It was that day, The day they had all been dreading.
The day they had to lay their fellow castaways to rest.
Ana-Lucia was staring down at the body. She couldn't believe it was happening. This time a week ago the two of them had been sitting in the hatch, laughing and joking and reminiscing about their lives before the island. She had found herself feeling certain things for him, and had been about to tell him of her feelings before it happened. She hadn't wanted him to go out there in the first place, she had told him and told him that it was too dangerous and that she should go instead. She had told him that she would go out there with the rest of them, and that he didn't need to worry about a thing.
And now it was too late. Ana looked across to Locke, who was standing a few yards away from her. He was staring down at another grave, at another body. Locke had known that whatever he said wouldn't have made a difference. They had all made up their mind to go on a wild goose chase into the jungle before he could even try to stop them.
Locke noticed Shannon out of the corner of his eye. She was standing nearby, frozen and rooted to the spot. She was staring down at another grave. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Ana-Lucia looked at Hurley and Libby. Libby was crying into Hurley's shoulder. Hardly able to look at them, Ana looked to Charlie, who was sitting further away from them, curled up into a ball, rocking back and forth. She sighed and began to walk towards him when she noticed Sawyer, standing yards away from Charlie. He had something in his hand, a piece of paper maybe. He was concentrating hard on it, before crumpling it up in his hand and stuffing it back in his pocket. He noticed her staring and fixed on her, glowering at her. Ana looked away, feeling embarrassed, when something else caught her eye.
Sun was heading into the jungle. Ana's eyes widened and she immidiately went after her, followed by Kate who suddenly appeared as if out of nowhere.
"Sun! Wait!" Ana yelled as she passed the others, who began to stare. "Sun!"
They caught up to her and grabbed her, "Sun, what are you doing?" Kate asked, panting.
Sun glanced up at them. Her eyes were red, and now they were filled with tears again.
"I can't do this. I.. I want them to kill me. I want them to kill me, because I can't go on. Not anymore."
Ana and Kate exchanged glances. Kate looked as though she was going to burst into tears. "Sun.. come on. Come with us, we can't lose you, too." Ana said, putting an arm around her, "Come on. Just.. come over here. Please, don't do this. We've lost enough people as it is."
With that, Sun burst into tears. Kate put another arm around her and Sun began to cry into her shoulder. Ana, aided by Kate, brought Sun away from the jungle. They couldn't risk going back there again, not after what happened. The bastards had probably already raided the hatch aswell.
They went further away from the others, and Ana let go of Sun. "Could you stay with her for a while? I.. need to help them, over there." She said sadly, indicating further away where Sawyer, Hurley and John were beginning to bury the bodies.
Kate forced a smile. "Sure.. we're okay over here. I'll come and help soon, I promise."
"Take your time." Ana said, nodding at Kate and smiling at Sun, who managed to look up at her, but there was no trace of a smile. Ana began walking back to the graves, where everyone had began to pitch in. "Are we okay over here?" She asked.
"Yeah, just dandy." Sawyer said sarcastically, though Ana could tell that he was hurting just as much as the rest of them. "We're gonna have to have everyone helping, what with the fact that there's over twenty bodies to bury.."
"I know." Ana said, hanging her head. "I'll help you."
"I'm fine over here Ana Lulu, but if you could make a start on the one over there I'd be real grateful."
Ana looked around and noticed which body he was talking about. She turned back, feeling reluctant. "Jack?" She mumbled.
"Yeah, Jack," Sawyer growled, "Got a problem with that?"
There was a little silence inwhich Ana and Sawyer stared at eachother, each one at a loss for words. Then.. "No. No problem."
"Good. You can make a start then?" Sawyer said huskily, digging up some sand and throwing it down into the grave.
Ana gave him a small, sad smile. "Sure." She said, turning away from him. As she stared down at Jack's body, she felt empty. She wanted to blot it all out, all of the feelings she had had (and still had) for him, all of the great times they'd had with oneanother, right up to their very first meeting before the crash.
"You gonna make a start there Cupcake?" She heard Sawyer's impatient voice from behind her.
"Just a sec.." She mumbled quietly, her eyes fixed on Jack's body. She sighed and felt the tears well up in her eyes. She hadn't meant for it to end up like this. She knew it was all her fault, but was ashamed to admit to it. She just wished she could turn back time and stop him from going.
With that, Ana grabbed a shovel, deciding to forget every little feeling she had felt for Jack before his death, and remember the happier times, before things had gotten so complicated. But as she began to bury him, She also began to cry.
They all began to help, help bury the people they had befriended since the crash. The people that they had become fond of, and the people they were now having to say goodbye to. But there were many more, not just Jack and the others. Atleast thirty people had been killed.
Ana looked around at the others, at Sawyer, Locke, Shannon, Kate, Sun, Libby, Charlie and Hurley.
They were the only ones left.