A/N well this is my first ever fan fic so I don't know how good you all will think it is but I thought it was pretty hilarious!!! Lol

Disclaimer: ok so I don't own twilight no one on here but the most totally awesome and amazing Stephenie Meyer owns it bows at her feet!

Why Emmett can't go to Wal-Mart anymore.

We were sitting on the couch at Edwards's house watching TV with Alice when a Wal-Mart commercial came on.

"Oh ya I forgot I need to go to Wal-Mart!" I said to Edward.

He and Alice looked at each other.

"Where is he?" Alice asked Edward

"In the garage he didn't hear."

"What are you guys talking about? Who is in the garage?" I asked confused. They ignored me and just said

"Never say that name of that store near Emmett"




The family had gone to Wal-Mart because they needed some stuff that only Wal-Mart carried. They walked in and as usual Emmett was bored. "Ill just go look around" he said. When we had all finished a manager came by with Emmett asking if he was with us. And handed us a paper of all the reasons why he was banned from that store.

Reasons for banning

Took all of the pillows and blankets from the bedding department and made a fort in one of the isles and made everyone who wanted to pass pay a fee.

Every time an announcement would come on he would go into the fetal position and scream" THE VOICES THERE BACK!"

He his in the clothes racks and every time that someone would pass by he would yell out "BUY ME! BUY ME!"

Bought a gun in the hunting department then asked where the anti- depressants were.

Put a bag of m n m's on lay away.

Went down the isles humming the mission impossible theme song.

Paid for a $200 TV with all pennies.

Went into the dressing room and stayed there for a long period of time then yelled out "THERES NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE!"

Took condoms and put them in random people's carts.

Inspected the inside of his nose using a security camera as a mirror.


"Oh my gosh" I said.

"I know "Alice said.

Just then Emmett walked in and said

"Whatcha guys talking about?"

"Nothing!" we all said quickly.

A/N Hope ya guys liked it lol im not the greatest writer I know but I love the things he did lol