Ivy Rae
I closed the door to my cabin and breathed a sigh of relief. My heart was pounding like crazy, as if I'd just run to Singapore and back. I'd had get myself out there, before I did something I would possibly regret in the morning. Sure, I was attracted to the captain. Very much attracted. But I knew whatever feelings I had for him; all but the lust in it wasn't returned. It wasn't exactly a secret that he was, frankly, a man whore. But a damn sexy one at that.
I flopped down on my bed and let out a frustrated sigh before closing my eyes and attempting to drift off.
However, to no avail. After lying there staring at my eyelids for a good hour or so, I sat up and crossed my legs Indian style. Damn that Captain Sparrow for plaguing my thoughts to a point of sleeplessness!
I went out on deck and, to my dismay and yet relief, my captain was not out and about still. I leaned over the railing and looked out at the starry sky and the crescent moons light rippling over the mild waves and smiled softly, taking in a whiff of air. Perhaps a life at sea truly was for me. Maybe, in some far off land, I could stay on this ship with my pirate captain sailing the world forever. As I thought such peaceful and yet naive things, I was unaware that I had company now.
Suddenly there was a strong arm about my waist, a hand over my mouth and I was then pinned up against the mast. I tried to fight, and mentally kicked myself for letting my guard down.
"Calm down now lovely, this won't 'urt if ye don't struggle," a voice cooed in my ear, one I didn't recognize. I looked up to see one of the newer crew members grinning down at me, his breath reeking of rum, his eyes bloodshot. I tried to pull back and he pressed himself to me. His mouth crashed down on mine, more to silence me than anything, and I could feel his hardened trouser snake pressing to my leg. Not good.
His hand began manhandling my breast and I whimpered and started to shake. I tried to push him away, but his hand caught both of my wrists and pinned them above my head. I winced and fearful tears rolled down my cheeks. God no, not again!
Jack Sparrow
She's warming up to me...I knew it. I could tell by the way she looked at me, undressing me with her piercing, illustrious eyes. I was doing the same to her, but I was able to conceal it, of course. I should have taken the chance and stolen a kiss from her lips. She would have slapped me for being so bold, but it would have been worth the risk. Besides, she probably wanted me to do it. I watched as she quickly left my presence. She scurried away to her room as if she was a frightened mouse. Not one time did she look back. I told her good night, but all she did was continue on walking. I couldn't help but to smile with flattery and feel proud that I've made a woman feel uncomfortable...in a good way, of course.
Once she was safely inside her cabin, I decided to walk over to the far side of the ship to enjoy a few more quiet moments with the star lit sky. I was fortunate to catch a glimpse of a shooting star making it's way across the darkened horizon. I remembered when I was a young lad that I used to make wishes when I'd see a shooting star. However, I quickly realized that the wishes I made never came true, and as a result, I gave up on hoping and wishing altogether. After a few moments of recolection, a sudden unsettling feeling overcame me. Something was not right. I had the sudden urge to go to the other side of the ship. I followed my instincts and made my way over to where Ivy's quarters were, and discovered the reason for my alarm...
Standing just a few feet away from me by the mast was Ivy, with one of my newer crewmen standing in front of her. I was too far away to see what was happening, but I knew it wasn't good. I quietly crept closer to them and realized to my horror that Ivy was being manhandled. Her arms were stretched over her head. There was a sea of tears streaming down her face. The crewman groped her breasts and kissed her neck. When he came up for air, he began to speak.
"Mmmm...ye taste delicious..."
"Get…off…" Ivy growled, trying to remain firm even though it was clear how scared she was.
At that moment, I noticed the man press his body even harder against her body. He then began to push down her trousers and unfasten his own. Before he could do any of that, I quickly withdrew my pistol from my sash and took a few steps closer to them. Luckily, the man had his back facing me. As soon as I made it over to where they stood, I quickly pressed the barrel of my pistol against the back of his skull.
"Let go of her before I spill your brains all over the deck and throw your pathetic lifeless body into the sea." I growled as I cocked the pistol.
He froze and quickly released his grip on Ivy. She quickly ran away from him, sobbing.
"Ivy go into my quarters and lock the door." I ordered.
She nodded and ran into my cabin.
"Gibbs, Milford, McNulty!" I yelled.
Gibbs ran down from the wheel while the other two crewmates ran from below deck.
"Aye Jack what seems ta be the problem?" Gibbs asked as he approached us.
"It seems that our new crewmate here has committed a very heinous crime." I replied.
"What did he do?" Gibbs asked.
"He tried to force himself on Miss Ivy Rae. Luckily I got here on time before he could do any more harm."
"What do ya want us ta do to 'im Capn'?" McNulty asked.
I walked from behind the scoundrel with my pistol still pointing at his head to face him.
"Throw his ass in the brig until I decide the proper punishment for him. If you ask me, he doesn't deserve to live...You know, I should just shoot you now and throw you overboard. Better yet, instead of killing you first, I should throw you overboard and let the sharks tear you apart while you're alive."
Suddenly, the man fell to his knees and began pleading.
"Please Capn' spare me! I'm sorry for what I did! I was not in me right mind! Please Capn'..."
"Oh shut it! McNulty, Milford! Throw his ass into the brig." I growled as the two crewmen roughly grabbed his arms and dragged him below deck.
Gibbs and I watched as he kicked and screamed as they dragged his pathetic body away.
"Is the lass alright, Jack?" Gibbs asked.
"I hope so...I'm going to check on her right now." I replied as I began to walk towards my cabin.
"Jack!" Gibbs yelled. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.
"What do ya plan on doin' to him?"
I thought for a moment before answering. "I'll leave his punishment up to Ivy..."
I then walked over to my cabin and knocked on the door.
"Ivy, it's Jack..."
She unlocked the door and peered from behind it before letting me in. She walked over to my bed and sat down. I watched her for a few moments before joining her. She was very distressed. Her face was flushed, eyes swollen with tears. She avoided eye contact.
"Are you alright, love?" I ask softly.
She was silent for a few moments before nodding her head.
"Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine." She replied softly, rubbing her arms when he had grabbed her.
I gently touched her left arm and examined it. There were small circular bruises from where his hands had been on her. She winced at my touch. I grew angrier with each bruise I discovered.
"I threw him in the brig. He won't hurt you or anyone else anymore..."
"What are you going to do to him?"
I looked at her with a wicked smile. "I think it's only fair that you decide his punishment, love."
She forced a soft smile, but tears still rolled down her already reddened cheeks.
"Shhh love...it's alright. You're safe now." I said as I hugged her. She rested her head against my chest as more tears streamed down her face.
After a few moments, her cries subsided, and she lifted her head to look at me. Her sapphire eyes were even more beautiful when they were glossed over with tears.
"Tell me everything that happened..." I said as I wiped the tears away from her eyes with the pads of my thumbs. She sighed heavily and turned her head.
"If it's too difficult to talk about, you don't have to say anything right now…"
"No...I'm fine. I need to talk about it. Besides…I feel as though you should know," she replied as she held back tears.
"Tell me why this incident distresses you so much...did something happen to you in the past?"
Her sapphire eyes widened and welled up with more tears. I then braced myself for what she was about to tell me. I just hope that that bastard did not do anything else to her...
Ivy Rae
I looked to my pirate captain and slowly worked up my courage. He saved me, and obviously did care for me as much as I cared for him. And so, it felt only right that should tell him what had happened to me.
"All right, fine. I'll tell you. But only after you promise you won't pity me for it and promise you won't tell anyone. This does not leave this cabin."
"You have my word, love," he replied smiling to me as he crossed his heart with his left hand and rose his right one. I smiled softly and nodded.
"Thank you, Jack." I sighed, working up my courage. "It happened just before I ran away…the first time I had ever met my fiancé…"