Ok. Please bear with me here. I just now got to watch the last episode of Z and haven't seen a single one of GT yet, so this is just a finish to my story that so many have requested. And I do appreciate it. Sorry it took so long to finish this, but, well: life intervened. Most of you know, or should by now, everything from the series. So the ending to this story takes place after GT. And no gripes on my pairings!! I haven't really formed an opinion on the kids yet; it's just a guess.

Chapter 14: You Did Good

            "Gosh! I just can't believe this day is finally here." Bulma sniffed as she pulled Bra's hair up in a swoop of aqua curls and put the jeweled veil in place.

            "Oh, mom. Please don't start crying again! Between you and Chichi, the yard is gonna flood." Bra sighed, but sniffed back a tear of her own.

            "Well, it's not every day that my baby boy marries my best friends daughter. I want everything to be perfect." Chichi handed Bulma a bobby pin.

            "Oh, it will Chichi. It will." She patted her future mother in laws hand.

            Outside on Capsule Corps back lawn; caterers were finishing up with the long tables of scrumptious looking foods. And the ushers were seating the final guests.

            "Stop drooling Kakarot." Vegeta sighed as he adjusted his bowtie for the hundredth time.

            "Aghh, I'm so hungry. I wish we could eat first."

            "You're always hungry."

            He sighed dreamily. "Can you believe it Vegeta? Who would've thought in a million years, our kids would be getting married."

            Vegeta smiled lopsidedly. "Miracles never cease."

            "It seems like just yesterday when we met. You came to Earth and killed all my friends. And damn near finished me off. Bizarre isn't it. That you would end up marrying my oldest friend and raising such a fine family. I believe you've come farther than any of us my friend." He slapped the annoyed prince across the shoulder.

            He started to make a snide comment, but was interrupted as Gohan walked up. "It's time guys. Vegeta, you need to go into the living room so you can walk Bra down the aisle. Dad, you go back so you can walk mom in."

            "Alright son. Try not to cry Vegeta. I always cry at weddings." Goku grinned awkwardly.

            Vegeta just stared at him before walking back to the house.

            As he entered the living room, he was greeted by a sight that almost made him stumble. Bulma was dressed in a beautiful lavender gown that flattered her still perfect figure. Next to her was Bra. Almost a carbon copy of her mother, in a simple white satin wedding gown that somehow looked like the most elegant dress in the world.

He suddenly thought of Bulma on their wedding day. A day that came almost two years after the battle with the androids. A day that wouldn't have stood out in the annals of time by any means. A simple ceremony, no honeymoon, and he had gone back to training that same day. Of all her complaining, that was the one thing she had never griped about. She hadn't had a huge wedding, but had been content with what he had offered. It was still a mystery to him as to why she had kept him around for all these years.

"Uncle Vegeta?"

He came back to his senses to find Pan waving her hand in front of his face. "I'm not a fly girl. Stop shooing at me."

"The music's started. Hurry up!" she grabbed him by the elbow and drug him into position.

Bra smiled at him. "You look very handsome Daddy."

He humphed lightly, but smiled down at her.

Goku led Chichi to their seats in front; Bulma took Trunk's arm as he led her to the opposite side then took his place next to a very nervous looking Goten. Marron was the first bride's maid out, followed by Celeste, Trunk's wife, then Pan, the maid of honor. The flower girl was Una, Marron and Uub's daughter.

Finally, the wedding march began. Vegeta walked his daughter down the aisle, standing patiently while the minister went through the ritual.

"And who gives this woman to be lawfully joined in matrimony?"

"Her mother and I." He stated simply. Acutely aware of all the small sighs of relief from the guests that he actually did it correctly. But he leaned forward as he handed Bra over to Goten and whispered in his ear. "If you screw up boy, you know what I'm capable of." His black eyes sparkled.

Goten laughed nervously and swallowed.

Vegeta sat quietly through the ceremony. Then the reception. He watched as Bra and Goten drove off to their new life. He bid Kakarot and his family a polite farewell. Nodded to the rest of his old friends as they departed.

He was standing in front of the large sliding door, staring out at the now empty back yard, when he felt a presence behind him. "What do you want boy?"

 "Just wanted to say goodnight." Trunks stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared out the window. "Think Mom's gonna cry all night?"

"Probably. You know how she is." He smiled slightly. They stood silently together for a few more minutes.

"Well, I'll see you later this week." He turned to go, not expecting an answer.

"Goodnight, son." Vegeta could feel the blue eyes questioningly staring at his back. Then he heard the door shut.

Bulma came out of the shadows and walked up behind him, encircling his waist with her arms. "That was sweet of you."


"You, know. It was thirty-five years ago today, that you came back from space and found out about Trunks." She laid her head on his shoulder.

"Oh?" he played dumb. He knew exactly what day it was. And he remembered exactly what he was doing at that very same time so long ago. Worrying.

"You did good, you know." He turned in her arms and looked puzzled. "You said you didn't know what a parent should be like. But all said and done, you turned out pretty good." She smiled. Her blue eyes dancing.

"I doubt I was as good a father as Kakarot." He frowned.

"Actually, in ways, you were a better father."

He arched an eyebrow in surprise. "Oh? And in what ways?"

"Well, grant it, you would have never won father of the year for openly showing your kids affection like Goku, but you were always there when they needed you. You protected us. You helped them grow up strong, and showed them how to make a difference. The only thing you ever let separate us was death. Goku was always running off after some new dream. You gave up your dream for us."

"Maybe… maybe I just found a better dream."

A tear slipped down her cheek. "I love you Vegeta."

"I know." He grinned his famous smirk as she giggled.

The End

Yeah!! Hope this was good enough. And Vegeta wasn't out of character. Shock. After the Kid Buu deal, he really became pretty sweet and laidback. In a Vegeta sort of way. I thought it made him even more attractive.

I'm working on a new story. It's an extreme A/U. I haven't decided on my female character though. It's gonna be about Vegeta mainly. Some of the old guys will show up. Goku for sure, and Piccolo, King Vegeta, Frieza, Zarbon and the Ginyu gang. I think it's pretty interesting. I really have a cool female picked out, but I know how most of you feel about O/C's and not pairing Veggie up with Bulma, so if you have an opinion, please say. But Veggie gets tricked and captured by… and sold into slavery…and oh the revenge… but you'll just have to wait for it!!
