HI!!!! This is my first ever fanfic so please help me out! This story is also not yet beta-ed so if there is anyone who wants to beta it please contact me! .

Dedication is to Karin ochibi-chan who helped me find out how to use this thing. (the elephants are gone!!!! .) & also to Soren Talen who helped me be able to go to Otakon! THNX BUNDLES!!! And finally my friend Christina who got me back into the world of Anime.

Now Without Further interruptions I give you "Nightstar"

Her breaths are short as she gains more speed trying to outrun her violet haired companion as her red dress trails swiftly behind her along with her raven hair.

'A quick turn past a pillar and I'm home bound' She thought silently.

The two children were playing the earthly game called 'capture the flag'. Although, at first the raven haired child did not understand the concept of the game she quickly learned. She, now, had the flag and was running towards her base to be able to win the game. The problem: She can't run in a dress. So after a few little less than violent falls her amethyst haired friend was gaining speed and fast. All the midnight haired child would have to do is turn past this up coming marble pillar and---


She fell right on her face.

Her friend's footsteps where becoming increasingly louder on the marble floor. She needed to get up and fast. She quickly picked up her red princess-style dress, her sapphire eyes making a quick glance behind her to see if her forest eyed friend was gaining, hoisted her self up and made a mad dash for her base which just so happened to be the Grand Ruler's chambers.

When she arrived she had completely forgotten something. "THE FLAG!" the ocean eyed child cried out, making a young auburn haired emerald eyed woman cry out in surprise.

"Mar'iander! What has happened to you?" the child with said name looked sheepish.

"I was just playing with April Mama.'' She stated and as if on cue the emerald eyed child burst into the room laughing.

"Mar'i, you forgot the flag!" She giggled receiving a death glare from Mar'i and a sigh from her mother.

"Capture the flag again?" The red haired woman asked, though it sounded more like a question.

"OH! Your highness Empress Koriand'r I didn't know you were here." April said picking up the ends of her lavender princess dress and doing a quick curtsey. The Queen gently nodded her head as a sign to stop.

"Mar'i, look at your dress it's ripped and beaten." Koriand'r stated clearly upset with her child.

"But Mama running in a dress is so hard. I don't even like wearing this dress I feel to fluffy." The five-year old shot back at her mother.

"Come now we have to get you another one from your closet. April, would you excuse us for a moment?" The Violet haired child nodded and bowed once more as the Queen and her daughter left.

Mar'i's room

"How about this light pink one Mar?" Her mother said holding up a light pink dress with sleeves off the shoulder and a small lace bow around the center that tied in the back.

"I'm not wearing any of them!" The child yelled at her mother. "I don't want to wear dresses, or crowns, or fancy jewelry Mommy." By now the child was brewing tears in the corners of her eyes as she held her 'Robin' pillow in her arms.

"Then what do you want my dear?" Koriand'r asked concerned. The reply came muffled from the pillow.

"Pardon me?" The Queen asked hoping she would speak up.

"I want….daddy." She sniffled. She turned toward her mother the tears now evident on her face.

"Why is he back on Earth? Why doesn't he want to see me? Doesn't he love me Mama?" Small sobs escaping the child's lips.

Empress Koriand'r looked at her child with sympathy. "Your daddy loves you more than you will ever know my child; he is on Earth right now because he's trying to protect it. I send him pictures of you all the time and he misses you dearly."

"He does?" The young raven-haired girl asked astonished.

"Yes, very much. He actually wants you to come to Earth to see him sometime when you're older."

"Me? Go to Earth?" Still astonished she climbed onto her mothers lap. Her mother just nodded in reply.

"But first you have to become a princess. Like I know you are." The child smiled at her mother and then glanced at her nightstand where a picture of her father, mother, and herself as a baby. Her mother looked as young as 18 in a purple skirt with matching thigh length boots and a purple tang top to go with it. On her upper arm a band that every Tamaranean gets at birth. She wore armored gloves as well as a chest plate on her for protection. As for her father, his midnight black hair cam down to his waist and he was in some kind of black jumpsuit with a blue bird embroided in the middle. His eyes, a deep blue like the ocean at midnight his ever present mask was in the hands of a one-year old baby girl with matching blue eyes and hair who was currently putting it up to her eyes making herself resemble her father even more.

"Ok Mama I'll wear the dress…..for daddy." She said the last part with eagerness. Her mother smiled brightly at her ebony haired child, but it quickly faded when an explosion was heard not to far from them.

"You're Highness Komamd'r is --!" One of the Queens many guards tried to inform her, but was cut short with a purple starbolt blast to the back. He fell, lifeless, to the floor with a thump.

"Oh, sister dear! How have you been?" Komand'r asked venom dripping from her every word.

"Quickly, hide under the bed Mar'i." Koriand'r whispered to her daughter, who hesitantly agreed.

"I told you that you were banished many years ago sister. Meaning 'Don't come back'." Koriand'r icily told her purple clad sister who at the present moment was fiddling with her ebony hair.

"I know but when I heard that you had a daughter AND became grand ruler I flew back as quickly as I could, I don't want you taking my spot." Komand'r replied.

"Sister, please leave at once I don't want to hurt you." The Grand Ruler ordered her elder sister who laughed in reply.

"I'm not the one who's going to get hurt." Every word was laced with malice. And as soon as the words left her mouth the purple clad woman summoned a powerful purple energy from her hands and aimed it straight towards the Grand Ruler.

"STOP! DON'T HURT HER!!" Mar'i cried, her hiding spot forgotten as she ran in front of her mother.

"Oh, well who's this?" The elder sister said as she flew over and picked the young princess up by the collar.

"Leave her out of this! This does not concern her! You should consider yourself a coward for trying to bring her into this!" The Queen of Tamaran cried, tears beginning to for in the corners of her emerald eyes.

"Mama, help me please!" The five-year old struggled out of her amethyst aunt's grip and fell with a light thump to the floor.

"Ah, so she belongs to you huh?" Komand'r replied, eyes now turning a deep purple in rage.

"Mar'i, find a ship and get out of here!" Her mother ordered the ocean eyed girl sternly. But the stubborn princess wouldn't listen even as her mother was pushing her towards the door.

"I have to stay and help you Mama!" The girl cried tears running down her face. Her mom smiled at her young child her forest eyes shining with unshed tears.

"I promise you I'll be okay." That only went to show how naïve she was.

"Okay. I'm going to go get help Mama! Mar'i whispered, her eyes, once full of tears, now full of determination. "I'll come back I promise! I'll save you from her!" her mother just smiled for the last time.

"How touching but I have t o kill both of you so you just might want to stay my niece." Komand'r said interrupting their Kodak moment, her fist now completely purple. Koriand'r slowly stood green eyes gleaming in anger. Her fist matched her elder sister but only it was green energy formed in her fist.

"Mar'i RUN!!!!!!" Her mother screamed as her raven haired sister launched the first starbolt. The sapphire eyed child willingly obliged and ran as fast as she could to the shuttle (where the ships are held) a plan set in her mind and determination running through her young veins. Her plan? Find a ship, go to Earth, find her father, bring him back to save her Mama. (A/n: sound like someone?) Hearing her mother's screams behind her she ran quicker. Once there she found a ship just big enough for her to fit in and took it without hesitation. She punched in the necessary information and set it to auto pilot and sighed hoping she was safe. But just as the ship began to lift off the ground Komand'r flew in and hit the side of it causing the young midnight haired child to scream in pain and became rendered unconscious.

WOOP!! Finally finished the prologue I'm barely making 5 pages but I have 1,599 words!!! Took me two days to finish I hope you like it. More to come I promise.

Read & review!!!!! Please!!!!!!!