Outside of the warehouse, Jude called Sadie.


"Sadie, it's Jude. I'm alright."

"Oh, thank God. What happened?"

"Spencer kidnapped me. Tommy found me at the warehouse that he brought me to. He's inside with him right now."

"Alone in the warehouse with Spencer? Jude, you have to stop him before he kills the guy. You know he'd do anything to protect you."

"I tried, Sadie, but there was nothing I could do. You know how stubborn he is."

"Yeah. I've had first hand experience. When he wants something, he goes after it."

Tommy delivered another blow to Spencer's face, this time breaking his nose. He'd never been so angry in his life.

"If you kill me, Quincy, you'll go to jail and no one will be around to protect your precious Jude."

"Shut up!"

Just as Tommy was about to kick Spencer in the gut, the door burst open and two uniformed officers entered the building.

"Put your hands on your head! Get down on the ground!"

Tommy did as instructed. They cuffed him and whisked him off to the police station.

As soon as Tommy was free to leave, he went to the interrogation room he knew Jude was being held in. He was about to barge through the door when an officer told him he was not allowed to go in.

"I need to be with her. You don't understand. I need to make sure she's alright."

"She's fine," said the officer. "The best thing you can do for her now is just to wait until they've finished questioning her. She should be done in a few minutes."

By the time Jude was allowed to leave, Tommy thought he was going to pull his hair out. He couldn't take the suspense of not knowing what they were saying to Jude. When he saw her exit the room he ran to her.

"Are you okay, Sweetheart? Were they mean to you?"

"No, Tommy. I'm fine, really. Just take me home, please."

Jude didn't specify which home she meant, so Tommy drove her to their apartment. When she would have protested, said,

"Jude, all of your stuff is here. You can see Sadie tomorrow."

"No, I want to see her now. I want her to know that I'm okay."

"So call her. I'm sure she'll understand that you're not up to visitors. If you don't, I will."

Jude got out her phone and called her sister. She knew that Tommy wasn't going to let her see Sadie tonight, so she just did what she was told.

"Hey, Sadie. We're just going to go back to Tommy's place. I'm not much up for visitors. I'll see you tomorrow, instead."

"Jude, I want to make sure you're alright."

"I'm fine, really. I'll see you at the studio."

"Jude! You are not going into the studio tomorrow! Not after what just happened!"

Sadie and Tommy exploded simultaneously.

"Jude Harrison! I can't believe you're even thinking of work! I'm your producer! I refuse to let you go!"

She decided to deal with Sadie first.

"Music calms me, Sadie. Don't worry. I've been through a traumatic experience. It will help me release my anger by singing through it. Just trust me."

"Fine, but you're coming straight here after work tomorrow. Now that all of this is over, you can come back home."

"I know, Sades."

"I love you Jude."

"Love you, too."

As soon as she hung up the phone, Tommy started bellowing.

"You're not going to work tomorrow. I don't care how much help music is to you. You can sing while you're in the shower, but you're not going to the studio.


"And another thing," he interrupted. "You're not going back to live with Sadie. I want you to stay at my apartment with me."

That shocked Jude into silence. Tommy looked at her.

"Jude, I know you think I'm a selfish jerk, but give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me. Please."

"We'll talk about this later, Tommy. I'm too tired to fight with you."

"Then don't fight with me, agree with me."

"Later, Tommy."

The next morning, Jude woke on time to head to work. Her ribs were killing her and her cheek was pulsing. Her wrist was sore and she had to try hard not to strain it so she didn't pull out her stitches.

When she arrived at work, Krissy, her newly hired assistant, was waiting for her.

"Good morning, Miss Harrison," she said with a bright smile.

She handed Jude a cup of coffee and Jude could have hugged the girl. There was one thing that she needed to get straight with Miss Terry, though.

"Follow me into my office for a moment, please. There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

When Krissy was seated at a chair in front of Jude's desk, Jude began to speak.

"I don't have many rules concerning your job. I expect you to know your boundaries, but there is one rule that you have to abide by."


"Tommy Quincy is off limits."

At that moment she heard someone clearing his throat. She looked up to see none other than Tommy standing in her doorway.