulrich you'd better get back to your room before Sensei Jim does his nightly check" Naomi suggested. "I'll keep her here tonight and tell you how she's doing tomorrow at breakfast."

I agreed thanking her then left hurrying back to my room.

Okay so that's chapter one! I hope it wasn't to short. I originally planned it longer but then as I typed I thought that this was the perfect place to stop. Please review and tell me what I did wrong what I did right and what to fix for next chapter. You can correct my grammar spelling anything just please don't flame! Anyway, I hope everyone liked it and in your review tell me if it's a step up from Code: Ninja and or you like it better so far. I've got this story planned differently that Code: Ninja but pretty much the same story line but don't be surprised if anyone sees any parts that are exactly the same as before! Thanks for reading!

