A/n- my first fanfic ever!!!! I hope you like it- PLEZ review! Ok this is set after Ice Age 2.

Summertime Chapter One: Settled In

Everybody was getting settled and accustomed to their new life. Diego was sitting on a rock watching Eddie and Crash fight with each other over who could climb higher. It was really stupid- but Ellie always tried to cover their weirdness by saying, 'boys will be boys.'

"You can't catch me ha-ha. You lost the tree-climbing contest, looser!" Crash mocked his brother.

"HEY! Not my fault if I slipped on a stupid piece of bark," Eddie said.

"You didn't slip you are just a slow climber."

"No way, I say we have a rematch right now!"

"Your on!" The voices mumbled together as they decided their next competition. The possums bounded out of the cave and ran off somewhere.

"Don't you two go getting lost or in trouble!" Ellie yelled over her shoulder. Manny looked at his new wife. He smiled, "they'll be fine." He assured her.

Sid had just dragged in a life-time of lattice leaves and fruit.

"What are you doing with all of that?" Diego stared at the sloth.

"Going to eat it."

"You're eating it ALL… now?"

"Yes would you like me to share some lettuce with me?" the sloth teased Diego.

"No thanks ill stick to my usual diet of Wildebeests and Antelope."

"That's so mean!" The sloth pointed a claw at Diego, "How would you feel if you were killed and being eaten?"

"I don't know and I don't really care," Diego liked to tease the sloth.

"Well…" The sloth marched away from the saber with his salad.

"Manny, can I see you for a minute outside." Ellie asked Manny.

"Uh sure…"

"Do you ever get nervous about… Diego's eating habits?"

"Well not really. He doesn't eat around us and doesn't do anything to make us feel nervous. Besides the occasional teasing Sid."

"Well… I don't know. I mean he seems to be a good friend. But have you ever been nervous about it?"

"Don't worry. He's fine." Manny said coolly- not yet willing to mention to Ellie when they first met and Diego's whole intention was to eat them.

All of a sudden, Crash ran up to them, "guys! Eddies hurt! Help!"

"Eddie! Where?" Ellie said almost imminently. By now Diego and Sid had joined in on the conversation.

"Eddie is hurt? Where?" Sid stared at the possum.

"Some were in the world!"

"Could you be more specific like oh I don't know tell us where!" Diego's temper rose like Manny and Sid had seen so many times!

"Well that's the thing," Crash began, " he got picked up by a hawk and now I followed the nest but I have no idea if the hawk- if he… killed Eddie or not." Crash looked at the ground and Ellie panicked.

"There is no time to waste." Ellie began, "Crash- lead us to where you remember the nest being we should figure something out then!"

"Ok, follow me." Crash and Ellie ran off into the woods with the others close behind.

Ok that's it 4 now. I will try 2 update soon. WILL EDDIE LIVE? OR WILL HE DIE? I DUNNO YET TO BE HONEST. LOL but please review. My 1st story u can b kind or be rude I don't care.