Disclaimer: Do not own them.
Title: Decision
Summary: Craig never thought that being 'spontaneous' could be a bad thing when your counterpart is a paranoid twitchy blonde. CraigTweek
Warnings: Yaoi Cussing PWP (Rather)OOC
Couple: CraigTweek
Written By: Shino
Inspired By: . . . . Utter stupidity?
Comments: Poor Tweekers.


Grinning madly, Craig had everything planned, he knew Tweek's routine upon returning home; everyday he did the same thing, well, if Craig, himself, wasn't there to distract him.

Like clockwork, Tweek arrived home at exactly five-thirty, fumbled with the locks and leaned against the door for twenty full seconds before moving away and towards the kitchen.

Craig silently stalked him, waiting for the perfect moment.

Pouring a cup of coffee, Tweek drank it, twitching slowing until the mug was empty. Setting it down, he made a noise and skittered off towards the bedroom so he could drop off his bag and change. Tweek hesitated once and muttered softly to himself, which wasn't very soft: 'Ack. Craig must not be home.'

This made Craig smile, Tweek wouldn't suspect a thing.

Tweek set his bag onto the chair next to the door and tugged at his shirt, trying to pull it off without unbuttoning it. "Gah, urgh."

Then, Craig decided to strike.

Sneaking up behind the twitching blonde, Craig waited until the shirt was on the ground, then he wrapped his arms around Tweek's shoulders and whispered. "Hey baby, your wife home?" In a deeper voice then his normal one.

Head jerking back, Tweek let out a scream.

This reaction thoroughly surprised Craig and it took him a good half hour to convince the blonde that he was not a rapist mass murderer dressed up to look like 'C-C-C-C-Craig.'



Going on a hiatus :dances around: So I won't be spamming you guy's inboxes for a while. Though, I'll still do multi-chap updates and the Fantasies thing simply cause it amuses me.

Oh, if you see me put something up, slap me. But not you Rah, you do that anyways.

Feedback? Comments? Cookies?
