Title: He Loves No One Else
Author: Phoenixflame
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own neither the song or the game FF8. No money is being made off of this fanfic.
Summary: A variation on a common theme and hypothesis, and a different look at Seifer and Ultimecia... A bit fragmented and wierd.
Authors Notes: Maybe I'll rewrite and expand on this one day. I like the idea...
I am a man,
Cut from the know.
Rarely do friends,
Come and then go.
She was a girl,
Soft but estranged.
We were two,
Our lives rearranged,
Feeling so good that day,
A twilight of love that day.
He heard her whispering to him in the fitful sleep he got on the way to Timber. The phantom voice in the back of his head, the singing. Oh Hyne, he could hear her singing, even when he woke. Driving him on. He didn't stop to think about who it was, or why she was calling to him of all people.
Then in the TV station, seeing Squall and knowing *she* was there. The beautiful girl he'd maybe loved the summer before, maybe lusted after. Helping her, striking out blindly, and the voices sang wildly, exuberantly, urging him on.
And then she appeared. Edea. Ultimecia. His sorceress, dressed in dark purple, eyes yellow, boring into his soul. Taking his mind, remaking it. Spurred on by the voices and his dream, he followed her.
Twisting and turning
Your feelings are burning
You're breaking the girl
She meant you no harm
Think you're so clever
But now you must sever
You're breaking the girl
He loves no one else
He learned her name when she sunk her fingers into his soul, taking what he was and twisting it. Twisting his honor, his sense of morals. His dreams. And he learned the truth of Ultimecia, her form, and he grew to hate her.
Finally, the orders that had to be obeyed. Kill them or die, or they'll die in worse agony than you ever will. She twisted his mind once more, and he was all too glad to let out his anger at her towards Squall.
Even later, when they fought in Garden, he clung to honor, trying to find a trace of his old life. Edea was Ultimecia, she was not who she seemed. She wasn't Matron. She wasn't his dream sorceress.
Then he saw her, all clad in blur and black, slumping over him, whispering her words, healing him and sending him away to Deling City. Saving him and damning him. By that point he wanted the oblivion. He craved it.
Raised by my dad
Girl of the day
He was my man
That was the way
She was the girl
Left alone
Feeling the need
To make me her home
I don't know what, when or why
The twilight of love had arrived
Love? There was never any love. He waited for them, knew when his followers deserted him. Fought for her, angry, fighting against her. The way she struggled before Adel.
Perhaps, he thought, holding her struggling form, Adel will kill her, and this will all unravel, and we'll be safe.
But again and again she was saved, and he fell in love again watching her, knowing how Ultimecia had captured him. She was his destiny, past and present. Innocence turned to evil. He could no sooner turn away from him than she could from Squall.
Twisting and turning
Your feelings are burning
You're breaking the girl
She meant you no harm
Think you're so clever
But now you must sever
You're breaking the girl
He watched as she fought, feeling the pull, the pain. Watching as her younger self helped destroy her older self. He laughed at the irony. Even as she frantically demanded that he help her, he laughed. She had no clue, but he did. He laughed as she died, laughed as he fell.
Watched her start to become.
And even as she ran to her one true love, the innocent, and her elder self fall, he loved her. He knew her, and knew his destiny.
And he wept as he fell through time.
He loves no one else
Author: Phoenixflame
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own neither the song or the game FF8. No money is being made off of this fanfic.
Summary: A variation on a common theme and hypothesis, and a different look at Seifer and Ultimecia... A bit fragmented and wierd.
Authors Notes: Maybe I'll rewrite and expand on this one day. I like the idea...
I am a man,
Cut from the know.
Rarely do friends,
Come and then go.
She was a girl,
Soft but estranged.
We were two,
Our lives rearranged,
Feeling so good that day,
A twilight of love that day.
He heard her whispering to him in the fitful sleep he got on the way to Timber. The phantom voice in the back of his head, the singing. Oh Hyne, he could hear her singing, even when he woke. Driving him on. He didn't stop to think about who it was, or why she was calling to him of all people.
Then in the TV station, seeing Squall and knowing *she* was there. The beautiful girl he'd maybe loved the summer before, maybe lusted after. Helping her, striking out blindly, and the voices sang wildly, exuberantly, urging him on.
And then she appeared. Edea. Ultimecia. His sorceress, dressed in dark purple, eyes yellow, boring into his soul. Taking his mind, remaking it. Spurred on by the voices and his dream, he followed her.
Twisting and turning
Your feelings are burning
You're breaking the girl
She meant you no harm
Think you're so clever
But now you must sever
You're breaking the girl
He loves no one else
He learned her name when she sunk her fingers into his soul, taking what he was and twisting it. Twisting his honor, his sense of morals. His dreams. And he learned the truth of Ultimecia, her form, and he grew to hate her.
Finally, the orders that had to be obeyed. Kill them or die, or they'll die in worse agony than you ever will. She twisted his mind once more, and he was all too glad to let out his anger at her towards Squall.
Even later, when they fought in Garden, he clung to honor, trying to find a trace of his old life. Edea was Ultimecia, she was not who she seemed. She wasn't Matron. She wasn't his dream sorceress.
Then he saw her, all clad in blur and black, slumping over him, whispering her words, healing him and sending him away to Deling City. Saving him and damning him. By that point he wanted the oblivion. He craved it.
Raised by my dad
Girl of the day
He was my man
That was the way
She was the girl
Left alone
Feeling the need
To make me her home
I don't know what, when or why
The twilight of love had arrived
Love? There was never any love. He waited for them, knew when his followers deserted him. Fought for her, angry, fighting against her. The way she struggled before Adel.
Perhaps, he thought, holding her struggling form, Adel will kill her, and this will all unravel, and we'll be safe.
But again and again she was saved, and he fell in love again watching her, knowing how Ultimecia had captured him. She was his destiny, past and present. Innocence turned to evil. He could no sooner turn away from him than she could from Squall.
Twisting and turning
Your feelings are burning
You're breaking the girl
She meant you no harm
Think you're so clever
But now you must sever
You're breaking the girl
He watched as she fought, feeling the pull, the pain. Watching as her younger self helped destroy her older self. He laughed at the irony. Even as she frantically demanded that he help her, he laughed. She had no clue, but he did. He laughed as she died, laughed as he fell.
Watched her start to become.
And even as she ran to her one true love, the innocent, and her elder self fall, he loved her. He knew her, and knew his destiny.
And he wept as he fell through time.
He loves no one else