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Blue Rose
"The Princess and The Protector"
Teaser Chapter
"Someday, I'm going to be Queen…but I'll always be myself."
A/N: Okay, so I DID make a teaser chapter. Take note: This is NOT chapter 1. This is merely a teaser chapter, which explains why this is shorter than my original length of chapters. I hope you have fun.
The full moon outside the dark night looked peaceful as well as the cool breeze of the night carries the sweet scent of the white roses outside the place felt relaxing. The soft rustling of the tree sounded as the green tops swayed along the cool breeze. But even if the nature looks so much peaceful and beautiful this night, no one could ever make him go outside and leave the sleeping enchantment in the hidden place.
The certain dark-haired protector walked away from the window to sit beside the frozen living body of the princess. Sealed in a large glass casket powered only by chakra-based ice mist that keeps the princess sleeping inside safe, she continued to rest in her deep slumber, unable to wake until the time has come for her to wake up. The chakra-based ice mist source of unlimited energy came from the seal below the casket, which is performed by the elders of so long ago that this generation they are living now could not possibly know.
Satisfied that the sleeping princess is safe, as usual, the dark-haired protector continued to watch over her, a hobby he grew from years and ages of watching over her. Tonight is no different from several nights he spent just by watching over the princess. The night is no different with the past nights he had spent for there are more beautiful nights than this. The only connection he had from the outside world would be the sole large window overlooking at the night sky and the white roses that bloomed at the fields.
He knew not how the white roses flourished without his help. But the reason why is beyond his understanding for all he cared about would be the princess. He cared mainly for her, and only for her, for he was given the duty to serve, protect and to live only by the princess' wishes ever since he was born.
He is the last remaining survivors of the princess' protectors. Not that they die because of old age and diseases. Certainly not that for people who are chosen by birth as the princess' protectors is given the gift of immortality and health. They are given the gift that until the princess dies, that would be the day that the protectors would die too. They are also given the gift that they won't need any human needs like food and water for certainly, they are not human any more. Certainly not because the princess dies for she's sleeping in her deep slumber, thank Kami. But because of the unexpected betrayal of a certain protector against the others.
He wished not to remember it again for it brought painful memories he decided not to remember. After all, it's already been centuries and decades since it happened. Yet painful memories didn't age with time…they age with acceptance. He has not yet accepted that fact yet, even if the time went too far from him. He has lost the track of time and yet he didn't care…as long as it concerned the princess.
Speaking of memories, he remembered the way the princess live during their time. The princess has not yet entered her deep state of sleep at the time. She lived with her family and she seemed to be contented. As the eldest daughter of the leader of the land, she grew to be a princess. To be served and to be pampered. But she didn't end like any other beings that would be treated that way but ended up being humble and meek. She lived normally…until they knew her abilities, about her goal, about the reason why she's living and about why she embodies such power. Until then when her abilities where shown, the abilities of the protectors are activated. And the whole land has never been the same again.
Many events had happened, one of which is the betrayal for power. But the princess continued to pursue for her goal, saying that if it's the ultimate reason for her being, then who would she be if she'll not accomplished this?
And yet now, even if he's the remaining protector and both of them will continue to pursue the princess' goal, even if they're outnumbered, even if they have no chance in winning, he'll continue to stand by the princess' side, not only because he's the protector and she's HIS princess as well as the land's princess but because he respected and cared for her, even if she's princess or no princess.
A/N: Another note. I immediately write this up after finishing the chapter 3 of Tune the Rainbow. Teehee...
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