Mission Impossible:
The Ninja and the King

A.N. So…here's the next part…I really have no idea how long this will be…No sign of Sora…yet…And I don't know what world this is in…I guess count it as AU.

Disclaimer: I equal no own.

Leon was well aware that he was being missed; if the thunder had not made it clear then the yell that was surely made from the ninja's room did. He shook his head. He was completely away from the house and could still make out some nonsense about 'taking on the great ninja Yuffie.'

He sighed. She was probably curled up in his blankets, scared out of her mind. But he couldn't stop his patrol of the town just because there was a frightened nineteen-year old who relied solely on him to help her vanquish the evil minions of Thundareaian probably wondering, horror-stricken, where the knight of Mera, with his powerful Geleta sphere that encompassed all lightening and thunder was. In his absence she would surely be taken captive by the evil lords of the three Thundareaian kingdoms and forced to eat Jell-O.

He groaned. "She's rubbing off on me…."




Yuffie wasn't afraid of anything. Really, she wasn't. Except thunderstorms. And broccoli. And bunnies. But she really, truly, absolutely was not afraid of spiders. Especially ones that had fifty gigantic, humongous, giant green eyes, and eighty-bazillion hairy legs.

The spider scurried over her-er-Squall's- covers and up the wall next to her. Yuffie felt that this was the perfect time to scream. So she did.


Nothing happened.


Zip, zilch, nada.



She pouted and pointed toward the wall.


He moved toward the wall, intent on smashing it, when she spoke again, with child-like reprove in her voice. "Cup."

He sighed. "Yes, my lady. And don't call me Squall."


Aerith giggle-mauahahaed again, and Cloud expressed his great discomfort of being in a closet so close to the wall that the spider had climbed.

"Oh, you baby. It's only a little spider. Leon will get it soon."

Cloud choked out something about eight-bazillion eggs and gigantic diapers. Or so it sounded like to Aerith. She decided that some how, some way, she had to get him out of the closet. NOW.

"Okay, shh, shh, calm down, and do as I say, m'kay?"

She was prepared for battle.

A.N. Yeah…it's short….but at least it's an update, hmm? Now, click the little button, m'kay? Or…you know, don't. I'll just be here, waiting. And waiting….And waiting….