(This is for u Norrington! You stiff-necked wig-wearing-do-gooder) Norry haha it is to laugh)

Never Again

By: Rockin' Robin

Another day, another problem. But, little did Mr. Commodore Norrington know it was his. "No taxes shouldn't be raised my daughter has a wedding to plan!" Governor Swann boomed in the debate room of the courthouse. All the big wigs were there and also some military men like Mr. Commodore. "Uhhhh, this is going to drag on forever," Norrington thought sighing of pure and udder boredom. They had sat there debating over taxes for over three hours! One side was for raising taxes and one side wasn't. Commodore laughing randomly in his head as he saw fists shaking and old faces of big wigs sweating from yelling. Then, all of sudden his put his hand to his head and felt a sudden urge to itch his head. Looking over at the thermostat it was eighty degrees in the room. "Good grief, how cold are these big wigs?!" Norrington screamed in his head looking frustrated at the temperature. His itch then became more and more horrible as Norrington thought. He didn't know whether to turn down the temperature, scratch, or both! Commodore knew if he were asked to be excused they would turn him down or ask his opinion on the debate. So, he stayed put, twitching his foot and frowning. Finally he couldn't take it anymore after sitting there red faced in torment and heat. "Well, I think we've done it we should-," Governor Swann started before they heard Norrington yell, "AHHHHHHH I CAN'T THIS ITCH ANYMORE!!!!!!" Norrington yelled as he ripped off his wig and scratched the living heck out of his head and after turning down the thermostat.

"JAMES NORRINGTON WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS FOOLISHNESS!" Governor Swann shrieked standing up out of his seat. Norrington's face then went rosey red and said nervously, "S-S-Sorry gentlemen excuse me." As he left he could feel daggers being shot at him by the piercing eyes of the big wigs especially Governor Swann. Governor Weatherby was the one who insisted Norrington was a good man to come. As the humiliated Commodore walked down the hall he screamed in his head, "Never again! Never again will I go to those debates again! It was boring and smelling like old sweat and hot tea bags." Down the hall and out the door Commodore James Norrington then let out a big hearty laugh and he realized then he didn't care that was really, really stupid. He hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. But, then he heard, "COMMORDORE JAMES NORRINGTON MY OFFICE NOW!" Rolling his eyes he sighed in his head, "Another day, another problem."


We'll MISS YOU! (cries)