Johnny Storm shook his leg impatiently. He couldn't remember any other time he had been so on edge. It didn't help that Reed paced back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in front of him. Johnny leaned forward in his chair to look at the timer. Only two minutes and twenty seven seconds until the antidote would be finished settling; One hundred and forty seven seconds too many… One hundred and forty six now…

"We're lucky that Sue used up most of her energy breaking out. If she had full power she could have killed a lot of people by now."

"Maybe some of them deserve it," muttered Johnny into his hand. Reed looked at the younger man sharply.

"If Sue goes after that 'Doctor Keris', I certainly wouldn't stop her." Reed had researched him earlier while trying desperately to kill time.

"It's not our place to play God," Reed reminded gently. "We save everybody. We don't choose the people we protect."

"Would you be preaching that tune if his plan succeeded and we all died? Including your wife?"

Reed clenched his fists white. "It didn't come to that."

Both men returned there attention back to the ominously glowing timer. One minute and forty three seconds…

Their com links flickered. "She's running out of steam Reed." Ben's voice sounded worried. "I've been herding her away from citizens, and she's seemed almost fine; But now it looks like she's going to collapse."

Reed willed the timer to move faster. He bit his lip. The taste of metallic blood invaded his taste buds. "Don't go near her," he warned. "Keep leading her away from innocents."

"I should be out there," Johnny complained. Reed didn't say anything. Johnny knew what he would say anyway. Sue could easily put a bubble around her brother and cut of his oxygen, thus eliminating his power. Ben was more durable.

Johnny punched the wall. A black, scorched hole remained when he pulled his fist away. Reed understood Johnny's frustration, so he didn't reprimand his brother-in-law. Instead he murmured, ""You're more important here. We need your speed. You don't know how much I wish I could be there too." Johnny stared at the timer.

Fifteen seconds…

"Don't forget you need to inject it directly into her heart."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three," Johnny counted down. At three Reed prepared the needle.

"…two, one!"

Shrill beeps echoed inside the lab.

Reed pulled the stopper back and filled the vial with acidic liquid. His hands trembled.

"Easy, Reed"

He finished quickly passed it to Johnny.


"Remember you only have one chance," Reed shouted uselessly to the trail of smoke. As fast as his rubbery legs could carry him, Reed dashed to the Fantasticar. He used the time it took to put on his seat belt to compose himself. He spent years separating subatomic particles without breaking a sweat.

A moment ago anyone watching would think he was a green intern.

With a deep breath he shot off into the dusk.

Flying faster than he ever had, New York was a blur under Johnny. When he passed the suburb limits to the country side where Ben had drawn Sue he activated his com link. "Where are you Rocky?" Ben gave the coordinates. The Human Torch tilted north east.

None too soon he came about a sight that twisted his heart. The Invisible Woman stumbled forward in a meadow, seeming with no particular destination in mind. She looked like death on two feet: Pasty white skin, blue tinged lips, tangled hair, bloodshot eyes graced her features, and blood streamed out of her nose down her face and onto her shirt.

You only have one shot, so you better do this right, Johnny told himself sternly.

"READY," he shouted to Ben.

Ben ran forward, (the ground shook) and pinned Sue's arms behind her back. A demonic sounding shriek streamed from her lips. Before she could do anything at all, Johnny swooped in like lightning. He stabbed the needle into her chest and pressed the back in. Green liquid disappeared out of the glass. Sue cried out in pain her heart absorbed and pumped the life saving liquid throughout her veins. She sank to her knees. Ben supported her weight gently.

Johnny watched her eyes slowly unglazed. Blue orbs focused, and then zeroed on him. "Johnny," she said distantly. Then more forcefully, "Johnny!" She fell forward into her little brother. He caught her up in a warm hug easily, making extra sure that his skin was cool. He rubbed small circles in the small of her back as she sobbed.

Johnny Storm certainly was not the one for sentimental moments, but there were exceptions to the rule. Exception number one came when Mary Storm died in a car crash. Exception two happened after Franklin Storm went to jail for accidental manslaughter and the Storm children were pretty much on their own. Exception three when the Silver Surfer brought his dead sister back to life. Exception four happened when he couldn't find his missing sister. This was definitely exception five to the 'keep emotionally cool' rule. He could stand not to have anymore thank you very much.

His own eyes moistened and threatened to spill over. "And here I was under the impression I was the one supposed to be giving you constant heart attacks." His grip tightened. He didn't know how long they sat like that. Finally the Fantasitcar's hum could be heard getting louder and louder. It landed a few meters away.

Reed Richards jumped out of the cockpit.

Johnny looked down at his protective big sister. "Let's get you home angry lady."

Three Weeks later in the Baxter Building...

Susan Richards sat amongst the comfort of fluffy couch cushions watching her good friend Benjamin Grimm speak into the phone. "I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes," he promised before clicking the off switch. Sue laughed softly when he punched right through the phone.

Ben commented off-handedly, "I only do that when I'm nervous."

Sue stood up. She reached up to hug the Thing. "I'm so happy for you and Alicia. I can't wait to help Alicia plan the wedding."

"That's only if she says yes."

Sue laughed again. "Of course she'll say yes. She loves you."

"The feeling's mutual," Ben replied as he walked out of the room toward the elevator.

"Good luck," Sue called after him.

Sue settled back onto the couch and wrapped a blue afghan around her slender frame. She picked up the remote and channel surfed until she finally settled on an ABC show.

Johnny announced his presence next. "Don't wait up for me tonight. I'm ready to hit the club all night long." He shrugged into his leather jacket. "And I don't plan to spend the night alone if you know what I mean."

Sue rolled her eyes. "How could I not know what you mean?" she asked dryly.

Johnny's eyes twinkled, "Don't go on any insane rampages while I'm away. And if you have to kill Reed- make it a good reason!"

"Will you ever let me live that down? It sooo wasn't my fault."

"NEVER!" With that, the second team member had left the building.

Fifteen minutes into Grey's Anatomy Reed walked in carrying a tray loaded with cheeses, fruits, bread, and champagne.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something?"

"You are," Sue said with a loving smile as she looked up.

"I guess I'll just come back later." Reed did an about face with the tray.

"Reed Richards, you get back here. This is what Tivo is for." Sue muted the television and watched as her beloved husband settled himself beside her. He filled two flutes full of champagne and handed one to Sue.

"To us," he toasted. The couple clinked glasses before sipping the bubbly beverage.

"Are you up for Adam Keris' trial date in three months?"

"Do we really have a choice?" Sue countered. She sighed. "I'm just so relieved that my knight in shining armor was around to save me." She snuggled contentedly against Reed. He responded by putting an arm around her.

"I'm just relieved you're safe, and healthy, and with me tonight." He kissed her lips sensuously and pulled back. "I love you."

Sue teased, "I never would have guessed the way you've been treating me lately." Reed had gone overboard in making sure Sue got enough rest and relaxation. He wasn't the only one though. Johnny and Ben took their turns catering to her every whim.

Reed shrugged unashamedly. "Just as long as you know."

Sue kissed Reed softly. "I love you, too."

He promised, "I'll always take care of you."

"We'll always take care of each other," she corrected.

Their lips met again in a passionate lock. Breathless, Sue pulled away. "We have the building to ourselves tonight," she whispered. "What say we practice conceiving our first child?"

Reed pulled her closer. "I think we've got it down to an art. We should do the real act soon." They looked doe eyed at each other before coming together for what would be a very steamy night.


Thanks so much to everybody who reviewed. Reviews make my heart glow!