The Light Inside

Chapter One: Introduction

Ever since my sister Kikyo was slain six years ago, I found myself often visiting the forest near the village in which I lived. The villagers believed I performed such an action in memory of Kikyo since it had been her favorite place to be when she was still alive. Much as I loved and respected my sister, I regret to admit the focus of my visits wasn't Kikyo but her lover Inuyasha.

Deep in the forest, Inuyasha was bound to a sacred tree with an arrow. This arrow contained a special seal designed to make him fall into a sleep lasting for all eternity. Kikyo had put him there herself with the last of her strength before she died. It was only fitting, considering the betrayal he'd inflicted on her.

Kikyo's foremost duty in life was the Shikon No Tama, a most dangerous jewel that could be easily tainted and corrupted by the black ambitions of any human or yokai acquiring it. As a miko, Kikyo used her considerable spiritual powers to purify and protect the Shikon No Tama. Consequently, she wasn't allowed to pursue the life of a normal woman as long as it existed.

Perhaps that was why my sister became so drawn to the hanyou Inuyasha. Like herself, he was an outsider from the mainstream of society. Of course, Inuyasha still wanted the Shikon No Tama for himself in order to turn into a full-fledged yokai. I suppose he was never able to fully subdue his desire for the Shikon No Tama, resulting in my sister's eventual demise.

During the course of Inuyasha and Kikyo's secret love affair, I tended to a horribly burned criminal named Onigumo. Kikyo had offered this Onigumo shelter in a cave not far from the village. I honestly didn't see the need to prolong his life, given that he would lose it soon enough. However, Kikyo always preferred to exhibit kindness toward Onigumo, even after I revealed to her that he obviously lusted after her and wished to possess the Shikon No Tama. From then on, I held my tongue, but I knew she was careless to ignore any lurking threat with Inuyasha around to distract her.

Luckily, I was relieved of my responsibility to Onigumo not long after Kikyo died. One of the many fires I had lit for his warmth seemed to have spread out of control while I wasn't there and consumed him alive. Nothing of him was left except for a dark burn mark in the cave floor where his body once lay. Sorrowful over the passing of my sister, I didn't hesitate in closing up the cave and promptly forgetting about Onigumo.

However, I couldn't disregard Inuyasha quite as easily. Something about him inspired sympathy for him in spite of what he did to my sister. He didn't chose to be a hanyou any more than my sister had asked to be charged with the responsibility of the Shikon No Tama. Additionally, neither Inuyasha nor Kikyo decided to fall in love with each other on purpose. Each was a victim of circumstances. If matters had worked out differently, would they have had a life together?

"Ifs" were a game for children, though, and I had long ago ceased to be a child on the day my sister died. A handicap of my own constantly reminded me of this bitter fact: a missing right eye. Falling debris from when Inuyasha broke into the village shrine to steal the Shikon No Tama caused the injury. Although I'd adopted an ebony tsuba to minimize the ugliness, I rarely gazed upon myself in a looking glass.

At any rate, I didn't need a looking glass to show me my appearance. The garb of a miko always adored me: dark red hakama, pleated pants, white kimono shirt with very long and wide sleeves, white tabi socks, and brown zori. Who else could become the miko except me? Our father was the priest of the village shrine, and the priest's daughters are the only ones who can be miko. Therefore, I must take Kikyo's place.

My sister's obligation to the Shikon No Tama did not pass on to me. Right before she closed her eyes for the last time, Kikyo instructed me to burn the cursed jewel with her body so that it would never plague the world again. With great sadness, I followed her directions to the letter and spent the next six years training to become a miko. Because the village turned all expectant eyes on me, I feared I would never measure up to my sister's formidable legacy.

Little did I know that I would be shortly propelled on a series of events forever intertwining my fate with Inuyasha's.