HELLO! okay...so this is my first fanfic! I kinda got the idea one night when I was watching Inside Edition. There was this college couple who were modeling in some fashion show, for this new line of wedding clothes. While the couple was walking down the runway(aisle) the boyfriend proposed. Of course, she said yes, and the couple were to wedded, though not the same day...so yea! I want to dedicate this to all my friends from Selzer!(Ace, Jaime, Cleo, Cj. Caroline, ETC : ) I LOVE YOU GUYS!) So please read and review! And if you have anny suggestion, please write them to me! I accept everything!


"blah" talking

blah thoughts

blah Inners(like Inner Sakura for example)

OKAY! Now for the story!

Summary-Basically Sakura and Sasuke have been together for 8 years. Now Sasuke wants to propose...but he kinda doesn't know when. Then the couple gets chosen to model Konoha's latest line of Wedding Gowns and Tuxedos! So Sasuke decides to propose during the show. But will he have the courage to do so? And will Sakura accept?


As the rays of morning hit her face, Sakura opened her eyes lazily. She turned her head slightly, and looked at her alarm clock. 11:54 it read.

Uh, might as well get up, she thought

Quietly, she got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. She took a shower, and dressed in her usual kunoichi outfit. White and black miniskirt, black boots, and pink top. While she was in the kitchen eating toast, the phone rang.


"Hey Sakura," said Sasuke, her boyfriend of five years, "I was a bit bored, so I was wondering…do you want to, meet at the mall?"

"Sure Sasuke. Meet you in 20 minutes?"

"Okay. Love you,"

"Love you back," With that, she hung up the phone, got her holster and pack, and went to the mall.

At the Mall

Where is she? Sasuke thought. He had just arrived at the mall, and still no sign of her. But then he saw it…pink.(AN: yea its Sakura's hairXP) "Sakura!" he yelled. He ran over to her, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hi Sasuke!" she said, with a quick peck on his cheek, "So…what do you want to do?"

"How about we go to the café? I could really use some coffee,"

"Okay! Yeah, there's this new latte I want to try,"

"Alright, lets go grab a table, "

Hand in hand, they walked into the mall, and towards the café. When they were seated and served, Sakura asked," So what do you have planned for us today?"

"Actually, I was gonna ask you the same question. The reason I asked you to come down was," he began to blush, "because I wanted to spend some time with you…"

"Awww…Sasuke," she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.

Liar…you wanted to propose said Inner Sasuke

Shut up.! I don't need to hear you right now…


The girls(AN: Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and TenTen) had decided to go away for a spa weekend, leaving the boys(AN: Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Neji) alone and bored. They decided to have a boys night and sleep over the Hyuuga Mansion(AN:Neji's house)

At the Mansion

The boys were just sitting in the living room, munching on some chips. Neji was sprawled on the sofa, Naruto and Shikamaru were on the floor, and Sasuke was sitting in a foldable chair.

"Oi, I'm bored," said the blond," Why don't we play truth or dare?"

"That would just be troublesome," said the Nara guy.

"You suck, Shikamaru," the blod replied, "how about you, Neji?"

"It would be a waste of time. Besides, you can't hide your fate," said Neji.

"What fate?" Naruto asked.

"The fact that you can't think of good dares and you can't do any dares, dobe," said Sasuke, sarcastically.

"Of course I can do a dare! Believe it! I bet its you who can't tell the truth, teme,"

"Of course I can," he replied, casually.

"Oh yeah? Then have you popped the question to Sakura yet?

Sasuke blushed. His face color rivaled the tomatoes that he loved so much. "Well…I-I uh…," he stuttered.

"Oh c'mon," whined Naruto, "we helped you pick a ring, and you still haven't proposed?"

He just nodded his head yes.


"WHHHAATT!" shouted Naruto, Neji, and Shikamaru.

Neji shook his head, "Wait a minute, Uchiha. Lazy over here is already married…"

"Hey!" shouted Shikamaru

"…idiot over there is getting hitched in a month…"

Naruto just blushed and muttered a few things under his breath.

"…I just got engaged three weeks ago…"

Naruto and Shikamaru just rolled their eyes.

"…and you STILL haven't proposed?"

Again he nodded his head yes.


"I-I don't know…"

You know…they're right. What ARE you waiting for? Said Inner Sasuke

HN…I don't know

Ooo…What's wrong? Getting cold feet? Uh-Oh the Uchiha is getting nervous…

Shut up already! You are so annoying!

Yea…I'M annoying…tomato freak…


Nothing, just that you're a chicken…can't even propose to your girlfriend. You know, maybe I will,

FYI, we are the same person and I AM NOT A CHICKEN! I'll propose to Sakura…you'll see!

End of Flashback

"Sasuke?" Sakura asked cautiously.

His head snapped up. "Huh?"

"Are you okay? You kinda dazed out there."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about what to do."

"Oh! Why don't we pass by he big stage! See if there's any shows or something," (AN: In the Konoha mall, there's a big stage where shows and stuff are held…its also the main setting of the story!)

"Oo, yea. Lets do that," he said, getting up, and taking her hand. Happily, they walked around the mall. When they arrived at the stage, they found it…empty. No one was there. (AN: obvious…lol) Sakura ran to the bulletin board, and checked the show schedules. "There are no shows scheduled today," she yelled while looking at the board, "I guess we could-"


Sakura turned around and WHAM bumped into a bystander. Sasuke came running to Sakura after watching the whole scene. "Sakura! Sweetie are you okay? (OOC)"

She nodded and helped the women up. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you," the woman said as she stood up. She had orangey hair shaped like a tulip. She was also tall, but very slender. (AN: if you have seen the Pretear anime then you know who she is!) "Please excuse me, miss. I am very clumsy,"

"Oh its okay! I'm very clumsy myself,"

"Ah if you don't mind me asking," the women said, "are you two perhaps a couple?"

Sasuke immediately went into over-protective mode. "Why are you asking?"

"Ah yes that was rude. Let me introduce myself. My name is Himeno Awayuki. I am a-"

"World famous clothing designer!" Sakura said in a mesmerized tone.

"Correct. I'm here to find young couples who will be willing to model. That reason is because I am introducing my new line of Wedding gowns and tuxedos. I along with Kazuto Iizuka, the famous designer, Narue Nanase, the international wedding planner, and Akio Isuzuki(OC), my partner, will be hosting a fashion show, here in the beautiful village of Konoha."

Sasuke nodded his head. "So that's why you asked if we were a couple…"

"Precisely. You two would be perfect candidates. So are you two a couple?"

Sasuke smirked, wrapped his arm around Sakura's waist, and pecked her on the cheek. "Actually, this year will be our fifth year together." Sakura just blushed.

"Perfect! Why don't you two just think about modeling, and meet me in my office around, 'o say 4 o' clock? Here's my card. "Ms. Awayuki handed the couple her card.

Then Sakura asked, "When will the show be held?"

"In about 2 weeks. This is why we need couples fast. I think that in total, we only have 4 couples, including you guys."

"Okay. So we'll meet you at 4, right?" the pink-haired girl said.

"Yes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more couple scouting to do," and with that she bid them a goodbye.

Meanwhile, Sasuke and Sakura were processing everything that had just happened.

"OMG Sasuke! Us modeling Konoha's new wedding line? Can you believe it? She must of thought that we were a cute couple or something,"

"Yea…she couldn't resist my handsome looks," said Sasuke sarcastically, running his hand over the side of his face, his eyes gleaming mockingly.

Sakura playfully punched him on his arm, although being a very strong kunoichi, and taking after Tsunade, you couldn't quite have called that playful. Sasuke winced.

"Geez, Sakura! What was that for?" he said, rubbing his clearly visible bruise.(AN:lol…hahaha poor Sasuke)

"For being cocky. You know I hate that…"

"But I was being sarcastic,"

Sakura looked at him. He had on a teary-eyed-puppy-dog look on his face. She sighed. "Ok, fine, I'm sorry," she said, "I'll make it up to you. What do you want me to do?"

Sasuke immediately grinned, and got into a thinking pose. (AN: lol) Sakura just scoffed and smiled. She walked over to Sasuke, grabbed his collar, and crashed her lips onto his. Their kiss began the same way as usual—Sasuke was as careful as ever, and Sakura's heart overreacted as it always did. But suddenly, Sasuke's lips became more urgent, as his newly bruised arm, which he quickly forgot about, twisted into her bubblegum pink hair. But as her hands tangled into his hair as well, she abruptly stopped. Sasuke however was not happy. He pouted. (AN: AWW! How OOC like….so adorable.)

"C'mon loverboy. We're in the mall. A public place. Which means no kissing, got it?"

He sighed. "Fine, but you owe me."

"Whatever. Besides, we have to call the others. We gotta tell them about this modeling thing." She immediately pulled out her pink razor, (AN: lol my mom has this phone…) and began to call Ino, Hinata, and TenTen. She was gonna tell them to call their boyfriends, and met up in her house in one hour. She also told them about this modeling thing. Turns out all 4 girls and their boyfriends had been asked! Still, she invited them all over. (AN: lol I call them the fantastic eight!) After calling her friends, Sakura along with Sasuke, left to go to her house.