Disclaimer: I do not own the fantastic creation called 'Harry Potter' and those who dewel inside the creator's mind

"1, 2, 3, hut!" Lily felt the force of the oval shaped ball wham into her chest and without wasting anytime, she curled her fingers around the soft ball and began running straight towards the goals. She dodged the boy bulldozing towards her, leaped over the other one who was diving for her legs and dove between the goal posts just as the ref blew the whistle. Two boys ran over to Lily, who was lying face down in the muddy grass and taking one of her arms each, they pulled her to her feet.

"God, that was wicked!" Jason Phelps grinned at her while the rest of the guys ran up to them, whistling and cheering.

"Great match Lily, fantastic goal!" Henry Gamble yelled over the crowd as the guy's all smacked her on the back before heading towards their houses around the park's edge.

"Same time next week?" Adam Singleton asked her, nearly yelling to be heard from his doorstep. After Lily nodded, he gave a short wave before entering his house. Lily picked up the ball that was laying at her feet and walked towards the referee.

"Nice game kiddo, that was some last goal you scored at the end" he said, wrapping one arm around her and leading her in the direction of their house.

"Thanks dad," she said, looking up into the older man's eyes as they walked up the stairs leading up to their house "Mmmm, looks like mum's made dinner and has it waiting already!"Lily hurried inside, running into Petunia on the way to the kitchen.

"Watch it freak!" she snarled, shoving past Lily to get to the stairs. Mr. Evans, who came in just in time to see her run up the stairs said to Lily

"I guess she just called you something nasty again" he guessed as they walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, and it was a new word to: freak. I'm so glad you bought her that dictionary dad, now I can actually recognize the words that she's saying!"

"Now now Lily, that's not very nice" Mrs. Evans said disapprovingly from where she was bustling around setting the table which Lily noted was Petunia's job.

"Don't worry, I bet she's just jealous" Mr. Evans whispered in her ear as Petunia reentered the room.

"I heard that!" she snapped, seating herself at the table, straightening the knife and fork in front of her.

"How? He whispered it in my ear all the way over here!" Lily shot at her, while Petunia moved on to straightening her placemat and napkin "anyway, if you heard, you would have no problem repeating what dad said" and she folded her arms and waited for Petunia to say something.

"I-, well, he said-, I-, errrr!" she said in frustration, stomping out of the room, up the stairs, and into her bedroom where they heard the door slam.

"Lily, why do you have to be so patronizing? Mrs. Evans exclaimed before putting her apron down on the bench and exiting the kitchen and following Petunia up the stairs.

"She deserved it" Lily mumbled, flicking Petunia's knife to the side so it was no longer straight.

"Lily" her dad said in a disapproving voice, walking over to her and motioned for her to sat down.

"What? You can't tell me she didn't deserve it. I mean-". He motioned for her to hush and she feel silent instantly. In the distance they heard a door shut quietly.

"Okay" said her dad, putting his hand down and breaking into a large grin "now I don't have to pretend to be angry anymore"

Lily smiled. Her dad always came through for her even if her mother always sided with Petunia and rushed after her to see if she was alright. While they waited for Mrs. Evans and Petunia to return, Lily began playing with her knife and fork; she being the fork and the knife being her opponent

"Oh, it looks like he's cornered her but no! She dodges, she jumps, she lunges and she scores! 10 points to Lily Evans!"

"Lily Evans?" her dad inquired, looking up from the newspaper he found on the bench.

"Well, I hadn't come up with a name for a team yet and since I don't have an army of knives and forks, I thought well ..."

"Okay, now I can finally serve dinner!" Mrs. Evans announced, bursting back into the kitchen with Petunia following at her heals. She gave Lily a smug look as she sat down in her seat across from Lily. Lily dropped "herself" and her "opponent" onto the table as Petunia was continuing to sneer at her. She looked down at her own knife and fork and yelled

"Mum! Lily moved my knife!"

Mrs. Evans looked up from where she was serving the pasta and asked Lily "Is this true?" but before Lily could answer, Petunia cut her off

"Of COURSE she moved it! Duh, why would you even have to ask?"

"Petunia dear, aren't you overreacting just a little. You probably accidently knocked it when you ran out of the room," Mr. Evans said wisely, winking at Lily when Petunia turned around and demanded to know what her mother thought.

"Petunia, I have to say I agree with your father. What would Lily have to gain from knocking your knife over? She's already been in trouble today and your father has been watching her all the time while we upstairs-" Mr. Evans pushed his newspaper further under the table so it was hidden from his wife's sharp eyes "Anyway, that's enough Petunia. Now if you want to do something constructive you could come over here and help me serve up the dinner". Petunia groaned.

"But it will ruin my manicure!" she exclaimed, holding up all ten fingers to show her parents. Lily snuffled a snort.


The next day, Lily was laying on her back on her bed, throwing a tennis ball up and making it rebound on the ceiling and come back down. Petunia said it was a waste of time, but Lily liked it as it gave her a chance to think...and waste time. But when she began to heard stomping she knew the storm was coming.

"Lily, shut up!" Petunia yelled at her, pushing the door open with such force that it rebounded off the wall and came flying back towards her.

"Petunia!' Lily gave a cry of warning to her unbeloved sister but it was too late as the door smacked into Petunia's nose. Lily blocked her ears just as the high, ear piercing scream from her sister echoed from all the walls in the house. Lily heard a thunder of feet as her parents ran up the stairs and into Lily's room where Petunia was standing, fuming, her face two shades of red and Lily standing with her arms folded against her chest, tapping her foot and waiting for the yelling to begin.

"Oh Petunia! What on earth happened to your nose! Here-" Mrs. Evans rushed over, pulling a white handkerchief from her pocket and dabbing Petunia's nose with it. Mr. Evans raised his eye brows at Lily who just rolled her eyes at him. He nodded.

"She bewitched the door! She made it hit me in the nose! Oh, my nose! Its broken!" she shrieked, scanning Lily's room for a mirror, but after three seconds of having no luck, she turned to Lily and commanded

"Where's your mirror?"

"I don't have one" Lily said simply, like it was obvious.

"Oh right, no wonder you look like that!" Petunia said, sticking her nose in the air and running past her father into the hallway to consult the mirror hanging there outside of Lily's room.

"Petunia..." Mr. Evans said, slowly turning around to face his eldest daughter.

"What?" she snapped "I know she bewitched it! Using-, using-, using-"

"Magic?" her mother supplied, a look on anxiety on her face as she longed to get out the first aid kit to fix up her daughter's nose.

"Yes, that!" she exclaimed, pointing to her mother and nodding her head vigorously.

"Petunia, you know very well that Lily isn't allowed to use magic out of school. Besides, did you really see her take her wand out of her pocket and magic it shut?"

"No, but, but- check her pockets! Its probably in there!" she squealed, pointing her finger at Lily's pockets instead. Lily sighed and pulled out the pockets of her cargo pants to reveal two 50p coins as well as a 2 pound coin and a 5 pound note. Three knuts also fell onto the floor to join the rest. A button, which was slightly delayed, fell a second afterward.

"See?" Lily smirked and Petunia let out a shriek of anger. Mrs. Evans looked down at the objects on the floor, and once satisfied that none of them where a wand she turned to Petunia and said

"See sweetie? Lily couldn't have done it because her want isn't on her. By the way Lily," she said, turning towards her youngest, "where is your wand?"

"Oh! Umm" Lily went over to her chest of drawers and pulled out the draw second to the top. She stuck her hand inside the draw full of clothes that were all tossed about and messy and pushed her hand in amongst them. She wriggled it around there for a moment or two, before feeling closer to the back. Finally, her fingers closed around the smooth handle of her rosewood wand.

"FOUND IT!" Lily announced, pulling it out of the draw and sticking it into the air and causing red and green sparks to spit out of the top. She instantly dropped it onto the floor and stepped away slowly before looking up at her parents again. Petunia was holding onto her mother's arm in fear, her bloodied nose forgotten.

"Oh, I put it there after term finished so I wouldn't be tempted to do any magic. You kind of forget you're not allowed to do magic over the holidays if your wands in sight coz you're used to using it the rest of the year," Lily explained before bending down to pick up her wand and throwing it back into her draw and pushing it shut.

"Well, now that you know that I DIDN'T magic it shut and it was because that Petunia pushed my door open with such force that it rebounded and hit her in the nose which is now bleeding, I feel happy that you both realize it was Petunia's own fault and if you wouldn't mind, I would like to get back to what I was doing"

Mr. Evans shrugged, and left the room without complaint. Mrs. Evans, satisfied for the reason given by Lily, turned to Petunia and said

"Come dear, we've got to do something with your nose. I'll get the first aid kit out of the kitchen" and bustled herself out of the room. Petunia followed her to the door, but she remembered something and turned to her younger sister and said

"That reminds me of what I was here about in the first place. SHUT UP!!" and with that she stomped out of the room.

"As if" she muttered under her breath and she walked over and shut her door quietly. She slowly walked over to where the contents of her pockets laid and had just picked up the note when she heard a knock on the door. With the 5 pound note still in hand, she walked back over to the door and opened it and came face to face with Petunia.

Lily sighed and folded her arms with the note still visible.

"Say Lily, could I borrow 5 pounds?" she said in a sickly suck up voice.

"Get lost!"



Lily woke up with a start. Her alarm read 8:46am. Well, Lily overslept a bit, she was usually up at seven but since it was the holidays she didn't mind in the slightest. She turned towards the window to see what made the noise and found a barn owl with a very flat face hovering at the window with a letter tied to its ankles.

Lily walked over to her window seat and opened the latch on the window so the owl could fly inside. She untied the letter from the owl and it promptly took off again. She turned the letter over and instantly recognizing the Hogwarts seal, and tore it open. Then, without glancing at the content, she raced out of the room, down the stairs and burst into the kitchen where her mother had already began to make breakfast.

"Mum, I need to go to Diagon Alley soon, I just got my school supplies in the mail,"

"Nonsense, it's barely 9 o'clock. The post doesn't arrive till at least lunch time" Mrs. Evans told her daughter without looking up from the pancakes she was flipping. Lily waved her letters in front of her mother's face.

"Oh, owl post. We'll discuss it later, now help me eat these pancakes," she said and Lily loaded a plate full of them.

At 10 past 9 they heard a shriek and feet stomping down stairs. As soon as Petunia entered the room Lily said

"Eww, this place smells like tuna!" before looking up and spotting Petunia and said "oh, its only YOU!"

"ERRRR! This bird kept tapping at my window while I was trying to sleep! Because it was annoying me so much, I opened the window to tell it to GO AWAY when it flew in and landed on my head and its still there and its ruining it!!" she yelled at Lily who calmly walked over to it and held out her arm. The bird instantly flew down and landed on it and waited patiently as Lily untied the string. Once Lily had the letter in her hands, it flew back up the stairs and out of, Lily assumed, Petunia's window.

Lily took the letter back to the table and opened it as she sat down. Out folded a letter from one of her best friends, Remus Lupin.

Hey Lily

How's your summer going? Exhausting probably knowing you. I haven't really done much, mainly reading and escaping from Hannah, my little sister. You remember her right? Anyway, James, Sirius and I all got our Hogwarts letters this morning and we're thinking of going to Diagon Alley for the whole day tomorrow. Would be awesome if you could join us.

Hopefully meet you at the Leaky Cauldron at 8am!


P.S. Are you winning the "Battle of the Sisters" again this year?

"Oh Daddy, this is perfect! Remus just invited me to me him, Sirius and James at Diagon Alley tomorrow. It would be so much more fun shopping" Lily groaned at the word shopping and Petunia shook her head in disgust "if they were there. Daddy could I please go?"

"I don't see why not. I won't be able to take you as work is on the other side of the city but I'm sure you're mother would be happy to drive you" Mr. Evans said thoughtfully before turning back to his paper.

"Hmmm I don't know" Mrs. Evans said after flipping some special 'sugar free' pancakes especially for Petunia "I don't like it how you only hang out with those boys. Why don't you make some girlfriends?"

"Muuuuuuuuum I've told you! I have no interest in dresses and make-up and hairspray. Give me a game of footy or Quidditch any day" Lily returned to stuffing her face with her 'sugar full' pancakes, making Petunia look sick.

"THAT is disgusting"

"Its F O O D Petunia. You put it into your mouth when you're hungry. Don't forget to chew and swallow!" Lily said brightly, finishing her pancakes and returning her plate to the bench "Anyway mum, can you take me tomorrow. Pleeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee!"

"We'll see Lily, I've got to take Petunia shopping. She's complaining about the clothes she's got so I have to go and buy her some more"

"What's wrong with the clothes you've got?" Lily turned around and asked her sister though after she said it, she guessed the answer was before she answered.

"Because their out of style! I mean, what would my friends think?"

"Who cares?"

"I do. Unlike you and your ghastly unisex clothes I have pride in my appearance" she said snottily as Mrs. Evans put her special pancakes in front of her.

"They're not unisex! Its just a shirt and jeans" Lily said angrily, hating her sister more then ever.

"And the way you wear you're wearing a red sock and a blue sock together. Urgh, how on earth did I get you as a sister?"

"Oi, don't dis my Monday socks!" Lily retorted, getting angrier and angrier and she could hear plates and cups tinkling in the background. Petunia gasped in fear, and ran straight over to her mother.

"She's using magic!" she squealed and her mother gave Lily a disapproving look.

"Lily, calm down" her father said gently, resting a hand on her arm. Instantly the tinkling stopped. Lily suddenly remembered the point of their argument.

"Anyway Mum," she said, turning towards her "You could always drop me off before you take Petunia shopping. It's not like she's going to be up and ready to go at 7am" sneering at her sister. Petunia returned the sneer.

"You have a point. We'll if you really want to go, I want you ready to leave this house at 7am sharp tomorrow. No later"

"Okay!" said Lily happily and got up from the table and ran up the stairs. As she reached the landing, she heard Petunia shrieked.

"Meh" said Lily to herself "she probably just caught sight of her hair in the mirror"

A/N: So here we go again, this is my third fanfic! Anyway, i'm off to a good start aren't i? This is the third time i've uploaded this same document with changers! But i got it finally! Yay! Very excited :P Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it and please don't forget to review to tell me how much you hate my story!

Moonlight Honeysuckle xox