Dean's Shoulder

I know I'm in the middle of another story, but I wrote this before the finale. So last night I uploaded it! This has nothing to do with my other story really... I kept the girl uknown so it's all up to the imagination.

She held him tightly in her arms again. What else could she do? Sam was gone, and Dean was falling apart. She had to send Bobby out for food, just to put anything but Jack Daniels in his stomach.

She was beginning to break. It'd been nearly a day since Sam died, and she still hadn't cried for him. There was no way she could. Dean was strong when she was there to lean on, but if she fell, he would too.

When Bobby came back it was another fight as they discussed Sam. She stayed out of the way, but found her gaze on Sammy's lifeless body. Dean's scream resonated in her ears. He'd given up, and it tore her up. She knew it must have sounded right in his head, but to Bobby it was crazy talk. Dean had lost the most important person to him but it couldn't be the end of him. There were still people that needed to be saved. When Bobby left she tried staying calm, but the tears couldn't be held back much longer. There was no way she could stay strong much longer.

Dean came over to where she stood next to the door frame. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly to him. She could hardly breathe, but she couldn't do anything. She turned in his arms pulling him closer to her, letting his head rest on her shoulder. Honestly she couldn't look at Sammy's limp body any longer.

As time passed it go harder for both of them. They weren't enough. Dean spoke to Sam as if he was going to come back just by hearing his words, but that's not how it works. He had to get out of the room. She wasn't Sam, and that's who he really needed to be comforted by right now.

Alone with Sam for the first time the gravity of it all sank down on her. Sam was dead. Dean had lost all hope. For the last twenty-four hours she had been numb. Slowly she crossed the room to sit with Sammy, taking the chair Dean had vacated. She closed her fingers around his cold ones. She uttered a low sob. This was her best friend, brother. He didn't deserve this in the end.
If anything she was the one to blame for all of this. If she hadn't fallen asleep, then she would have gone into the diner with him. He was always there to protect her, but why wasn't she there for him?

Tears rolled down her face, and her body shook with sobs. She was tired, exhausted, from the countless hours up with Dean. Her body couldn't handle much more. Eyes swollen and her body too tired to move, she slept with her head near Sam's, their fingers still entwined. That was how Dean found her. And that's where he left her as he went out one last time to save the world, and his baby brother.