Sorry for the long wait, I was having writers block issues and college is crazy. So hopefully I'll be able to update faster.
Ch 6: Enemies Intentions
After the hustle of the castle had died down, the activities the servants and guards took place at a normal pace. However, one room was mostly quiet. The kings thrown room was dark, only two lanterns were light showing the kings' shadowed form, but in front of him was another figure, bowing deeply. It was covered with a cloak, concealing it from any on-lookers.
"When shall the attack begin, my lord?" it asked, revealing it to be a male with a deep voice.
"Soon," the king answered.
"And of your Rider? Does he know of this?"
"In time."
"If I may ask, how have his battles been?" the cloaked silhouette asked his king, turning his head up toward him. "Has he found the enemy's weakness?"
"Not yet, he should find it in our next battle."
"If I may be so bold as to say that I believe he is not telling you everything, my lord."
Galbatorix blinked at this, his gaze turning down on the man. "Why do you say this?"
"It has been just over three years my king and he has not found his weakness. I would say he has been lying to you, my lord." The man now stood up straight, revealing him to be quite tall, perhaps six feet. "You have the power to enter his mind, yet you trust him completely. Have you not thought that he may have come up with some excuse?"
"He is the son of my most loyal follower, Morzan himself. He would not dare lie to me!"
"My apologize," the figure bowed. "About this plan of your's, when shall I leave?"
"Tonight. The Varden is weak with few men after every battle. You will have to gain their trust before this plan can be put into action."
Nara was walking down the quiet corridor doing her respected chores. She was on her way to the kitchen when she had heard muffled voices through the large door to her left. After a moment of listening she quietly ran to another door so she could listen in. Something in her gut told her that she had to know what was going on. This could end up getting me killed, she thought as she leaned in on a servant's door. There she could hear the voices clearer.
"When shall the attack begin, my lord?" a deep voice asked the king.
"Soon," Galbatorix answered.
"And of your Rider? Does he know of this?"
"In time."
The blonde girl continued listening. She heard that they were planning an attack on the Varden, A small gasp escaped her lips, If the Varden looses there will be only more pain and death. Throughout her time as the King's servant, she had always supported the Varden and their work. Her father often spoke of the Varden and their goal to save Alagaesia from the last of the old Riders. She was intrigued with stories of the Riders and when it was possible, she would look for books or scrolls to learn as much as she could. Her attention went back to her ride with the Rider and red dragon. She had asked him one more question before they landed at the castle.
"If you could… would you join the Varden? I mean, if you had a choice to leave Galbatorix?" the servant asked slowly.
"I'm not sure that would be safe information for you to know." Murtagh answered looking at her. "The king would most likely kill you and I for even thinking such things."
"I know, he's also a Rider, able to enter the mind as if it were his. Little care for your privacy. Searching for the answer he wants to know with ease. I don't fear death, for I have seen so much of it." She said, looking at Murtagh. "I would like the Varden to win, to save the innocent people from suffering and I would like you and Thorn to be free. People should be free to choose, not live in fear like so many do now."
Murtagh watched her, taking every word she said. He wanted that too, freedom to choose. But the fact that Galbatorix knowing both of their names didn't help them only made the situation worse. He was a prisoner. Until that bond is broken, he and Thorn would remain as she was, a captive.
Nara stopped thinking when she heard the voices on the other side of the door stop. She held her breath. When they continued she exhaled. That was close, she thought, blinking. Just then, a hooded man opened the door and looked right at her, grabbing her shoulder roughly and dragged her inside. The door closed, "Listening to our conversation, were you?" the king asked calmly. His eyes were fixed on the young girl and the man let her go, but stayed behind her.
She bowed her respect. "Forgive me my Lord." Her voice was now shaking as was her body under his stare.
"What did you hear?" the man seethed.
"Now, now," Galbatorix shushed him. "Perhaps she'll be of some assistance with this plan of ours." Nara slowly looked up, scared for what he would use her for. "You may need her to accompany you on your little voyage to the Varden. I'm sure you could find a way to get her to play a decent role in our plans. The Varden will fall in both of your hands," he chuckled.
His intentions were to have her help them destroy the Varden. She had never wanted to get caught in this situation. "Are you sure about this my Lord?"
The king stopped when the man spoke, "She'll keep her mouth quiet about this little event. Killing her won't work when she could help us bring the Varden's actions to a halt and wipe them all out, down to every last man, woman and child if need be."
"Very well," the cloaked figure grinned darkly. "We shall leave immediately." He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her along. She tried to protest with small pain-filled cries and pry his hand away. There was nothing she could do, she was about to be used for some dark sinister purpose, and against the Varden. Surprisingly, her thoughts went back to her conversation with Murtagh and what she told him. Some way, she would help them; freedom was something every living thing should have. Even Murtagh and Thorn should have that right to be free.
Nasuada was pacing back and forth in her study, impatient. Orrin came walking in, "What is it Nasuada?" he asked, concerned.
"Where is Eragon? I thought he would have been back buy now. It's been nearly two weeks." She replied, as if it should have been obvious.
"I'm sure that dragons have their time too until the eggs come. Also, when they are laid they need to be given a special spell so they don't hatch without a Rider. Don't forget, you agreed that it may take a while before we have some Riders on our side."
"I know that," she growled, still clearly impatient with the thought of having to wait. "Why are you in here?"
"Well, I could use some help with an experiment I'm working on," King Orrin said.
"No," she went back to pacing back and forth. There was knock on the door. "Come in."
"Lady Nasuada," one of the Jormundur bowed as she entered, Roran behind him. "We have reports that soldiers under Galbatorix have retreated some and are grouping in larger masses."
Nasuada cursed, for a lady to curse under such circumstances really meant she wasn't happy. "Very well, but we can't go to battle yet, not without Eragon. We could loose more men and be defenseless."
"Milady," Roran started, "has there been any news of Eragon?"
She shook her head. "With each passing day, we are getting closer to battle. The king want's us attack. He wouldn't be pulling out so many men and return with more if he weren't up to something. We need Eragon, if they decide to cross the borders; we will most likely be defeated without him. But perhaps they don't know he's gone and are retreating because of fear."
"Most likely not," Orrin said. "Galbatorix may have a strategy."
"Either way we can't go into battle without our Rider. They would discover we are missing our most powerful warrior."
"What if they send…" Roran started, "the enemy Rider?" she stopped so no one would know that the enemy Rider was Murtagh. "If they send him we would be at a disadvantage, just as we are either way."
"You are right, Stronghammer." Nasuada stopped pacing and sat down. "We make no move. Hopefully Eragon shall return soon. With the advances the enemy is making, we may find them approaching either way."
"Yes Lady Nasuada," Jormundur and Roran bowed before exiting, closing the door behind them.
Orrin was left in the room, watching Nasuada think. "Being a leader isn't easy," he smiled.
"You came here because…?"
"I could still use some help on an experiment," he answered for the second time.
"No," she said, watching the man leave without another word.
Oromis, Noria and Eragon exited the hut to meet Queen Islanzadi, greeting her with the respectful gesture – which, she returned. Arya was beside her and they paid their respect to her as well – she still carried the eggs which other elves helped her. "I had to come and see it with my own eyes," the Queen of the elves said.
"Kinyor, my partner, has gone out to eat with Saphira," Noria replied softly. "They should be back shortly." She walked up to her queen and showed her the silver mark on the palm of her hand.
Islanzadi smiled brightly. "I am glad that there is at least one elf who will be a Rider. I shall wait until your companion returns from his lunch."
In a matter of moments, Saphira and a small dragon approached with graceful strides, there attention focused on one another. After a second they both looked forward to see their guests calmly awaiting their arrival. Where you waiting for us? Saphira asked. The small silver dragon was leaning closer to his mother as they did. He knew the others, but the one in the fancy clothing made him slightly uncomfortable. A smile was on the queens' face as she witnessed this little blessing. Kinyor looked slowly from Islanzadi to his partner and squeaked happily before running to her on his short legs. Noria knelt down to greet him and scooped him up gently as he nuzzled his head in her neck. This action reminded Eragon of a cat and smiled at the sight.
"You have done a wonderful job, Saphira." The queen greeted the blue dragon. "A fine young dragon and a wonderful dam to nurture him, I am excited to see the rest of your offspring. This is truly one of the greatest moments in the history of the Riders, to refill the skies after their downfall."
"It is a new age for Riders," Oromis spoke, Glaedr walking up beside him as he suddenly felt weak. "One that will take our place."
"Ebrithil," Eragon said, reaching out to help him. Noria hurriedly came up to her father.
"I am fine you two. You should continue to think about the future to come."
"Arya told me that she has searched for any other Riders here in Ellemera and found none." Islanzadi added. "I think it is time she looks for human children and others to see who may be a Rider there. The sooner the Riders are found the sooner the war may end. Though we have gained another, Galbatorix still has one egg of his own and if it hatches we will have two on both sides, unless these four find Riders. And Galbatorix's army may be planning to make a move on Surda. It would be devastating to come to find our allies attacked without their Rider."
Eragon nodded at this, "Since Arya needs to reach the Varden and begin her search there, she should travel with you and Saphira. It would be faster than travel by horse." The queen continued.
"We shall leave as soon as possible." Eragon answered.
"I shall have some supplies prepared for your journey." With that, the elf walked off quickly to have them ready.
"May you three be safe on your way," Noria said, still beside her father.
"Aye," the Rider answered, "will you two be alright?"
"Yes, I shall watch over him."
"Be wise in your battles, Eragon." The male elf advised. "Remember what you've learned. Take care of each other." He looked at the Rider and dragon.
"I will, ebrithil."
Glaedr seemed to smile at his pupil. Same goes for you Saphira.
Yes, ebrithil.
"We shall see each other again," Noria told Eragon as he helped the princess mount the dragon. "Perhaps beside each other in battle."
"Perhaps we shall," Eragon replied as he ascended on Saphira – who was currently saying good-bye to her son with a nuzzle and pulled back.
Watch over him, she said, turning to Noria, who nodded.
"I will."
"Saphira, don't forget we have to get our supplies." Eragon reminded her.
"Of course, little one." She sighed, as she backed away and stretched her long wings and jumped upward, lifting her body into the air – leaving the two Riders behind.
Alright there's the next chapter, again sorry for the long update, college and writers block can only help you so much. Hopefully you enjoyed it. Reviews are appreciated and thank you for reading.