Disclaimer: I down own Naruto.

Thank you all who reviewed!!!!!!

Chapter 6

Itachi grasped her chin firmly, planting a kiss on her lips. Her frightened green orbs stayed on Sasuke as a dark aura surrounded him. The curse seal spreading over his body, his skin turning a dull gray; fingernails lengthening, his hair growing longer, winds sprouting behind his back. He was a monster. At that moment, she didn't know who to fear more. The man kissing her or his younger brother who was sending Itachi the look of a murderous intent to the point it made her quiver uncontrollably.

"Little brother… how good of you to join us…" He said after he reluctantly pulled away from Sakura, who laid trembling on the bed. Where had her strength gone? Her will? Her determination? She was caught in between a fight that was long since due.

"Come to save your little cherry? She tastes so sweet. But then again, you never liked sweets." Itachi grinned as he saw his brothers body get into a fighting stance.

"She has nothing to due with this." Sasuke never looked at Sakura, only kept his blood red eyes trained on itachi.

Nothing.. To.. Do with me?

Itachi chuckled, "Nothing to do with us? You really don't remember anything." He knew he erased his brothers memory of 'Amarante' long ago. He would now make him remember… make her truly suffer.. She'd beg to die. His sharingan started to spin and memories of the Uchiha brothers and the pink haired girls flashed like a knife in his mind, along side the massacre of his clan.

Mother! Father!



Auntie, Uncle!



She is responsible… Itachi's voice rang through his head like a mantra.

Sasuke took a step back and gazed at his brother in a confused haze. He fell to his knees, the sound reverberating through the room. Itachi laughed and teleported out of the hideout. It was just the two of them now. He looked blankly at the ground, lost in his own thoughts.

"S-sasuke-k-kun.." Sakura said weakly. Her skirt was still down, exposing her pink curls as well as her nipple on her breast standing at attention in the suddenly cold air. She got the strength to lift herself off the bed and reach towards the love of her life.

"Don't touch me." She heard his dark and broken voice, his eyes were shadowed. Tears started to stream down her face again. She didn't know what to say, what to do.

"Your filthy. We had better not meet again." Sasuke said coldly, making her jerk back in a hurtful movement. He left the room, not bothering to shut the door. She didn't know how long she laid on the cold floor… or when she heard Naruto's voice… she succumbed to darkness.


Three Years Later

"Happy Birthday Sakura." She murmured to herself, blowing out the candle that was lit on top of a single cupcake. It was chocolate cupcake, her favorite. Yet the past always seemed to haunt her nightly and she pushed her sweet aside. She lifted her head and looked around. She has in snow country, on a mission to do a high-profile assassination. All she could think of now was missions. The tavern was loud and busy. She sat in the corner, hoping to not draw attention to herself.

Two Akatsuki members walked in, they took seats in the opposite corner. Immediately the red clouds caught Sakura's eye and she stiffened. Fear crept up her spine. What if one of them was Itachi? Fear and now anger stole upon her and she gazed down at the cupcake. Closing her eyes and wishing everything would go away. Leaving her cupcake uneaten she left the tavern. She swore she could feel his eyes on the back of her head.

She closed the window to her room, making sure everything was locked securely. Crawling into bed she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. A shadow moved outside her window. A slight breeze ruffled her pink hair. She opened her eyes sleepily… she remembered closing it. She froze. He was here.

"Hello birthday girl…" Itachi's dark drawl was heard in the corner of her room. She tightened the grip on her blankets. With a flash he leaned over her, his dark locks framing her face. She opened her mouth to scream… but she couldn't.

"Did you think you could blow out the candle and wish it all away?" One of his muscular hands reached out and caressed her cheek. The other yanked down her comforter. She was only wearing a skimpy nightgown with nothing underneath. He could see everything. She made a move to fight him when his hand went to her neck and squeezed.

"No matter what you wish, it is going to happen and there is nothing you can do to stop me… Sakura." Itachi kissed her candy lips and pressed his weight on her from above. Nestling between her legs, so that they were hip to hip. An unwanted flush crept onto her cheeks.

"We can do this the easy way or the fun way." He traced his fingers over her plump lips down to her covered breasts to massage them. Drawing a moan out he smirked. He knew she was slowly giving in. He kissed her once more and to his pleasant surprise she hesitantly started to kiss him back.

He brought her nightgown over her head and held back a groan when he saw how perfect she was. He stripped above her to make sure she wouldn't change her mind and bolt. She gasped softly as his bare muscular chest came into view, her hands cautiously came up to splay over his abs. Her eyes widened slightly at his hardened member, it was throbbing. She never had intercourse with a man before, and seeing that was a little frightening. Even though she had seen them countless times as a medic, it was never in this way.

He nestled himself back between her legs, pressing his manhood against her mound, making her squirm in pleasure. Sakura's pert pink nipples pressed against his hard tanned chest. Itachi gazed down at the green pools swimming with curiosity, fear, and passion. He ran his tongue from her throat between her breasts. Cupping them he laved one nipple while his fingers caressed her other breast, she arched against him and he chuckled darkly.

"I'll make you love me." He whispered, pulling at the wet taunt nipple. She moaned and bucked under him. He teased her more by rubbing himself against her.

"I..I..Ita-" Sakura couldn't say his name under the pleasure that was coursing through her. Itachi smirked when he saw her body flush and quiver. He spread her legs and guided himself to her entrance. She grasped his shoulders out of fear. His onyx orbs snapped to her frightened face. He kissed her to silence her scream as he slid into her.

Grunting with pleasure he started to thrust, holding onto her hips firmly. He watched as Sakura thrashed beneath him, arching her back as he hit a pleasurable spot. His thrusts became more erratic and he could feel her legs start to quiver, signaling and oncoming orgasm. He let himself moan loudly as he came inside her. Sakura's mouth opened wide as she hit her release. He slowly leaned forward and rested his weight on her. For Sakura, it was hard to breath, but she was still in a haze. She could feel him kissing her neck and shoulder slowly.


Dawn broke on the horizon. The morning light casting gently on the sleeping lovers. Itachi moved off her sometime in the night and fell into a deep peaceful sleep. Sakura was the first to open her eyes, her head was resting on his chest that steadily rose up and down. She could hear his heart beat… so he did have a heart. She raised her head slowly and hesitantly to see his sleeping face. He was gorgeous. There was no doubting that. She sighed and looked out the window. The light breeze made her feel good. Like a fresh new start in life was about to begin. She gently stroked his chest, lost in thought.

What would happen now? What would everyone think of her? What would Sasuke think of her?

Your Filthy.

Now… she truly was tainted. But for some strange reason, her love for Sasuke had faded that day. She finally realized that he would never love her. She swallowed, tears brimming. She suddenly felt like a hurt child that didn't know what to do and had lost the most important thing in the world. She wiped the stray tear away and looked at her lover again.

I'll make you love me.

Could she really love him?

"If your wondering about how Sasuke would feel about us, he's dead." Itachi's sleep filled voice startled her. Dead? She swallowed again, hard. How did she feel about Sasuke being dead? He opened his eyes and turned his head slightly to look at her expression. It was blank and her eyes were puffy. Had she been crying?

"I killed him. About a year ago." His hand went to stroke her silky pink locks. His cheek rested on top of her head and he breathed her in deeply. Closing his eyes and dozing. Normally, he would never allow himself this luxury. He was an Uchiha after all, and a first class missing nin wanted dead in every country, he had to stay on his toes. But around Sakura he felt he could relax. She had this calm aura about her that made him want to smile.

"So.. You're the last of your clan." She finally found her voice to speak.

"Yes." His other hand traveled down to stroke her belly, making her muscles jump. He could feel himself harden when he looked at her pink curls that were peeking out of the sheets. She could see the sheet rise and with a fascination she watched. Biting her lip she slid her hand over his dark curls and wrapped her hand around his shaft. The sheet fell away and he saw her working him. He growled in pleasure and hoisted her up and over his body, making her settle down on his member. She moaned shakily as she started to ride him slowly.

She didn't know why she gave into him so easily. Maybe it was because she had seen everyone around her have a special someone and now she finally found a person to be her lover, friend, and maybe more. Naruto finally came to his senses and took Hinata as his bride, Lee and Tenten were an item, Ino and Sai - although they had a weird relationship, they were deeply in love.

"Faster." He growled as he took control of her hips and slammed her down on his shaft, making her break her thoughts and squeal in pure bliss. They came together a second time. This time it was Sakura who laid on his chest and dozed off. She awoke a little while later and had to ask a question.

"Why didn't you kill me?" She said softly.

"…" he stayed silent.

"The time in the hideout and when I went to the past and you found out it was me. You could have killed the younger me. Why?" She kissed his neck, trying to get a response.

"Because in all the world, I found someone that could possibly love me."

He answered. He looked vulnerable and edgy. He usually didn't spill his feelings out to anyone. She was stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Do you care for me?" He asked, staring at her hard. It was the question he asked all those years ago. Again, she stared at him with wide eyes. She could feel him tense beneath her. She didn't want to be shaken like a doll again and quickly answered.


"Then you are mine for all time." He said possessively, "I wont let anyone else touch you and I'll protect you with my life."

She smiled down at him, it made his cold heart miss a beat. She kissed him on the lips. This pair, met under the most unlikeliest of circumstances and fell for each other. They didn't know were they were going to go but as long as they had each other, it was enough.


I don't know if I should continue or complete it…. You decide!! REVIEW!